Bertie County, NC - Deeds - John Hocot to Aaron Lassiter - 1743 USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be freely used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages cannot be reproduced in any format for profit or other presentation. File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Lorene Rambo ========================= John Hocot to Aaron Lassiter Deeds of Bertie County, North Carolina, Book F, p. 526 North Carolina To all Christian People to whom this presents shall come John Hocot of Bertie County yeoman Sends greeting so Know ye that I the said John Hocot for in consideration of the sum of one hundred twenty pounds to in hand paid before the Ensealing hereof from Aaron Lassiter of the County of Virginia Have Bargained Sold and by these presents Does fully, freely, and absolutely, Give, grant, Sell, Allien, Enforsse, Release, Convey, and Confirm, assign, transfer, and set over unto him the said Aaron Lassiter his heirs and assigns forever A Certain parcell of Land, Containing in the whole by Estimation one hundred and six acres but more or less Bounded thus viz, Beginning at the mouth of Chinkapin Branch thence up the meanders of the mill Creek to Richard Sowell's Slash then up said Slash to a white Oak in the head of it then along a line of marked trees to a black Oak upon Chankapen branch, then Down Chinkopen branch to the North of it to the first Station. To Have and Top Hold the said plantation and Dividend of Land in all Singular the Rights and priviledges, Commoditys, profits advantages heraditaments, appurtenances, thereunto belonging or in any wise thereunto in Fee simple absolutely to the only use and Behoof of him and them for in as full and ample manner to all Intents and purposses as the most Learned in the Law Can Devise further I the said Hocot for myself my heirs, executors and administrators Covenant and Engage to and with the said Aaron Lassiter his heirs and assigns forever to warrant and Defend the said plantation and Dividend of Land free from all Incumbrances Whatsoever against all manner of Performs whatsoever. In witness whereof I have Set myhand and Seal this 17th Day of February Anno Dom. 1743: John (his mark) Hocot and a Seal Signed, Sealed, and Delivered in the presence of us: John Wynns, Isaac Hill, James Oates Bertie County, May Court, 1744: The aforewritten Deed of Sale was Duly proven by the Oath of John Wynns as Evidence thereto and on motion is ordered to be registered. Test. Benjamin Wynns, D.Clk.