BERTIE COUNTY Deeds Bryant, William to Veal, John-1730 File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Cathy Farris C346 William BRYANT and wife MARY to John VEAL Bertie Co NC Know all men by thee presents that I William BRYANT in the prect of Bertie in the province of North Carolina for and in consideration of the sum of thirty two pounds current money of Virginia to me in hand paid by John VEAL of the county of Norfolk in Virginia before the ensealing and delivery hereof with which I acknowledge my self fully satisfied, Have bargained, sold, alienated and set over and doe by these presents for me my heirs forever grant bargain, sell and deliver exseos? transfer and confirm unto the sd John VEAL his heir and assigns forver containing 640 ac to me granted by patent bearing the date thea certain tract or divident or parcell of land containing three hundred and twenty acres, the said divident being part of a patent 9th day of March 1717. Situate in the provence above said being this present time in the actual possession of John VEAL and thus bounded begining at the mouth of a branch in URAH SWAMP which branch is a dividing line tween this land and William BRIDGERS and up the branch to the bounds of the patent to included the sum of 320 acres as aforsd. To have and to hold the aforesaid tract or divident of land with all houses, orchards, gardens, woods, ways and water with all other rights and previledges profits and comodities advantages to the said land belonging or in anywise appertaining to him the sd John VEAL his heirs and assigns forever in as full and ample manner to al intents and purposes as I myself might or could have enjoyed the same by virtue of the before recited patent or other wise as the most learned in the law can devise and I hereby further covenant promise and grant to and with the sd John VEAL his heirs and assigns tha the sd land and every part and parcel therin is clear and free from all and all manner of former and other gifts, grants, bargains, sale, jointures, dowreis, uses, wills, intails, judgments,executions and all other manner of incumbrances whatsoever and that I have at the sealing all delivery of these presents in and to all land singular the premises a good pure and enferent Estate of Inheritance in the which I hereby transfer and do oblige myself my heirs exe's adm's to warrant and defend this my sale of all and singular the premises with their appertances and the sd John VEAL he heirs and assigns forever and for the further confirmation of the above bargained land and premises I the sd Wm BRYANT do hereby and herein bind myself my heirs exe's and adm's in the penal bond and just debt of sixty four pounds curt money of Virginia uno the sd John VEAL his heirs and assigns for the fullperformance of the above bargained premises and every of them with their appurtenances unto the sd John VEAL his heirs and assigns agaisnt him the sd William BRYANT his heirs and against all and ever other person or persons from by or under him and will acknowedge this instrument or deed of conveyance in open court to be held for bertie Precict when therto required together with MARY my WIFE relinquishments of her right of dowrie in the said land. In Witness whereof I have hereunto put my hand seal this 9 day of Feb 1730. WBRYANT JOS SUMNER Robert R BRASWELL mark ======================== USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be freely used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages cannot be reproduced in any format for profit or other presentatio