Bertie County NcArchives News.....1810 - Bertie's New Market School January 19, 1810 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Carolyn Shank March 11, 2008, 2:56 pm Edenton Gazette Friday, Jan. 19, 1810 January 19, 1810 NEW MARKET SCHOOL The subscriber respectfully informs the gentlemen of this and the adjacent counties, that a SCHOOL is now opened within 200 yards of my house, by MR. HENRY W. RHODES, a young gentleman of a liberal education and unexceptionable character who taught the preceding year in Hertford, and rendered general satisfaction in that capacity; in which will be taught Latin, Geography, English Grammar, and Arithmetic, Etc. -- In order to promote this very useful establishment, I will take 10 to 12 Scholars as boarders, at $45 per annum. Those who entrust their sons with me may rest assured that the utmost attention will be paid to their morals. DREW S. WHITMILL Bertie, New Market Jan. 10, 1810 Board for any number of Scholars can be had in the most respectable houses, within a mile of the School, at the price stated above. In consequence of the elevated situation of New Market, the salubrity of the water, the cheapness of board and tuition, together with the moral state of the society of this neighborhood, we presume that this school will receive the patronage at least of the gentlemen of this County. -- Oratory and Composition willl have primary attention. WM. W. JOHNSTON LEM. MURDAUGH LEWIS THOMPSON File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.0 Kb