Bertie County NcArchives Wills.....Folk, William Et Al February 1810 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Carolyn Shank February 8, 2008, 3:08 am Source: Edenton Gazette March 23, 1810 Written: February 1810 Recorded: March 23, 1810 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA BERTIE COUNTY COURT Feb. Term, 1810 WILLIAM FOLK et al vs. JOHN FOLK et al Petition for partition in the lands of JOHN FOLK, dec'd It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that JOHN FOLK and the heirs of GEORGE FOLK, dec'd, in the petition reside beyond the limits of this State. It is ordered that notice be given the said defendants by advertisement in the Edenton Gazette for six weeks successively that unless they appear at the next term of this Court, to be held at the Court House in Windsor on the second Monday in May next and put an answer to the petition of the petitioners, judgment will be taken against them pro confesso and the petition set for hearing ex parte. Copy from the Minutes Teste JOHN BLOUNT, Clerk Additional Comments: John Folk, deceased, John Folk, George Polk, deceased, John Blount. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 1.6 Kb