Bertie COUNTY NC 1753/54 Bertie County Deed H80 Thomas PAGE to Aaron ELLIS Copyright. All rights reserved. File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Cathy Farris 1753/54 Bertie County Deed H80 Thomas PAGE to Aaron ELLIS witnesses: Wm. POYTHRESS, Micajah HINTON, Jas. ABINGTON wife: Sarah PAGE This was very hard to read. Small hand writing and dark copy...cathy To all people whom we presents shall come Greetings, know Ye that I Thomas PAGE of North Carolina within the county of Bartie for and in consideration ? for the sum of ? shillings to me in hand before the ? along hereof with and truly paid by Aaron ELLIS of the same county the ? ? ? acknowledge and myself then at fully satisfied ? ? and ? ? ? ? (very dark copy...cathy) and of part and parcel ? ? do exonerate and discharge the said Aaron ELIS and his executors and adminstrators for ? by these presents have given gave bargain sale alien conveyed and confirm and by these present doth ? and fully and absolutely give grant bargain sell alien and confirm ? ? that the said Aaron ELIS his heirs and assigns forever one messuage a tract and plantation situate lying and on Bertie County containing Two? Hundred acres butted and boarded beginning at a pine the corner tree/line? of a S__? maybe swamp thence north 30 West 200 pole to a pine in the grant line in c?? N85 E160 pole to a pine another corner thence north 30 W to the survey line thence down that line to the first station out of a deed for 526 acres that was granted to Thomas PAGE the deed bearing the date 1753. To have to hold the said granted and bargained premises with all the appertences privilege and commodities to the same belonging or in any wise appertaining to the said Aaron ELIS his heirs and assigns forever to his their and these only proper use benefit and behoof forever and I the said Thomas PAGE for me and my heirs executors and Administratiors do command promised grant to and with the said Aaron ELIS his heirs and assigns that before the ensealing hereof I am the true and lawful owner of the above bargained premise and am lawfully sez? power ? ? in mine ? ? as a good perfect and absolute estate ? inheritance in fee simple and have in myself good right full ? and lawful authority to grant bargain sell / ? barganied premises in manner as above said and that the said Aaron ELIS his heirs and assigns shall and may from time to time and at all times forever hereafter by force and ? ? ? lawfull peaceful and ? occupy posses and enjoy the said demised and bargained premise with the appurtenaces in and ? and freely and clearly ? ? are charged of ? ? all manner of former ? Gift Grant? Mortgages, Wills, contract Joyntons? ? Judgment? I the said Thomas PAGE for myself assigns Executors and administrators do ? and engage the ? ? premises ? the said Aaron ELIS his heirs and assigns ? ? ?Lawful claims and demands of any person or persons ? ? ? defend. And Sarah PAGE the wife of me Thomas PAGE do ___? can't read the rest. I have set my hand and seal this ? ? September 1753 Thomas PAGE To William POYTHRESS To Micajah HINTON Jas. ABINGTON Proved by oath of James ABINGTON on motion ordered to be registered. Test. Saml ORRMES Cl.