Bertie COUNTY NC Court Civil Action ABINGTON Adsm. BRYAN File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Cathy Farris Notice the new word Bailiwick. Civil Action Papers 010.325.1 NCArchives Cathy Hart Farris Feb. 2002 1753 Bertie County Civil Action ABINGTON Adsm. BRYAN 2 Years Rent 1753 Executed John BAKER North Carolina Bertie County George the Second by the grace of God King of Great Britain- To the Sheriff of Bertie County Greeting We command you to summon George JARNAGAN, Ezekial WIMBERLY, all William BRYANT all of Bertie County/ if to be found in your Bailiwick, Personally to be and appear before our Justices at our next Court to be holden for Bertie County at the Court House thereof on the fourth Tuesday in October next then and there to Give Evidence in a cause then and there to be tryed between Needham BRYAN Pltf. and James ABINGTON Deft, which on the part of the said Deft must in no wise be omitted under the penalty of Twenty Pounds proclamation money each. Therein fail not and have there this Writ. Witness Benjamin WYNNS Clerk of our said Court at Bertie the XXVIIIth day of July Anno Dom MDCCLVIII inthe XXXIId year of our Reign. Benj. WYNNS, Clerk new record pertaining to same case BRYAN vs. ABINGTON Executor John BAKER (looks like JP after his name) North Carolina Bertie County George the Second by the grace of God King of Great Britain- To the Sheriff of Bertie County Greeting We Command you to summon Jacob JARNAGAN and Aaron ELLIS of said County/ if to be found in your Bailiwick, Personally to be and appear before our Justices at our next Court to be holden for Bertie County at the Court House thereof on the fourth Tuesday in January next then and there to give Evidence in a cause then and there to by Tryed between Needham BRYAN Pltf. and James ABINGTON Deft, which on the part of the said Pltf. must in no wise be omitted under the penalty of twenty pounds proclamation money. Each and therein fail not and have there this Writ. Witness Benjamin WYNNS Clerk of our said Court at Bertie the XXVIIth day of October Anno Dom MDCCLVIII in the XXXII year of Our Reign. Benj. WYNNS Clerk additional records pertaining to this case 1758 North Carolina Know all men that by these presents that we James ABINGTON and Henry AVERY all of Bertie County in the Province of North Carolina aforesaid are held and firmly bound unto John BAKER Sheriff of the sd County in the sum of eighty pounds proclamation money to be paid unto the said John BAKER his heirs Excts. and Adms. or assigns to the which payment well and truly to be made and done we bind ourselves and jointly and severally our joint and several heirs Exects. and adms. firmly be these presents sealed with our seals and dated the fourth day of January Anno Dom 1758 The condition of the above obligation is such that if the said James ABINGTON do make his personal appearance before our Justices at the next court to be held for this said county at the Court House thereof on the fourth Tuesday in January next then and there to answer Needham BRYAN of his plea of Tresspass on the case damages forty pounds proclamation money and there stand to and abide by the order and judgement of said court and not depart the same without leave thereof then this obligation to be void otherwise to remain in full force and virtue. Signed Sealed and Delivered in presence of James MOORE Jas ABINGTON Henry AVERIT 1756 Bertie County Civil Papers 010.325.5 NCArchives Cathy Hart Farris Jan. 2002 This is a statement from Thomas PUGH Esq. regarding a land dispute case between Needham BRYAN and James ABINGTON 1759. May please the worshipfull Cort I was sommons to apearr at this Cort to give my Evedence in a suit depending between Needham BRYAN and James ABINTON in the behalf of the said ABINTON my self hath got out of my way that I can no find it and I am not able to walk to far if I can get abest? in time I well come to Cort Not with standing I know nothing of the afair of thair lawsuit I neaver hearrd aword of thair bargin of either side I see Needham BRYABN schow James ABINTON a line of mark trees and told him the said ABINTON that he should his bounds but whather the said BRYAN gave it to him or soule it I know not was I upon oath I naver heard of any term nor money manchned. April 25 1759 ____? ____? To Commd Geo JARNAGAN =========== Thomas PUGH Esq. in 1759 to the court regarding a piece of disputed land between Needham BRYAN and James ABINGTON. These two have been going at it since abt. 1752 at court. In the earlier records I found under Civil Actions I couldn't tell what the court case was because it didn't say, I could only see who the case involved. Now I read a bit more of what may have been going on. And I also, have a hunch that the research problem I have been trying to solve for a few years now, may be hidden within these types of records. Many of you know that the problem I have encountered is...How did Michael BRYAN and his wife Olive obtain 100ac of land that they sold in 1757 to Aaron ELLIS (who later married Michael's mother Catherine, widow of the William BRYAN that died in 1744 in Bertie). A brief land description: Aaron ELIS his heirs and assigns forever and messuage or tract of land scituate lying in Bertie County of No Carolina containing 100 acres of land joyning to Robert HODGES patent line and SW to a corner forked Spanish Oak then east to Little Roquist. There was no will for William BRYAN giving the land to Michael. There was no land deed for William with a good land description. Plus William and Catherine had other children. So I am figuring someone else gave that land to Michael and Olive. The witnesses on the deed were James ABINGTON and Elias HODGE. 1759 25 April Criminal Action Papers 010.326.6 NCArchives April 2002 Cathy Hart Farris (all spelling is as in document) on the outside of the document it reads Thos. PUGH Esqr. May it please the Worshipfull Cort I was sommons to appeair at the Cort to Gave my Evedence in a suit Depending between Needham BRYAN and James ABINTON in the behalf of the Pt. ABINTON my best?(beast?) hath got out of my way that I can not find it and I am not able to walk to far if I can get abest(beast?) in time I well com to cort not with standing I know nothing of the afair of thair law but I neaver hearrd a word of thair bargin of either side I see Needham BRYAN schow James ABINTON a line of marked trees and told him the Sd ABINTON that should be his bounds but whather the sd BRYAN gave it to him or sould it, I know not was I upon oath I naver heard of any sum nor money manchned. April 25th 1759 From yours - To Commd Geo JARNIGAN ======================== USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be freely used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages cannot be reproduced in any format for profit or other presentation. 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