Bath County NcArchives Wills.....Salter, Edward 1734 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Nola Duffy September 1, 2010, 6:20 pm Source: N C Willis & Estates - Grimes Written: 1734 EDWARD SALTER'S WILL NORTH CAROLINA. SC. IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN. The Sixth day of January, in the year of our Lord Christ, one thousand seven hundred thirty, and four, I, Edward Salter of Bath County, in the Province aforesaid, Merchant, being sick in body but of sound and perfect mind and memory, (God be praised) Do make and ordain this my Last Will and Testament in manner and Form following, That is to say: Imprimis, I Commend and Resign my Soul to Almighty God, my Maker, hoping for Salvation through the Merets of My Blesed Saviour Christ Jesus. My Body, I desire may be decently interred according to the Discretion of my wife and Executors hereafter named. Item, I will and Desire that all my Just Debts may with all Convenient speed be truly and honestly paid. Item. I Give and Bequeath unto my loving Wife Elizabeth, (after the payment of my Debts and Legacies), One Third part of all my personal Estate on or after a Just Division by my Executors to be made, but so to be apportioned as that none of the slaves hereafter named by me devised and alloted to be part of the Residue or other Two Thirds of my personal Estate given and bequeathed unto my Children, be taken or included as part of her said Third part of my personal Estate. Item. I Give, Devise and bequeath unto my Children, Vizt: unto my son Edward, and unto my Daughters, Sarah, Mary, and Susannah, all the Rest and Residue of my personal Estate Wheresoever being, or to be found, to be Divided among them in and among which, and as Part of the said Residue by me hereby to my Children given. My Will is that the Slaves by me hereafter immediately named shall be accounted, taken and reserved for my said Children. Vizt: Diego, Peter, George, Priamus the Shoe maker, Toney and Black Wall both Coopers, young Priamus, Aberdeen, Cimrick, Tom a boy which I bought of Mr. Pilkington, Moses Nann, a negro woman which I Purchased of Mr. Churchill Reading, Mary Ann a negro woman which I purchased of the Executors of the Estate of Colonel Thomas Harvey, deceased, Violet a negro woman which I purchased of Mr. Cannon, and hannah a negro Girl, together with their increase which shall or may belong to me at my decease, as also my largest Periauger with her Anchor, Cable and Sails. And My Will is That none of these Slaves by me afore mentioned and named, be Sold or disposed of on any consideration whatsoever otherwise than to be divided among my Said Children, (as follows) and their respective parts together with the rest of their respective por- tions or parts of my Estate to be delivered to them by my Executors according to my Direction herein. Vizt: First, I Bequeath unto my Daughter, Sarah Salter, what- ever she hath now in her possession at Cape Fear, together with Sundry necessaries That I have sent for to Mr. George Monk, of Boston, to be Directed to Mrs. Porter for her use, which above articles I desire may not Come into the Division of my Estate. Item. I Further Bequeath unto my said Daughter Sarah, my Negro man Aberdeen, my Negro man Tom, my negro Girl Named Hannah, also my Negro Girl named Teresa now about Sixteen or Eighteen months old, being the Child of Mary Ann, also Twenty Cows and twenty Calves, Ten (two year old) Cattle, Five (three year old) steers, and Five (one year old) heifers, Two likely young Mares and one likely young Stone horse, also two hundreds pounds (or value) of the said province Bills as their Value now is. And if Madam Sarah Porter of Cape Fear (in whose care my said daughter, Sarah, now is) shall think proper after my decease to continue her Care and Tuition of her, my desire is that my Executors hereafter named may (immediately after my decease, on the motion of the Said Madam Porter), deliver the negroes and other Effects by me bequeathed unto my said Daughter, Sarah, (Excepting the two hundred pounds which is not to be paid till Eighteen months after my decease) unto Madam Sarah Porter, so that the said Madam Porter may have the Labour of the Slaves for the maintenance of my sd Daughter Sarah Salter. My will is that my Executors may take Se- curity of the said Mrs. Porter, for the Delivery of the Slaves and other Effects as above said, unto my said Daughter, Sarah, at her day of marriage or when she arrives to the full age of eighteen years (mortality excepted), and in Case my Said Daughter, Sarah Salter, should die before she be of the age Eighteen years, or day of Marriage; I will that then what Estate she shall own or which of right shall then to her belong shall be equally Divided between her said Brother and said Sisters. Note, my Executors are to Observe that my Daughter Sarah Salter is to be no ways burthened with any of my Debts. Item. I give and bequeath unto my Daughter, Mary Salter, the plantation which I purchased of Charles Smith, lyeing on Pamplico River, quantity about three hundred and six acres, Called in the patent, Mount Colvert; also twenty Cows and twenty Calves, five (three or four year old) steers, five (one year old) heiffers, two Mares, one young stone horse; all to be branded M S when she arrives to the age of twelve years, also, one hundred pounds of the Currency of this province to be applied by my Executors towards improving the last mentioned plantation to my said daughter, mary Salter's use. My further Will is that my said Daughter Mary may have two able slaves, (one of them being a man the other a woman) not to exceed the age of thirty years each, delivered unto her by my Executors, also one negro boy, and one negro Girl not to Exceed ten years of age each, also one feather bed and furniture, all the above effects to be delivered by my Execu- tors unto my said daughter, Mary Salter, at the day of her marriage or at the time that she shall arrive to the age of Eighteen years. Item. I give and Bequeath unto my Daughter, Susannah Salter, my Negro woman Mary Ann, and one negro man about thirty years of age, my negro Boy Named Tom (if he should live to the time alloted) if not, another in lieu of him; also, one negro Girl, not under six nor above twelve years of Age; and a good feather bed and furniture agreeable; also twenty Cows and twenty Calves, five (three or four year old) steers, five (one year old) heifers, two mares, and one young stone horse; And in Consideration that she has no Land, my will is that she, my said Daughter, Susannah, shall have five hundred pounds of the currency of this province, as the Value at this time is. All the above mentioned money and effects to be delivered by my executors to her at the day of her mar- riage, or at the time that she shall arrive to the age of Eighteen years; My Further will is that if my Executors should find that the sum of money bequeathed unto my daughter, Susan- nah, can conveniently be spared any time after my decease, and a Tract of Land or a plantation should offer for Sale, then it shall and may be lawful for my Executors to purchase the same, and to have sufficient Deeds passed as may secure it to my said Daughter, Susannah Salter, which affair I leave in- tirely to their Discretion. My Will is that my wife, Elizabeth may have the use of the plantation whereon I now dwell (which I purchased of Robert Campain), during the time that she remains my Widow, or in case the Child should live wherewith She now is big with, (to whom I shall hereafter give the said Land) ; also that my said Widow shall not be debarred from having the use of the Back Land which I purchased of John Swann for tar or Turpen- tine or as she shall think proper. My Will further is that if it shall please God the Child that my wife now goes with, should live, that then my said wife shall have the care and management of the last mentioned plantation for the use of the said Child. Item. I give and Bequeath the plantation whereon I now dwell, also the Back Land which I purchased of John Swann, of Cape Fear unto the Child that my wife is now big with; if a Boy to be Delivered to him at the age of one and twenty years; if a Girl to be Delivered to her at the day of her mar- riage, or when she shall arrive to the full age of Eighteen years. But in case the said last mentioned Child should die before it shall arrive to the day of marriage or age of Eighteen years; Then it shall be lawfull for my Executors to take the said plantation and Land into their Care and possession (observing my Directions hereinafter expressed for that purpose). Whereas, I have sold a negro Girl named Hannah, which I had given to my Daughter, Sarah Salter, in this my Last will and Testament as above, In Consideration whereof My Will is that there may be a likely negro-man, not to exceed Twenty years of age, purchased out of my Estate and given to my said Daughter, Sarah Salter, in lieu of the said negro Girl Hannah. Item. I bequeath unto my Godson, John Watkins, (son of william Watkins) a negro or Mullato Boy now about eighteen months old (being the Child of my said negro woman Nann, which I purchased of Mr. Churchill Reading), to him and his heirs for ever. Item. I Bequeath unto my son-in-law, Miles Harvey, one hundred pounds to be paid him in four years after my De- cease, being the Value as. the Bills now stand at, and no other- wise. Item. I Bequeath unto my son in law, John Harvey, Ten pounds in order to purchase him a good Beaver hat and a pair of Gloves, which money is to be paid when called for after my Decease. Item. I bequeath unto my beloved Son, Edward Salter, my best Saddle and Bridle, and one pair of Silver Spurs and Rich- ard Bloom's History of the Holy Bible, together with all the books that I shall own at my Death (be they Divinity, Law History or Mathematical), which are to be found by the Cata- logue, also my Large China Punch Bowl (which I purchased of Mr Edmond Gale). The above Goods I give to my said son, Edward Salter, as a Legacy and not to be brought into the Division of my Estate. My will is that my Brigantine now in the stocks at John Smith's, be got finished and made fit for the Sea as soon as may be (By Name The Happy Luke) and may (after she is ready for the Sea) be loaden with tar which I have in my hands, belonging to Sundry Gentlemen in Boston, as will ap- pear by my Book and papers, or by a list which I shall leave to inform my Executors; My Will also is that James Rostern proceeds Master of her. My Will further is that my Execu- tors may write two or three ways (before she Sails out of the Port of Bath) to Collo. Jacob Windall and Company, to In- sure the sum of Twelve Hundred pounds, (Boston Money) upon the said Brigantine, The Happy Luke, And my will further is, that my Brigantine The Happy Luke, may be Con- signed to Collo. Jacob Windall and Company, with positive orders for them to make sale of her to the best advantage for the use of my wife and Children; my will further is, that the money that may arise, by the Sale of the said Brigantine shall be remitted in youngable Slaves, (none to exceed the age of twenty years). Item. I bequeath unto my Said beloved Son, Edward Salter, all the remaining part of my personal Estate I have not already bequeathed, provided that he or my Executors see my Daughters fully contented, satisfied and paid their above mentioned portions, given them by me, their father, Edward Salter. Item. I further bequeath unto my Said Beloved Son, Edward Salter, all my lands scituate and lyeing on. the south side of Pamlico River (excepting what I have before bequeathed to my said loving Daughter Mary Salter) also my whole right, title and interest of all the Lands that I have under Surveys. My further Will is, that the Six hundred and fourty acres of Land lyeing on Bear creek be immediately secured by my Executors on the best terms the country will afford, which Land was formerly Surveyed by William Bartram, whose right I purchased, (Consideration twenty Cows and twenty Calves); also that the Six hundred and fourty acres of Land lyeing and being on the West Side of the Bever Dam of Grays Creek, (whereon John Arrington now dwells my tennant) be secured on the best terms my Executors can have it done. But my will and orders is that my Executors may not neglect upon any terms whatsoever to Secure the two last mentioned Tracts of Lands to my said beloved son, Edward Salter, let the Costs be small or great to perfect the same. My will is, that in case any of the aforementioned Children should die before they shall arrive to the age before men- tioned, or day of marriage, whatsoever then may be belonging to them by this my will, that then it shall be equally divided among my surviving Children let, them be younger or older which may first happen; but if any of them shall happen to die and leave any heirs Lawfully begotten of their bodies, that their heirs shall have the same right, title, and interest to the Estate as they themselves might have, if living. My Will and desire is That my last will and Testament may be proved immediately after my death, and Letters Testamentory obtained so a a Division may be made with al possible expedition, that my widdow may have her third part delivered to her after payment of my Debts and Legacies, or her giving good Security to pay her third part of them. Item. My will, intent and desire is that my Executors have the care, custody, keeping and educating my children aforesaid 'till they shall arrive to the age of twenty one years or their day of marriage. My will is that all my Children's Slaves may be kept to- gether to labour upon the Land that I have given to my said beloved son, Edward Salter, under the Care of some good honest man Such as my Executors may think proper, for the Support and education of my said Children. My singular will further is, that my said beloved son, Edward Salter, may have a thorough education to make him a compleat merchant, let the expense be what it will. My Will is that my said son, Edward Salter, may have his Estate Delivered him by my Executors, hereinafter named, when he shall arrive to the age of twenty one years, and no sooner. Lastly of this my Last will and Testament, I Make, con- stitute, nominate, appoint and order my Trusty and well beloved friend, Colo. Edward Mosely, Mr. John Odeon, Mr. John Caldam, Mr. Thomas Bonner, Mr. William Willis, and Mr. William Adams, Executors. And I hereby utterly re- voke and annul all other and former wills and Testaments by me before this time in any wise made. In Witness whereof, I have subscribed my name and Set my Seal unto this my present will and Testament, the day and year first above written. EDWARD SALTER. (his Seal) Sign'd, Seal'd and Published, In the presence of: WALLEY CHAUNCEY, BENJAMIN RIGNEY, WALTEN DIXSON. Rogt. JONES. No. CAROLINA. Before his Excelly., Gabriel Johnston Esq., His Majesty's Governor in Chief and Ordinary of the said Province: Personally appeared Benjamin Rigney and Roger Jones, two of the Witnesses to the within Last Will and Testament of Edward Salter, deceased, who being duely sworn Say, That they were present and Saw the said Edward Salter Sign, Seal Publish and Declare the Same to be his last will and Testament; and that he was at that time of Sound and disposing Mind and Memory: And that they Saw Walley Chauncy and Walter Dixon the two other Witnesses Sign their Names as Witnesses thereunto. Given at Edenton, under my hand the 5th day of February, Anno. Dom., 1734. No. CAROLINA. Before his Excelly. Gabriel Johnston Esqr. His Maj'tyes Governor in Chief and Ordinary of the Said Province: Personally appeared Edward Mosely Esqr., and William Adams, Two of the Excrs. as required of the within last Will and Testament & took the Oath of Executors as required by Law. Given at Edenton under my hand this 5th. February, anno Dom., 1734. GAB. JOHNSTON. Recorded in will Book No. 3, p 256, Office of Secretary of State. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 16.7 Kb