Bertie County NcArchives Court.....Gould - Deceased, George 1755 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Guy Potts August 14, 2009, 4:53 pm Source: Colonial Records Of North Carolina Written: 1755 Power of attorney for John Campbell to act for Elizabeth Gould Gould, Elizabeth August 12, 1755 Volume 05, Pages 417-418 [From MSS. Records in Office of Secretary of State.] North Carolina—ss. To all to whom these Presents shall come Elizabeth Gould of Bertie County in the Provinces of North Carolina Widow Executrix of the late Will & Testament of George Gould Esq her late Husband Deceas'd sendeth Greeting. Whereas there was due to the said George Gould at the time of his Decease a Considerable Arrear of the Salary allowed him as Surveyor General of his Majesties Lands within the said Province by virtue of his Majesty's Appointments & Instructions which said Arrear of Salary was given & Bequeathed to me the said Elizabeth Gould by my said Deceased Husband as part of the Residuum of his Personal Estate & is still Due owing and unpaid Now Know Ye That I the said Elizabeth Gould for the Special Trust & Confidence which I have & repose in John Campbell Esqr of Bertie County afsd And for divers other good & Valuable Causes & Considerations me thereto moving have made ordained Authorized Constituted and Appointed, And do by these Presents make Ordain, Authorize Constitute & Appoint the said John Campbell my true & Lawfull Attorney irrevocable in my name but for his own proper use & Benefit to ask Demand & receive of & from his Majesesty's Receiver-General of the Quit Rents of the Province of North Carolina afsd And of & from all other Person and Persons whatsoever concerned in the Payment of Salaries of the Public Officers, all such Sum & Sums of Money, Arrears of Salary Dues & Demands whatsoever as are now Due & owing to me as Executrix of the last Will & Testament of my sd late Husband George Gould deceased on account of his Services in the office of Surveyor General of his Majesties Lands as above mention'd And Acquittances or other Sufficient Discharges for me & in my Name. On receipt of the same to make Execute and Deliver. And to do all other Lawfull Acts & things whatsoever concerning the Premises as fully in every respect as I myself do if Personally Present. And whereas the Particular Sum now due and owing to the Estate of my said Deceas'd Husband on account of the Salary as above mentioned is not at present Exactly known, I do hereby Authorize and impower my said Attorney for me and in my Name finally to adjust and settle with his Majesties Receiver General Auditor General or other Persons concerned in Payment of the Salaries of Public Officers the amount of all such Sum & Sums of Money so due as afsd & to agree upon & accept in my name in full Satisfaction & Payment of the above mentioned Demand such Sum of Money as upon a settlement of the Account shall appear to my sd Attorney to be justly due. And I do hereby Ratify Confirm and allow whatsoever my said Attorney shall Lawfully do or Cause to be done in & about the Premises as fully and Effectually as if I myself were Personally Present & the Actor or Doer thereof. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal the Twelfth Day of August in the year of our Lord one Thousand Seven Hundred & fifty Five. ELIZa GOULD Signed sealed & delivered in Presence of Chas Elliott Blake Baker Exd Recorded 13th Octobr 1755 File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.9 Kb