Bertie County NC Floyd Cemetery Contributed by: Lisa Floyd Cemetery WPA Description of location: 4 miles from Windsor, on right side of the road leading from Windsor to Lewiston, through Indian Woods, about 25 yards from said road, in a field. This cemetery is no longer located in a field, it is next to a lumber yard or mill now. There are many unmarked graves with only metal spikes to mark them. WPA states there was 20 unmarked graves at the time of the survey. Here are the stones we did find: D. P. Todd B. Sept. 24 1878 D. Mar. 26, 1914 Inscription: He was faithful to ever duty Roy Liniard (should be Linwood) Todd B. Aug. 11, 1915 D. Aug. 13, 1923 Inscription: christ loved him and took him home Infant of Mr. & Mrs. T. L. (Thomas Linwood) Todd B. Mar. 12, 1911 D. Mar. 17, 1911 Inscription: Our Darling ( This was an infant girl Mothers name was Susan (Sussie) Floyd Todd We were told by a family member still living Aunt Tessie Todd Butler (89 yr. of age but in sound mind) that D. P. Todd was David Preston Todd and his father David Todd was buried next to him. We didn't find a stone for the father. ======================== USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be freely used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages cannot be reproduced in any format for profit or other presentation.