Bertie COUNTY NC Deeds Oliver, Malachi to Joseph Moore 1802 Copyright. All rights reserved. File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by OLIVER to MOORE Bertie County, NC Deed Book S, p. 546 State of N. Carolina Bertie County This indenture made 4th November 1802 between Malachi Oliver of the one part and Joseph Moore of the other, both of the County and State aforesaid. Witnefseth that the said Malachi Oliver for and in consideration of the sum of Sixteen Dollars Eighty Seven Cents the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged hath sold and conveyed to the said Joseph Moore and by these presents do sell and convey to him and his heirs forever a small piece of land lying on the west side of Rocquift butted and bounded as follows (viz): beginning at a Spanish oak near where Mrs Moore now lives to running S19 West to Bob's branch thence up the various courses of the branch to an elm on the edge of the branch marked as a corner thence N58 degrees E & twenty two pole to the Spanish oak, the first station containing by estimation three acres and three quarters more of lifs. To have and to hold the said bargained premifes with all priviledges and appertenances thereunto belonging to him the said Joseph Moore and his heirs forever, and I the said Malachi Oliver will warrant & defend the said piece of land to Joseph Moore and his heirs forever, witnefs my hand and seal the day and year above mentioned. Test = S. Turner Malachi Oliver (seal) State of No Carolina Nov Term 1802 Bertie County The within deed from Malachi Oliver to Joseph Moore was acknowledged in open court by the said Oliver and ordered to be registered. George Grayl Clk