Bertie County NcArchives News.....William Cureton Loses Bank Notes April 7, 1812 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Carolyn Shank March 26, 2008, 2:40 pm Tuesday, April 7, 1812 Edenton Gazette April 7, 1812 LOST On the evening of the 27th of February last, a red Morocco pocketbook with about 15 dollars in Newbern and Cape Fear Bank Notes and a number of valuable Papers -- among which were sundry notes of Hand, some not recollected. Those recollected are as follows: One note of Hand given by WM. ACRE to me for 18.5, payable 1st Jan. 1802 One note of Hand, given by WM.ACRE to me for 18.t, payable 1st Jan. 1803 One ditto, given by LEONARD ACRE to me for 3.10.6, payable 1st Jan. 1801 One ditto, given by LEONARD ACRE to me for ----, payable 1st Jan. 1802 One ditto, given by HENRY HARRELL, SR., for 5. payable 1st Jan 1803 One ditto, given by HENRY HARRELL, SR., for 6.3, payable 1st Jan. 1804 One ditto, given by HENRY HARRELL SR., FOR 8.5.6, payable 1st Jan. 1805 One ditto, given by HENRY HARRELL SR., FOR 18.15.3, payable 1st Jan. 1806 One ditto, given by JAMES SEAY to ELIZABETH CURETON for 18.0.6, payable Jan. 6, 1803 One ditto, given by ISAAC PARKER to me for 13 payable 1st Jan. 1810 One ditto, given to WILLIS MINTON to me for 23.26, payable 1 Jan. 1811 One ditto given by WILLIS CALLUM to me for 50, payable 1st July, 1811 One ditto given by CULLEN CATTON to me for 122.14.4, p;ayable 10th Feb. 1812 One ditto given by HENRY ANDREW to me for 37.4.5, payable 10th March, 1811 One ditto given me by ALSELME CULLOM to ELIZABETH CURETON for 34 , payable August 4 1805. Any person finding the same, and will deliver it to subscriber, shall receive a handsome reward. Bertie County, March 25, 1812 WILLIAM CURETON File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.2 Kb