Bertie COUNTY NC Deeds Grant John Lee Copyright. All rights reserved. File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Lisa Graham Raleigh, N.C. Archives, File No. 1057 P. 494; File No. 1101, p.370 or 260 gives description & Witnesses Same as File No. 1057 September 28, 1730: John Lee - GRANT- Bertie Precinct, N.C. His Excety JOHN LORD CARTERET, Palatin for 1 person for every 50 Acres, as appears on Record under this Patent. On the North side of Conohoe Creek, beginning at a Holley, running N. 40 E. 160 Poles to the center of two black Oaks, thence a Corner, then N. 50 W. 320 Poles to a Pine corner, then S. 40 W. 480 Poles to a Spanish Oak Corner on Conohoe Creek, then the various courses of the Creek to the first Station. Wit: Richard Everard, John Lovick, C. Gale, Edmond Gale, John Worley, John Paling. Note: Being DUE for importation of One person per fifty Acres as appearth on record under this patent. ===================== Raleigh N.C. Archives (file 1060 Page 496) September 28, 1730 John Lee- GRANT- Bertie Precinct, N. C. His excetty JOHN LORD CARTERET, PALATIN 640 Acres- to John Lee of our said County for importation of 1 person for every 50 acres, as appeareth on Record under this Patent. In Bertie Precinct on the WEST side of Kenotoo Creek, beginning at a chestnut white oak, John Woods Corner running thence with his line and the courses thereof N. 70 W 320 poles to a live Oak, the said Lees Corner, thence N. 20 E. 320 Poles to a pine, thence S. 70 E. 320 Poles to a cypress on the Creek, thence meanders of the creek to the first Station. Wit: Richard Everard, J. Lovick, John Worley, C. Gale, John Paling, Edmond Gale.