Bertie-Orange-Edgecombe County NcArchives News.....Class of 1830 University of North Carolina July 22, 1830 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Carolyn Shank August 19, 2008, 5:11 pm The Edenton Gazette July 22, 1830 UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA CLASS OF 1830 At the late annual commencement of this institution the following degrees were confered. BACHELOR OF ARTS NATHANIEL H. McCAIN - Rockingham County JAMES W. OSBORNE - Mecklenburg County CICERO S. HAWKS - Newbern, Craven County GEORGE G. LEA - Caswell County RICHARD K. HILL - Iredell County RAWLEY GALLAWAY - Rockingham County JOHN H. EDWARDS - Person County ELISH B. STEDMAN - Pittsboro', Chatham County WM. W. L. KENNEDY - Washington County JOHN M. STEDMAN - Fayetteville, Cumberland County AARON J. SPIVEY - Bertie County BENJ. F. TERRY - Pittsylvania County, Va. WILLIAM K. RUFFIN - Orange County JOHN A. BACKHOUSE - Newbern, Craven County MASTER OF ARTS DR. JESSE CARTER - Caswell County JOHN WINSLOW - Fayetteville, Cumberland County WILLIAM WRIGHT - Fayetteville, Cumberland County CHARLES B. SHEPHERD - Tarboro', Edgecombe County RICHARD LEWIS - Tarboro', Edgecombe County JAS. PHILIPS - Prof. in the College N. M. HERTZ - Prof. in the College DOCTOR OF DIVINITY REV. ADAM EMPIE - William & Mary College, Va. REV. CORNELIUS VERMULE - Harlem, New York File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 1.8 Kb