BERTIE COUNTY WILL - Campbell, John - 1777 File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Cheryl Crowder Will of John Campbell Bertie County, NC 19 Apr 1777 State of North Carolina. In the name of God Amen. I John Campbell of Bertie County, Merchant, being of sound and disposing mind and memory, do make and/or ordain this to be my last will and testament in writing in manner and form following that I desire my body may be decently buried at the discretion fo my executors and my hopes rest that my soul will obtain mercy through the merits and redemption of our blessed Saviour Jesus Christ to whom be glory praise and adoration forever whose mercy and providential goodness has protected and preserved me through many dangers and blessed my endeavors to acquire and real and personal worldly estate and interest which I now dispose of in manner and form as follows (viz). First, I will and bequeath unto my executor hereafter named all my real and personal estate upon his special trust and consideration and condition only that they pay all my just debts and legacies by sale of such part of my lands and moveable perishable effects as may in their discretion be found requisite to be sold after any outstanding debts are collected and received which are now considerable and more than I owe if my knowledge requesting justice may speedily be done to all my creditors. Secondly, I give and bequeath unto my dearly beloved wife Martha, one negro boy called Andrew, one negro girl called Betty, children born of Dianah, one best feather bed, bedstead and furniture that is in our room, desk and bookcase, looking glass doors, one dressing desk, six chairs, one mahogany table, and all that did belong to her at our marriage on the sixth day of July last to her and heirs. And do further will and desire that she may have the use, possession, and enjoyment of my whole plantation and horses, cattle, sheep and every part of my white linnen bedding, furniture, kitchen utensils, plows, tools, fishing nett, and whatever is now in and belonging to my estate at Lasy Hill with the use of the following negros: Cambridge, Simon, Hampton, Colerain, Randal, Kingston, Andrew, Jacob and Charles (Dianah, Amey, Nanny, Lynda, Violet, Lucy, Betty, Hannah and other children belonging to them, all things to remain in the house to her use during the time said Martha continues my widow and resides at Lasy Hill without committing waste or suffering the house to be ruined through neglect of repairs, trusting in her presence and regard for the heirs to whom I leave the ____ with. And desire an inventories of all the stock, furniture and utensils may be for the benefit of the heir hoping the plantation ad fishery will maintain her in a comfortable manner during her widowhood and I wish her to be supported. Item. I give, devise and bequeath unto my grandson John Campbell, son of my son James Campbell, when he comes to age of 21 years, my plantation and lands now called Lasy Hill, containing about 1,000 acres including the land last purchased from Jane Howell and John McGlaughan adjoining together with all houses, chattles, horses, sheep and other stock on and belonging to the same. Also all the household furniture, plate, clock, glasses, beds, tools, utensils and other things left in the possession of my wife Martha to come into his possession after the marriage or decease of said wife Martha which event may first happen and not till her righting to the use of them expires. (Signed Jno. Campbell) Item. I give, devise and bequeath unto my said grandson, John Campbell, all my lands, plantation now owned and in my possession at Fort Bridge, including both sides of the swamp or runn(?) called Chinkapin, including the sawmills, gristmills when erected and put in order together with all the stock of cattle, horses and other appurtenances that may be on the same and belonging to me at my decease, together with the following negro slaves employed there and elsewhere till my wife's marriage or death, whichever may first happen: viz. Faffey(?), Sampson, _____, Cambridge, Simon, Hampton, Coleraine, Randall, Kingston, Jacob, Charles and Matthew makes home(?) _____ Dianah and her child Hannah, Violett, Lynda, ____ her increase Nanny and child ____, ____ and Amey females to him, his heirs and assigns forever after my wife's decease or marriage. And my will and desire is that my said grandson be well educated and the expense defrayed by the income of the mills during his minority, and I do hereby appoint my executors his guardians till of age. Item. I give, devise and bequeath unto dear grandson Thomas Brownrigg my lands and plantation called ____ _____ containing 640 acres, also the pocasson(?) land entered and surveyed adjoining to him and his heirs, assigns hereby directing it may be rented out till he comes of age and the rents applied to educating him, but in case he dies before he arrives to the age of 21 years, the land to revert to my son James Campbell, heirs and assigns forever. Item. I give and bequeath to my granddaughter Mary Jane and Sarah Brownrigg the sum of 1,134 pounds, eight shillings and 3 pence, a balance due to me from their father's estate at his decease, to be equally divided among them and their survivors when they arrive at age or day of marriage of each desiring my executors to secure their money to them out of said estate and put it out to interest and apply the annual interest for their education and use paying each their share of the interest and principal as it may become due to each of the survivors. Item. I give and bequeath to each of my granddaughters Brownriggs one negro girl of these not mentioned to my wife and my grandson John Campbell of Lucy, Nanny, Dianah's children, as my executors may agree to give them at marriage or coming to age of each said girls. Item. I give my dearly beloved daughter Sarah Meredith during her life the use of 50 volumes of my books, including what she now has and after her decease, the said books to be divided among her daughters. Item. I give to my grandson John Brownrigg 20 volumes of my books, one case of pistols, silver mounted, and one sword when he arrives at the age of 21 years, in case of his death then to his brother Thomas. Item. I give, devise and bequeath unto my son James Campbell, his heirs and assigns forever, all the lands, plantation, estates, goods, rights and credits to me belonging or in any way appurtaining at my decease excepting them already mentioned given to my wife, grandsons and granddaughters and daughter Sarah Meredith. (Signed Jno Campbell) Willing and requiring my said son James Campbell pay off and discharge all my debts as soon as possible to be done and then remit the sum of 100 pounds sterling to Henry Newton of Cohraine to pay unto my brother James Campbell if alive and my sisters Mary and Elizabeth and their heirs in equal proportion. This request may be done as soon as possible fearing they use none in distress and want of assistance which my son may give when he makes his sale of the many tracts of lands that are situated in several counties in this State as titles, patents and deeds will show are very considerable and may enable him to provide for his children, which I hope he will and give them proper education. Item. I give and bequeath to my son-in-law Capt. David Meredith my ring with rubys which I now wear in ____ of my regard for him and the sum of 20 pounds current money to his use for mourning or other use. And Lastly, I do hereby nominate, constitute and appoint, ordain and make my son James Campbell, my good friends Capt. James Leslie of Halifax, Benjamin McCullock and Capt. Robert Hardy of Edenton my Executors, Trustees and Guardians for my grandsons John Campbell and Thomas Brownrigg, hereby requesting their accepting the said Trust and Guardianship and assist to fulfill my last desire and intentions. When justice done my creditors, wife and grandchildren their expenses to be liberally defrayed out of my estate and the sum of 20 pounds paid to each over all charges to their several uses as a token of my love, friendship and affection for them. In witness whereof, I the said John Campbell have to this my last will and testament written on three sides of this paper and signed on the bottom of each page and at the end, have set my hand and seal this 19th day of April 1777 and in the first year of this State's independence which may God long prosper and preserve. Amen. Signed, sealed, published and declared by Jno Campbell testator as and for his last will and testament in the presence of us who at his request in his presence and in the presence of each other herein subscribed our names as witnesses thereto: Nicholls (name unreadable) Boulton ======================== USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be freely used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages cannot be reproduced in any format for profit or other presentation.