Bertie COUNTY NC Bios James Jenkins Copyright. All rights reserved. File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Sharon Piche PROFILE OF JOHN JENKINS, II. SON OF JOHN OF NANSEMOND CO. John Jenkins, planter, owned considerable acreage in Bertie Co., N. C. in the 1700's. He is believed to be born aft 1728. He was married to a Mary. It is believed that he married 1) Mary Barnes, 2) Mary Willoughby. This would mean that their children were probably born in the 1750s and later. This seems to fit with the date for the youngest daughter, Keziah, being bound to Wm Carter at the age of ten in 1786. (The sons are listed first because they inherited land from John, so I do not know the order of the birth of his children. He appears to be the son of John Jenkins of Nansemond Co. The will dated 8 Feb 1779 would seem to be the will of John Jenkins II who married Mary Willougby. They had the following children: *Reddick Jenkins, received 100 acres purchased from Wm Bleze *Zadock Jenkins, received 150a with manor plantation *Charles Jenkins, received 200a; inherits from Zadock if Zadock dies without heirs *Irvin Jenkins - to inherit from Reddick if Reddick dies without heirs *Ephraim Jenkin plantation and 340a of land I bought from John Baker d. Feb 1784 Will dated 10 Jun 1780, (p. 178) land to brother, Irvin Jenkins, Wm. Cherry, Ex. *Isaac Jenkins received 300a. d. Aug. 1784 - son from 1st marrige to Mary Barnes. More documentation on this in my profile of Isaac Jenkins, son of James. His brother, Abram Jenkins, was appointed Adm. of his estate. *Winnefred Jenkins *Sally Jenkins *Abram Jenkinsb. 1757 His pension application, 18 May 1821, Bertie Co., NC gave his age as 64. This would set his his date of birth as 1757. The children are listed in order in which they were named in the will, so it would seem probable that Abram was a younger son. *Keziah Jenkins b. 1776 Bound to Wm. Carter in 1786 to learn to spin and weave Friends: Wm Cherry and James Jenkins, Jur, sole executors Witnesses: John Jinkins, Junier; Isaac Jinkins Milly (+) Howard; Debb (x) Jones. 1757 Bertie Co. Tax roll 1758 (2 polls 100 acres - Sept. 1, 1757 wit. Cader Jenkins (brother?) 1757 - Bertie Co. Tax list - district of Thomas Pierce - John Oliver, Ellicksandor Oliver, James Jenkins, John Jenkins, John Jenkins (Jr.?), Samoul Howard 1759 - Bertie Co. Tax list - John Jenkins, Sener, John Jenkins, juner, James Jenkins, John Oliver, Elexander Oliver 8 Oct 1761 William Blye of N'hampton Co. to John Jenkins, Jr. of Bertie Co., 30 lbs. proclamation. 100acres from a 640a patent to Stephen Howard 1 Feb 1725, the remaining 540a had been deeded from sd Howard to Jacob Odom dec'd of Bertie Co. on E side of Coneriserat Swp. joining Pauls Branch. Wit: Daniel Murphree, John (X) Jenkins Oct Ct CC: John Johnston 1762 - sale from John Sr. to Kader Jenkins, Jr. 18 Sept 1762 Bertie Co. Tax list - district of Joseph Hollam, Constable - John Jenkins, 1; James Jenkins - 3; John Oliver - 1; Luis Jenkins - 1; Elecksander Olliver - 2; Luis Jenkins -2; Daniel Murphree - 3; Cader Jenkins - 1; Samuel Howard - 1; K:227 21 Feb 1763 Lewis (X) Jenkins posted bond...the condition was to allow John Jenkins Sr. & his wife to take possession of a piece of land. Wit: Daniel Murphree, John (X) Jenkins K:298 1 Feb 1763 John Jenkins, Sr. to Lewis Jenkins 150a which was part of a patent to James Howard 8 Dec 1725, where sd John Jenkins Sr. now dwells on E side of Conariste Swp., joining Daniel Murphy. Wit: Danl Murphy, Jno (X) Jenkins Jr. (See D:131) K:227 21 Feb 1763 John Jenkins to Lewis Jenkins land deed (area not identified) Wit: Lewis Jenkins, Daniel Murfree, John Jenkins K:479 12 Aug 1763 John Jenkins (Sr.) to John Jenkins (Jr.) 10 lbs. VA. 150a on Connaritserat Swp., joining Pauls Branch. Wit: (Lewis (X) Jenkins, Daniel Murphree) Jun Ct. 1765 John Johnston CC. (Deeds of Bertie Co. 1757-1772 abstracted by Dr. Stephen Bradley) 1763 - bond for John Sr. & his wife to take land from Lewis (son?) 1763 Bertie Co. tax list - James Jenkins, Sener - 1; John Jenkens, Sener - 1; John Jenkens, Juner, himself & one negro womman names Pastent - 2; Keziah Howard, her son, James, & Luis Jenkens, juner - 3; Cader Jenkens - 1; James Jenkins - 2; Alexander Oliver - 2. Tax list for 1764 in Bertie Co. - Joseph Holland Constable; Luis Jenkins; ? Jenkins (torn); Keziah Howard; John Jenkens; James Jenkens; Cader Jenkens; John Olliver; 1764 - Jan. 14 - John Barnes, Jr., planter, to John Jenkins, planter, 75 acres on N. side of Roquis Swamp joing Henry King's property **L:2: 181. 23 Jun 1769 James (X) Jenkins Sr. of Bertie Co. to John Jenkins, Jr of the same. 30 lbs. proclamation. 100a on E side Conneritset Swp., joining Roes Branch, Flat Pocoson, Horse Pen Br. Wit: William Cherry, John Oliver, Benj. Sholar. (John, son of James, Sr.) CC: John Johnston 1771 - John Baker to John Jenkins Sr. deed (acreage not specified) neighbor of Richard Williford L- 2:339 1772 August 26 John Jenkins planter to Henry Rhoades 72 acres on N. side Roquis Swp. joining Henry & Wm King Wit: William Cherry, Cader Jenkins, James Cherry; Sept. 1772 - deed proved L- 2:343. 15 Aug 1772. Josiah Warren deed to Demsey Cook. 303a which Warren purchased from John Baker on S side of Hearts Delight Pocoson, Thomas Adams, John Baker, John Jenkins, Josiah Warren. 1774 - tax list Estate sale for Benjamin Harrell on Aug. 29, 1775 - John Jenkins was buyer at sale. #749 October 11, 1766 Estate sale for Richard Williford - Lewis Jenkins and John were buyers at this sale. (D.B. Gammon Estate Records for Bertie Co.) 1779 Feb. 8 - Will dated 1779 - May -- John Sr. died; will was probated same month. Will of John Jenkins...d. 8 Feb 1779 Wife, Mary (2nd wife named Mary) Mary Barnes dead by 1773. His will states that wife, Mary, and son, Zaddock, manour plantation whereon I live...150 acres of land, if he should die without my younger son, Charles....Reddick 100 acres & plantation that I bought from William Bleze....if he should die to Irvin Jinkins. Ephraim plantation & 340 acres bought of John Baker lying on hearts delight Pocoson...son Isaac one land entry 300a joining where the flat pocoson...(missing) Dau. Winne Jenkins...dau. Sally ... son Abram; dau. Keziah... mentioned delph plate which is now at Henry Barns...son Zaddock arrive to age of 21. Friends: William Cherry & James Jenkins, Jr.,ex Wit: John Jinkins, Jr., Isaac Jinkins, Milly Howard, Debby Jones. Proved May Ct. 1779 John Jenkins Inv. 10 April 1779 by William Cherry & James Jenkins, including tracts of 150, 100, 200, 300, & 200 acres of land. (D.G. Estate Records) Aug. Ct. 1779 Wm Cherry, ex. of John Jenkins made return. Acct sale of John Jenkins 17 Dec 1779. Wm Cherry, exr. including rent of land pd by Zadock Jenkins, Reddick Jenkins, & Ephraim Jenkins. (D.G. Estate Records) Aug. 1786 Keziah Jenkins, daughter of John Jenkins, about 10, was bound to Wm Carter. Aug. 1788 Abner Eason, David Outlaw, Soloman Cherry & Thos. Ward or any three be appointed to divide the estate of John Jenkins, dec'd among legal reps. & audit & settle accts. with Wm Cherry and Jas. Jenkins, Exs. Feb 1789 Abner Eason, Sen., David Outlaw, Thos. Ward, & Soloman Cherry estate of John Jenkins. Feb 1791 Persons appointed to divide John Jinkins, dec'd. estate made return.