Bertie COUNTY NC Will John Dunning Copyright. All rights reserved. File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Joyce Dunning SETTLEMENT OF ESTATE OF JOHN DUNNING 1725/30 - 1799 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA Know all men by these presents, that we WRIGHT NICHOLLS, ELISHA COOK & WILLIAM HIGGS are held and firmly bound unto William Gray, Esquire, Chairman of the County Court of Bertie in the just and full sum of five hundred pounds, current money of the state aforesaid, to be paid to the said chairman, his successors or assigns: To which payment well and truly to be made, we do bind ourselves, each of us. our and each of our heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, jointly and Severally, firmly by these presents. Sealed with our seals and dated this 12th day of August one thousand seven hundred and ninety nine. The condition of the above obligation is such, that if the above bounden WRIGHT NICHOLLS administrator of all and singular the goods and chattels, right and credits of JOHN DUNING deceased, do make or cause to be made, a true and perfect inventory of all and singular the goods and chattels, rights, and credits of, the deceased, which have or shall come to the hands, knowledge or possession of the said WRIGHT NICHOLLS or into the hands or possession of any person or persons for him, do well and truly administer according to law; and further do make, or cause to be made a true and just account of his said administration agreeable to law, after the date of these presents; and all the rest and residue of the said goods, chattels and credits which shall found remaining upon the said administrator account (the same being first examined and allowed by the Governor and Council, Superior or County Court) shall deliver and pay unto such person or persons respectively, as the same shall become due, pursuant to the true intent and meaning of the act in that case made and provided. And if it shall appear that any will or settlement was made by the deceased, and the executor or executors therein named do exhibit the same in Court, making request to have it allowed and approved of accordingly, if the said WRIGHT NICHOLLS above bounden, being thereunto required, do render and deliver the said letters on administration (approbation of such testament being first had and made in the said Court) then this obligation to be void, otherwise to remain in full force and virtue. Signed, Sealed and delivered WRIGHT NICHOLS (SEAL) In the presence of ELISHA “X” COOK (SEAL) WM. HIGGS (SEAL) George Gray An inventory of the Estate of JOHN DUNNAN Dec’d. taken this 29th of July 1799 - one horse saddle & bridel; 13 head of cattel; 23 head of hogs; 1 handmill; 2 feather beds & steads ; & furniture; 1 gun & shot pouch; 2 tables; 1 lennen wheel; 1 woolen wheel & cards; 1 chest & 5 setting chears; 8 stacks of bees; 1 cart; 1 carrelog?; 1 flax brake; a small quanitity of corn; 2 emty hogheads; 6 barrels; 1 keg; 1 fat tub; 2 plough howes; 1 plow stock; 2 axes; 1 peare of iron wedges; 3 weeding hows; 1 grubing how; 1 flax hacker; 1 peare of hemas (herras?); 1 rake; 1 carpenter ads; 1 handsaw; 1 coopers ads; 2 drawen knifes; 4 gauges; 2 chiesles & Tob. Knife; 5 augers; 1 hatchet; 1 reap hook; 1 peare of stelards; 1 box of small tools; 4 gemblets; 1 hamer & nipers; 1 peare of compor?; 3 baskets; 2 stays; 4 tubs; 3 pigins; 3 iron pots; 2 peare hooks; 1 flash fork; 1 spidol;1 skilet; 1 pan; 2 basons; 2 dishes; 7 plates; 2 bowels; 2 sifters; 1 box with knifes & forks; 14 spoons; some salt; 1 mortel & pestell; 1 tub with honey; 2 small quantity of bacon; some tobaco; some fodder; 1bull; some flax; 1 bottel & glass; 2 jugs; 8 books; 2 rasers & spectels; 1 mouse trap; 1 box iron & heaters; 1 peper box; 1 peare shears; 2 hats; 1 peare of shoes; 4 coats; 4 waistcoats; 3 peare stocking; 6 shirts; 5 peare of trousers; 2 pear of britches; 1 sowed?; 1 bill; cash 1 pound. WRIGHT NICHOLS Acct of Sales of the Estate of John Duning, Decd. 22 August 1799 £--S--D 1 horse to Demsy Cook 2-13-0 1 mans saddle to Shadrach Duning 2-0-0 2 cows & calves to Sarah Duning 6-11-0 1 do - do to Josiah Freeman 6-10-0 1 do - do to Wm Carney 6-3-0 1 stears to Wright Nichols 7-11-0 2 heifers to do do 5-2-6 1 do to do do 1-2-6 1 sow & pigs to Sarah Duning 1-0-0 8 hogs to Carney Wm 14-0-6 7 do to do do 5-1-6 1 hand mill to Saml Granbery 6-1-6 1 fether bed to Sarah Duning 6-0-0 1 do do to Christopher Prichard 5-1-0 1 gun & shot bag to Wm. Duning 7-1-0 1 table to Sarah Duning 0-2-0 1 pot skillet & spider to do do 0-10-0 1 bel to do do 0-2-6 1 chest to do do 0-5-0 1 table to William Higgs 0-2-6 1 wooling Wheel & cards to Sarah Duning 0-5-6 1 lining do to Wm. Purvis 0-8-0 Estate sale of John Dunning 1725/30 - 1799 Dec’d, continued £--S--D 2 chairs to Sarah Duning 0-2-0 3 do to Jeremiah Duning 0-3-6 1 bee hive to Sarah Duning 0-5-0 2 do to Wm. Cook 2-5-0 2 do to Sam’l Jornegan 2-0-0 1 do to Wm. Purvis 1-1-0 2 do to James Jordan 2-0-0 1 box iron & heaters to Jeremiah Duning 0-7-0 1 flar beak to Hardeman Duning 0-5-0 1 cart & wheels to Wm. Purvis 2-12-0 2 Hggs & bee gum to Sam’l Jornagan 0-5-0 6 barrells to Sarah Duning 0-3-6 1 keg to do do 0-1-6 1 plowhoe to Jeremiah Duning 0-12-6 1 do to do do 0-6-6 1 fat tub to Levy Wimberly 0-1-6 1 ax to Sarah Duning 0-2-0 1 do to Wm. Cook 1-3-0 1 pare iron wedges to Sam’l Jornagan 1-0-6 1 grubing hoe to Hardeman Duning 0-13-0 1 weeding do to Isaac Herrin 0-11-0 2 do do to James Thomson 0-9-0 1 hackell to James Jordan 1-7-6 1 carpenters adds to Reubin Stallings 0-15-6 1 handsaw & frame to Jeremiah Duning 0-14-0 3 augers to Wm. Purvis 0-13-0 2 augers & adds to Wm. Cook 0-10-6 2 chizzels & gauge to Hardeman Duning 0-7-0 2 drawing knives to Wm. Purvis 0-9-6 1 reaphook & hatchet to Jeremiah Duning 0-6-6 1 box & tools to do do 0-16-6 1 pare steelyards to Sarah Duning 0-0-6 2 bread trays to Wright Nichols 0-4-0 2 ½ lb tobacco to James Thomson 0-6-3 2 ½ lb do to do do 0-5-0 2 ½ lbs do to Wright Nichols 0-5-0 2 ½ lbs do to Jeremiah Duning 0-5-0 3 baskets to Elisha Cook 0-3-6 2 washing tubs to Sarah Duning 0-2-0 2 do do to Wright Nichols 0-2-0 3 piggins to Sarah Duning 0-3-0 1 iron pot to Solm Cherry 0-5-0 1 do & hooks to Wm. Duning 0-15-0 Estate sale of John Dunning 1725/30 - 1799 continued £-S--D 1 frying pan to John Baker 0-3-0 1 dish & bason to Wright Nichols 0-16-6 1 percel puter to Sarah Duning 1-0-0 4 spoons to Sam’l Jacok 0-7-6 2 bows to Sarah Duning 0-1-0 2 sives to John Baker 0-7-6 box of knives & forks to Sarah Duning 0-0-6 1 hunney tub to do do 0-11-6 237 lbs bacon to Nataniel Tunstall 22-5-11 1 real to Sarah Duning 0-0-6 1 bottle & Glass to do do 0-1-6 2 gugs to James A. Gardner 0-8-6 2 books to Wright Nichols 0-5-0 1 ¾ lb tobacco to James A. Gardner 0-4-6 2 humn books to James Thomson 0-8-6 1 bell & Coller to do do 0-3-0 1 hymn book to do do 0-3-0 1 pare specks to Sarah Duning 0-1-0 2 razors to Elisha Cook 0-4-0 1 mouse trap to Sarah Duning 0-0-6 1 pare taylers shares to Solm Cherry 0-4-6 1 bell & Coller to Jeremiah Duning 0-7-6 1 sword to Jeremiah Duning 0-0-6 1 pare shose to Solm Cherry 0-6-6 1 hat to Shadrach Duning 1-4-0 1 do to Wright Nichols 0-3-6 5 pare trousers to Solm Cherry 1-6-6 2 pare britches to do do 0-8-6 1 do stockings to James Thomson 0-13-0 2 do do to Hardeman Duning 0-6-0 1 coat & waistcoat to Solm Cherry 0-11-0 1 do to do do 1-2-0 1 do to Jeremiah Duning 1-8-6 1 waistcoat to do do 0-11-6 2 shirts to Wm. Dunning 1-13-0 2 do to do do 1-12-0 2 do to Wm. Carney 1-15-0 1 great coat to Cader Barnes 1-2-0 RECORDED IN BOOK B, PAGE 72 WRIGHT NICHOLS Admr. Inventory of the Estate of JOHN DUNNING, Dec’d. Taken by WRIGHT NICHOLS Admr. Decm 5 1779 30 barrels 1 bushel corn Brandy fodder & petatoes WRIGHT NICHOLS An account sale of the Estate of John Dunning Decd Sold December 5, 1799 by WRIGHT NICHOLS Admr £-S- D 12 bbs corn to Sarah Dunning 12-0-0 6 do do to Jeremiah Dunning 6-0-0 5 do do to Wright Nichols 5-0-0 6 as 1/5 to Wright Nichols 3-17-6 1 do do to Sarah Dunning 0-12-6 The remainder crop, Brandy, fodder & petatoes to do do 0-5-0 WRIGHT NICHOLS Admr ============================================================== State of No Carolina| Bertie County | Febry Term 1800 It was ordered that William Cherry, Joseph Eason, Abner Eason & Ralph Outlaw or any three of them be appointed to audite & settle the accounts of WRIGHT NICHOLLS Adm of JOHN DUNNING decd and make return to next court. George Gray State of No Carolina| Bertie County | May term 1800 It was ordered that William Cherry, Abner Eason, Joseph Eason and Ralph Outlaw or any three of them be appointed to divide the estate of John Duning dec’d among his legal representatives and make return to next court. George Gray Pursuant to the above order to have divided the estate of Jno Duning Decd among his legal representative & find each representatives part is as follows: SARAH DUNING Relict of the dec/d £55..11..9 ¼ JEREMIAH DUNING £ 55..11..9 ¼ Recd £14..0..0. due 45..11..9 ¼ URIAH DUNING 55..11..9 ¼ supposed he Recd £52..0..0 due 3..11..9 ¼ LEVINEA NICHOLS 55..11..9 ¼ Recd £23..13..6 due 31..18..3 ¼ SHADRICK DUNING 55..11..9 ¼ Recd his full share on refusal to give an inventory of what he had recd of his father in his life time. Given under our hands this 7th of June 1800. Wm. Cherry Abner Eason Ralph Outlaw These documents were on file as loose papers in the North Carolina Archives - Raleigh, NC. =================== STATE OF NO. CAROLINA) BERTIE COUNTY ) August Term 1799 It was ordered that William Cherry, Demsey Cook, Benjamin Sholar and Benjamin Minton be appointed to allot and lay off to the widow of John Duning decd such part of the crop stock and provisions as they may think necessary and adequate for her subsistance for one year. George Gray Pursuant to an Order of Court we have laid off to Sarah Dunnin widow of John Dunnin Deceased for one year, provisions. (Viz) Twenty two pounds Seventeen Shillings & Six pence. Given under our hands the 9th Nov. 1799 Wm. Cherry, Benjamin Sholar Benjn Minton Demsy X Cook