Bertie COUNTY NC Deeds Aaron Drake to Samuel Elson 1722 Copyright. All rights reserved. File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Lisa Graham Aaron Drake to Samuel Elson Book A Page 34 & 35 Bertie Co. Courthouse deedbook Aaron Drake to Samuel Elson Know all men by these presents that I, Aaron Drake of the County of Albermale in North Carolina for and in consideration of the sum of three Pounds---- Current money to me in hand paid by SAMUEL ELSON belonging to Salem in NEW ENGLAND with which I acknowledge myself fully satisfied--- have bargained, sold, alienated and set over and do by these presents for me my heirs forever bargain, sell, and deliver enfeoff, transfer and confirm unto the said Samuel Elson, his heirs and assigns forever, a certain tract or dividend of land containing two hundred and twenty acres, it being part of a patent to me granted for six hundred and forty acres bearing day the 17th day of November 1719, scituate on the South side of Meharrin River in the County aforesaid, the said dividend Being thus bounded beginning at a pine in the Head line of the survey corner tree, thence North 100 pole to a pine thence East 320 pole to a pine, thence south 100 pole to a pine, The other corner tree in the head line of the said survey, thence along the said line 320 pole to the beginning place. To have and To hold the said track or dividend of land with all houses,orchards ,gardens, woods, ways and waters, with all other rights and privileges and commodities and advantages whatsoever to the said land belonging in or any wise ascertaining unto him the said Samuel Elson, his heirs and assigns forever in as full and ample manner to all intents and purposes as I myself might or could have enjoyed the same by virtue of patent or otherwise as the most learned in the law can devise and I do hereby further covenant,promise, affirm and agree to and with the said Samuel Elson his heirs and assigns that the said land and every part and parcel thereof is clear and clear and free from all and all manner of former and other gifts, grants, bargains, sales, joyntures, dowers, and mortgages, judgments and all manner of other incumbrances whatsoever and that i have at the time of the sealing and delivery hereof in and to all and singular the premises a good pure and indifferent estate of inheritance in if which I hereby transfer and oblige myself, my heirs, executors and administrators to warrant and defend this my sale of all and singular the premises with their appurtenances unto him the said Samuel Elson his heirs and assigns forever against all manner of persons whatsoever and will acknowledge this instrument or deed of conveyance in open court when their to required to be my real act and deed in witness whereof i have here unto put my hand and seal this 12th day of February 1722/3 (Seal ) Aaron Drake x (his signature) a seal, signed sealed and delivered in the presence of William Ricks, Ester Ricks, Charles Kirby, Bertie Prect, February court, 1722. The above deed was acknowledged and due in form of law in Open Court and own motion of ordered to be recorded and is recorded. John Sutton Dept. Clerk Court