BERTIE COUNTY Deeds Yelverton, John to John Stewart-1723 File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Cathy Farris A180 Bertie Co NC Deed John YELVERTON to John STEWART - To all to whom these presents shall come I John YELVERTON in Bertie prect in ye County of Albemarle, Shoemaker send greeting to know ye that I John YELVERTON for a consideration of ye sum of ten pound sterling to me in hand paid already befoe ye ensealing & delivery to these presents by John STEWARD of ye same County & prect planter of receipt whereof I doe hereby acknowledge & myself there withto be fully satisfied contented & paid have given granted sold aliened ensealled conveyed confirmed & made over assigned & sett over & by these presents do fully freely & absolutely give grant bargain sell alien ensealled convey & confirm unto ye said John STEWARD to his heir & assignes forever one certain tract or parcell of land or plantation lying & being in ye prect of Bertie aforesaid on ye north side of Marrattack River part of a tract of land which patten bears date the Thirteenth day of March 1724 which patent was granted to ye said YELVERTON beginning at flaggy Run at a Red oak which is Robert WESTS Corner tree thence along Robert WESTS line to a White oak a corner tree from thence along aline of marked trees to a sweet gum a corner tree from thence alongalone of marked trees to a Cypress in Flaggy Run from thence up Flaggy Run to the first station containing by estimation one hundred acres be the same more or less to have and to hold ye said one hundred acres of land more or less to gether with all houses orchards gardens fencing timbers & trees thence on belonging together with all houses woods water & waters courses with all profitts commodities and appertenacnes whatsoever to ye same belonging or in any with appertaining unto him ye said John STEWARD & to his heirs & assignes forever & ye said John YELVERTON & Elizabeth his wife for theirselves their heirs Ex Admin & do covenant promiss and agree to and with ye said John STEWARD his heir in manner following that is to say that he the said John YELVERTON hath a right title & estate of Inherritance in fee simple in ye said premises and full right & lawfull authority to grant & convey ye land manner as abovesaid unto ye said John STEWARD & his heirs & assigns forever and that I do warrant ye same is free from ye lawfull claims or demands of any present whatsoever & for that I ye said John YELVERTON ye afforesaid land & premises with warrant secure & forever defend unto ye said John STEWARD his heirs & assigns forever. In Wittness whereas I have hereunto sett my hand & seal this 12th day of November 1723 John YELVERTON & sealed signed int he presents of us Nedham BRYAN, John PAGE, Bertie prect of November Court 1723. Deed of sale was ack in due form of law in open court. CC John SUTTON. ======================== USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be freely used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages cannot be reproduced in any format for profit or other presentatio