Bertie COUNTY NC Bill of Sale from Benajah Nicholls to Thomas J. Purdie Copyright. All rights reserved. File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Linda Gamel Bill of Sale from Benajah Nicholls to Thomas J. Purdie: State of North Carolina, Bertie County Court. Know all men by these presents that I Benajah Nicholls for and in consideration of the Sum of four hundred dollars to me in hand paid by Thomas J. Purdie, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, have bargained and sold and by these presents do bargain and sell unto the said Thomas J. Purdie, three negro slaves, viz. Dinah and her two children Seneira and Nelly, Dinah aged about twenty one years, Seneira about two years and Nelly about three months old. The title to the said negroes I hereby agree to warrant and defend to the said Thomas J. Purdie, witness my hand and seal this 30 March 1824. (signed) B. Nicholls (Seal) Chas W. Jacocks State of North Carolina, Bertie County Court. Feb Term 1825. This Bill of Sale from Benajah Nicholls to Thomas J. Purdie was proved in Open Court by the Oath of Charles W. Jacocks, the Subscribing witness thereto and ordered to be registered. (signed) E. A. Rhodes (Clr?)