Bath County NcArchives Court.....Road Assistance, Residents Seek ca. 1703-1707 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Guy Potts August 27, 2008, 2:54 am Source: Colonial Records Written: ca. 1703-1707 Petition to Governor and Council ca. 1703-1707 To the Honorable Governor and Councell The Petition of the inhabitants of the County of Bath humbly sheweth. That whereas the road betwinn this county and Pamtecoe being now in very good order and the bridges genirally made, and that the Nuse River continually haveing inhabitants comeing thither and the road from Pamtecoe thither being very obscure whereby straingers are in a great deficulty to finde the way thither without a guid, wherefore wee pray that your honors would be pleased to pass an order that the inhabitants upon the south side of Pamtecoe River includeing Squire Readings and so runing down the south side of the said river shall be oblidged to goe upon the dayes appointed by Act of Assembly upon the said road and the same to clear half way to the Nuse, and the inhabitants of the Nuse oblidged to clear the other part of the said road, and shall pray. Thomas Dereham, Umphrey Legg, John Lawson, Levi Truewhitt, James Leigh [Endorsed] The Petition about the Roads [NC Colonial Records - Records of the Executive Council, 1664-1734, p. 401] File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 1.9 Kb