Bertie COUNTY NC Deed Catherine Kinehorn to Nathan Page File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Cathy Farris This study is to try to find out which Catherine married Jacob KINNEHORN who died by 1799 in Bertie County N.C. 1799 Misc. Records, Bill of Sale 010.928.9 NCArchives Cathy Hart Farris Jan. 2002 State of No. Carolina and Bertie County Nov. Term 1799 The within Bill of Sale from Catherine KINEHORN to Nathan PAGE was proved in open court by the oath of Rebecca HOWARD one of the subscribing witnesses and ordered to be registered. George GRAY Clk. Registered in the Bertie Registered Office Book S. page 123- Test., David TURNER Public Register Know all men be these presents that I Catron KINNEHORNE of North Carolina Bertie county for an inconsideration of the sum of Forty Spanish Dollars to me in hand paid at and before the Ensealing and Delivering of these presents by Nathan PAGE of the County and province aforesaid the receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledge have bargained and sold unto the said Nathan PAGE two beds and furniture, ten head of hogs, one horse saddle and bridle, one cow and calf, two wheels, one chest, four chairs, one loom and geer, one pot, on Dutch oven, one skillet, on frying pan, some corn, some puter to have and to hold the said property by these presents have bargained and sold unto Nathan PAGE his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns forever and the said Catron KINNEHORNE for my self my heirs, Extor's, and administrators doth warrant and defend the said property unto the said PAGE his heirs and assigns forever in Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 31st day of Nov. 1799. Signed Sealed and Delivered in presents of us: Jonathan COTTEN Rebeca HOWARD her mark Catherine KINNEHORN her mark