Will of Walter Jones, Beaufort Co., NC, 1728 Surname: Jones, Moore, Whicholson, Taylor, Badat ************************************************************************ USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Project Archives (www.usgwarchives.net) to store the file permanently for free access and not to be removed separately without written permission. ************************************************************************ Transcribed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: W. David Samuelsen - March 2002 ************************************************************************ Beaufort County, NC; Vol. 1 page 6 (original spelling retained) In the Name of God Amen, I, Walter Jones being sick of body but of perfect memory, do make ordain constitual this my last will and testament. First, I bequeath my sole to God that gave it hoping for a pardon for all my past sins, throw the merits my blesed Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and life everlasting after death and my body I do give to the Earth from whence it came to have decent Christian buriall at the discretion of my Executors and for my worly Estate as it hath pleased God to lend me my debts being first paid. I give as foloweth. Imprimus, I give to my well beloved son Simon Jones my plantation I now hlive on after the decese of my wife Dorothy Jones she to enjoy the land without any molestation during her life and after decese to him and his heirs legally begoten forever and in defalt to return to the new mall in case allso I give him all the catell of his own proper mark and one new fether Beed and Balster and pillows and also I give him all my wearing aparell lining and waling, allso I give him one frying pan and lettel yowpan pat and two chairs and two yows and lambs and his wether and all the coopers tools. Imprimius, I give to my daughter Alice Moore one shiling starling or one five shiling bill. Imprimus, I give to my daughter Bety Whicholson one shiling starling or five shilings bill. Imprimus, I give to my daughter Liscom Taylor one shiling starling or five shillings bills. Imprimus, I give to my daughter Tomsond Jones one cow and calf and one yow and lamb. Imprimus, I give unto my well beloved wife my maire and the first fold to her own disposing. Imprimus, I give all the rest of my estate as I have not disposed allredy to my wife and her two children namely Ambros and Water to be devided as they shall agree within themselves. Imprimus, I give to Elizabeth Moore, daughter of Jacob Moore one yearling hifer and her increase til she comes of age or marries. And I do contrunat and appoint my well beloved wife and my son Simon Jones my sole and whole Extr aforesd to all things contained herein. In witness hereof I have set my hand and seal 16th day of Sept 1728. Walter Jones (seal) Attest:" the mark of Jacob x Moor Philip Williams North Carolina} Beaufort} Hyde Prect} ss At a Court held at Bath Town for sd Prects on the 21st January 1728 (1729) The within mentioned Last will of Walter Jones deceased was produced in open Court and proved by the oats of Jacob Moore and Phill Williams the two subscribing evidences thereto & Dorothy Jones, alias Badat & Simo. Jones Exer & Extx took the oaths approved by law & prays administered & ordr yt the secrety have notice thereof. Test.John Matlock, Clk