Bertie COUNTY NC Deeds David Garrett to Blount B. Ruffin File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Virginia Crilley Bertie County Deeds Book Z p. 361 To all persons to whome these present, Greeting. Know ye that I, DAVID GARRETT, of Bertie County, for an in consideration of the sum of Twelve Hundred dollars in hand paid by BLOUNT B. RUFFIN of the said County and I the said, Garrett, has sold and bargained by these presents do grant and sell and confirm unto the said Ruffin his heirs and assigns forever one pear or parcel of land lying in aforsaid County on the South Side of Roquist Swamp beginning at a Gum Thence running S 50 W 170 pole to a Red Oak Thence No 40 ? 120 pole to a hollow Gum and Red Oak Thence No 50 E 110 pole Thence from the outlet Branch a line of marked trees run by BENJAMIN PERRY and JAMES PERRY to BAZEMOORE's Line thence along BAZEMORE'S line to the Road, Thence along said Road to the Run of BECK SWAMP Thence along said Swamp to JOSEPH PARKER's corner Thence along PARKER line to the OUTLET BRANCH Thence arun the Branch to the first Station Containing by estimation THREE HUNDRED ACRES but more or less. To have and to hold the said granted and bargained previous with on the privileges thereunto belonging to him the said Ruffin, his heirs and assigns forever and I, the said, DAVID GARRET, for myself, heirs and adminstrators do covenent and agree to and with the said BLOUNT B. RUFFIN before the sealing and ______ hereof. I, the said, GARRETT is true and lawful owner of the above bargained premises and I, the said, DAVID GARRETT, my heirs assings and administrators as covenant and agree the above deomain premises to him, the said BLOUNT B RUFFIN, heis heirs and against the lawful claim or demands of any person or persons whatsoever, forever, hereafter to warrant secure and forever defend the same. In witness whereon I have hereunto set my hand and seal this the 1st day of April in the year of our Lord Eighteen Hundress and Twenty. David Garrett Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of us: Thomas C. King Kenneth King State of N. Carolina, Feb Term 1821 This deed from David Garrett to BLOUNT B. RUFFIN was found in open Court by the oath of Thos. C. King, one of the subscribing witnesses and ordered to be recorded. E. RHODES ======================== USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be freely used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages cannot be reproduced in any format for profit or other presentation. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for FREE access. ==============