Bertie County NcArchives Deed.....EARLEY , John - FARMER , Joseph & Sarah November 14, 1794 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: TJ Malone October 16, 2005, 12:54 pm Written: November 14, 1794 Recorded: February 1795 Bertie County North Carolina Deed Book Q, Page 254 – 256 Written: 14 November 1794 Registered: February Term 1795 Jos. Farmer & Wife to Jno. Earley This Indenture made the fourteenth day of Novem -ber in the year of our Lord one Thousand seven Hundred and ninety four between Joseph Farmer and Sarah his Wife of the State of North Carolina in the County of Bertie of the one part and John Earley of the State and County aforesaid of the other part Witnesseth that the Said Jose -ph Farmer for and in Consideration of the sum of Seventy pounds good and Lawfull mo -ney of the State of North Carolina to him in hand paid by the said John Earley the Receipt where of he the said Joseph Farmer and Sara his Wife doth here by Acknowledge and by these presents for themselves their Heirs Exe -cutors and Administrators doth acquit Exon -erate and Discharge the said John Early his Heirs Executors administrators and assigns forever have given Granted Bargained sell and sold and by these presents doth give Grant bargain and Sell unto the said John Earley his Heirs assigns a piece or parcel of Land and Tene -ments of his Situate lying and being in Bertie County aforesaid Containing by Estimation one Hundred Acres of Land be the Same more or less lying on the North Side of Sequire Swamp beginning on the Sd Swamp at the Mouth of a Branch Common -ly called by the name of said Farmers Mothers Branch, it being the branch that Divided the Land where the said Farmer Page 255 and the Land where his Mother lived thence on Northerly Course up the said branch to the fork thence along the left hand fork to the Little Pocoson thence a Westerly course along said Pocoson to Cashy Road thence a Southerly cour- se along said Road to the said Swamp thence a Easterly course down the said Swamp to the first Station To have and to Hold the said Messuage Lands and Tenements Hereditaments herein or hereby Granted and Sold and every part and parcel thereof with their and every of their appurtenances unto The said John Earley his Heirs and assigns and to the only proper use benefit and behoof of him the said John Early his Heirs and as- signs forever and the said Joseph Farmer and Sarah his Wife for themselves their Heirs Executors and Administrators and every of their doth Covenant Promise and agree to and with the said John Early his Heirs and as= signs in manner and form following, that is to say, that they the said Joseph Farmer and Sarah his Wife hath in themselves good Sight full Powers and Lawfull Authority to Grant Bargain Sell Assign and make over the hereby Granted Lands and Premises and every part and parcel thereof with their appurtenances unto the said John Early his heirs and Assigns and also that the said John Early his heirs Executors Admi- nistrators or assigns and every of them shall and Lawfully may from time to time and at all times forever hereafter have hold occupy Possess and Enjoy the said hereby Granted Lands and Premises and every part and par- cel thereof with their and every of their appur -tenances Page 256 -tenances without any Lawful let Joint Trou- bles disturbance Molestation Eviction What soever of them the said Joseph Farmer and Sarah his Wife their Heirs Executors Administrat- or assigns or any other person or persons whatsoever and it is further Covenanted and agreed by and between the parties to these pre -sents that they the said Joseph Farmer and Sarah his Wife their Heirs Executors and Administrators shall and will at any time or times hereafter at the reasonable require of and at the proper costs and Charges in the Law of the said John Early his Heirs and as -signs do and Execute any other or further act Conveyance or assurance Whatsoever as his or their Council learned in the Law shall Devise or require for the further and better Conveying and Establishing and also making the herby Granted Lands and Premiss- es and every part and parcel thereof with the appurtenances unto the said John Early his Heirs and assigns unto the only proper use and benefit of him the said John Early his Heirs and assigns forever In Witness where of I the said Joseph Farmer and Sarah his Wife hat hereunto Set their hands and Seals the and year above written Signed Sealed and Deliverd } his in the presence of } Joseph X Farmer {Seal} Levy Baker, Abraham Jenkins} mark William Morriss } her Sarah X Farmer {Seal} mark State of Nth. Carolina } Bertie County } Feb.y Term 1795 The within Deed from Joseph Farmer & Sarah his Wife to John Early was proved in due form of Law by the Oath of William Morriss one of the Subscribing Wit -nesses and Ordered to be Registered Stevens Gray C.C. Additional Comments: Note from transcriber: My Farmer family research, along with all of my record transcriptions are purely a labor of love. I’ve tried my best to keep true to the original spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and length of sentences found in this land deed. Some words were extremely hard to read, so if you find I have made a mistake then please, let me know and corrections will be made. A copy of this deed can be found in the LDS Library located in Salt Lake City, UT. Transcribed: Friday, 14 October 2005 Revised: By: TJ Malone File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 6.2 Kb