Beaufort County, NC - Indenture File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Carl Langford Book 21, page 364 - 365 23 Nov 1831 This Indenture made the 23rd day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred & thirty one between NOAH Woollard & SOPHIA Woollard his wife & STARKY WALLIS of the one part & THOMAS WATTERS of the other part witnessed that for & in consideration of the Sum of four dollars to the Said Noah Woollard & Sophia Woollard & his wife in hand paid by the Said, THOMAS L. WATTERS & also the sum of four dollars to the Said, STARKY WALLIS in hand paid as afore signed at or before the sealing and delivery of these present the receipt whereof they do hereby acknowledge & therefore do release acquit and discharge the Said, THOMAS L. WATERS his executors & administrators by these present they the Said NOAH WOOLLARD & SOPHIA WOOLLARD his wife & the Said STARKY WALLIS have granted, bargained & sold aliened & confined & by these present doth grant bargain Sell alein & confine unto the Said, THOMAS L. WATERS & his heirs that is to say the Said, NOAH WOOLLARD & SOPHIA his wife one tenth part & the Said, STARKY WALLIS one tenth part of land lying & in the County of Beaufort & State of North Carolina, Bounded as follows on the North side Pamptico & south side of Washington road beginning at a pine on the South side of the main road running with a line of marked trees to Martins pocosin (low swampy area) & with Martins pocosin to the little branch & with the little branch to the little dismal to Livners line to the main road & with the main road to the beginning, containing one hundred (100) acres of land be the same more or less. And all houses way waters profits & appurtenances what so ever to the Said two tenth parts in severalty hereby grant it or any part thereof belonging & the reversions, rents, appurtenances & profits thereof & also all the interest title property & claims whatsoever of them the Said, NOAH WOOLLARD & SOPHIA WOOLLARD his wife & the Said, STARKY WALLIS of in & to there tenth part each as afore signed of in & to the Said, promises & all deeds & writings to the same to have & to hold & to hold the land hereby conveyed, bargained & sold & every part & parcel thereof with there appurtenances unto the Said, THOMAS L. WATERS his heirs & afore signs forever & the Said, NOAH WOOLLARD & SOPHIA WOOLLARD and his wife & the STARKY WALLIS do covenant each for themselves in .severalty these heirs, executors, administrators by these present that they the Said NOAH WOOLARD & SOPHIA WOOLLARD & the Said, STARKY WALLIS is desired of a estate of inheritance in few simple in the promises & that the Said NOAH WOOLLARD and Sophia his wife & the Said STARK WALLIS & their heirs in severalty all & singular the promises here by bargain & sold severalty as afore signed that is to say NOAH WOOLLARD & SOPHIA WOOLLARD his wife one tenth part & the Said STARKY WALLIS one tenth part & no farther each who the Said THOMAS WATERS his heirs and afore signs against them the Said NOAH WOOLLARD & SOPHIA WOOLLARD his wife & their heirs in severalty as afore said & every person & persons whosoever will warrant & defend by these present. An witness where of they the Said parties have here unto set their hands & seals this day & year above written. John Pritnal Noah Woollard {Seal} Sophia Woollard {Seal} Starky Wallis {Seal} ============================================================== USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. The electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or for presentation by other persons or organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than stated above must obtain the written consent of the file contributor, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. ==============================================================