Bertie County NcArchives Deed.....CASTELLAW, JAMES & SON THOMAS - WILLIAMS, JOHN January 21, 1730 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Jean Mayo Hirsch February 29, 2008, 4:26 pm Bertie Precinct Written: January 21, 1730 Recorded: 1730 1730: Bertie County Deed Volume F, p 111, Williams to Whitmell 1730 North Carolina To all people to whom these presents shall come Greeting be known ye that I John Williams of the County of Bertie in the Province aforesaid for and in Consideration of the Sum of forty Pounds Current money of Virginia to me in hand before the Ensealing hereof Well and truly paid by Thomas Whitmell of the Province and County aforesaid the Receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledge and myself therewith fully satisfied and Contented and thereof and of every Part and parcel thereof do Exonerate acquit and Discharge the said Thomas Whitmell his heirs Executors & Adm forever by these Presents to have given granted bargained sold aligned conveyed and confirmed and by these presents to freely fully and absolutely give grant bargain sell alien Convey and confirm unto him the said Thomas Whitmell His heirs and assigns forever one Messuage or tract of Land Situate lying and being in the Province and County aforesaid containing by estimation four Hundred and forty Acres be it more or less Butted and Bounded beginning at a Spanish Oak Thomas Turners Corner tree on a Branch of Recquiss then South eighty five East one hundred and sixty poles to the Center of a Sweet Gum a Black Gum and Red Oak then North sixty five Degrees East Sixty poles to a pine then North fifty five West one hundred and twenty four pole to a Red Oak formerly John Edward’s corner tree then along his Line North Twenty Degrees East five Hundred and twenty pole to a pine then West three hundred and five poles to a poplar in a Branch of Recquiss Thence the Meanders of the Branch to the first station To Have and to Hold the said granted and bargained premises with all the appurtenances privileges Commodities to the same belonging as in any wise appertaining to him the said Thomas Whitmell his heirs and assigns forever to his and their only proper use benefit and Ecru of forever and I the said John Williams for me my heirs Executors and Administrator do Covenant promise and grant to and with the said Thomas Whitmell his heirs and assigns forever that before the Ensealing hereof I am the true sole and Lawful owner of the above Bargained promises and am Lawfully Seized and Reposed of the same in mine own proper right as a good perfect and absolute Estate of Inheritance in Fee Simple and Have in my self a good Right full proven and Lawful Authority to grant bargain Sell Convey and Confirm said bargained premisses in manner as above said and that the said Thomas Whitmell his heirs and assigns shall and May from time to time forever hereafter by force and Virtue of these Presents Lawfully Peaceably & quietly have Hold use Occupy possess & enjoy the said Demised & Bargained Premises with the appurtenances free and Clear and freely and clearly acquitted Exonerated & discharged from all and all manner of former or other gift gifts grants bargains Sales Leases mortgages Wills Intacts Joynters Dowers Judgements Executions Encumbrances and Extents further more I the said John Williams for my self my heirs Executors and administrators do Covenant and Engage the above Demised premises to Him the said Thomas Whitmell his heirs and assigns against the Lawful Claims or Demands of any Person or Persons Whatsoever forever hereafter to Warrant Secure and Defend And Ann Williams the wife of me the said John Williams doth by these Presents freely willingly give yield up and Surrender all her Right of Dowry and power of Thirds of in and unto the above Demised Premisses unto Him the said Thomas Whitmell his heirs and assigns In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my Hand & affixed my Seal this Twenty first day of January 1730 Signed Sealed & Delivered John Williams seal in the Presence of us Samuel (SH) Herring Ann (A)Williams seal his mark Arthur Williams Isaac Williams Bertie County Court 1730 The within Deed of Sale was duly Proved in open Court by the Oath of Arthur Williams one of the Subscribing Witnesses thereto which motion is ordered to be Registered Hard copy on file Transcribed by Jean Mayo Hirsch from documents located at the North Carolina State Archives in Raleigh, NC. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 5.1 Kb