Bertie County NC Hawkins - Johnson Cemetery File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by "K. Paul Johnson" and Neil Baker HAWKINS-JOHNSON CEMETERY Location: On Bull Hill Rd. 1-2 miles west of Ross Church William Carter June 24, 1831--February 8, 1923 Gone Home Father William H. Hawkins Co. L 1 NC Inf CSA Rebecca wife of W.J. Hawkins March 9, 1866--July 10, 1938 Willie A., wife of M.F. Hawkins January 9, 1884--February 7, 1919 She is not dead but sleeping Marcus R. Johnson October 4, 1831-d. 26 Jan 1916 (dates not on tombstone) Co. C 1 NC Inf (Son of John (Jack) Johnson & wife Abbygail) Md. 1st. Mary Matthews May 4th 1852 2nd Rutha Cobb (1st husband Wm. Bird) 3rd. Roxanna Perry (1st husband Josephus Perry) Rutha Ann Johnson (wife of M.R. Johnson) August 26, 1839--November 22, 1891 There is sweet rest in heaven J. R. Johnson 1839--1911 M.A. Johnson (Marcus Andrew - Son of Marcus R and 1859--1917 James M., son of W.J. and Rutha M. Russell January 30, 1899--June 30, 1899 Rutha M. wife of W.J. Russell (Rutha Maude, daughter of Marcus Johnson) March 25, 1879--November 22, 1900 There's a beautiful land on high Then why should I fear to die? ======================== USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be freely used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages cannot be reproduced in any format for profit or other presentation. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access.