Bertie COUNTY NC Will Joshua Harrell 1810 File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Cathy Farris 1810 Bertie County Wills Joshua HARRELL, NCArchives Jan. 2002 Cathy Hart Farris Verbatim Wills Recorded Book Y page 167 In the name of GOD Amen, I Joshua HARRELL, of Bertie County, in the State of North Carolina, being very sick in body, but of perfect mind and memory, do make and ordain this my last will and testament. First I give and bequeath unto my son Jesse Bryan HARRELL twenty shillings North Carolina currency, also I lend to my son Jesse Bryan HARRELL my young sorrell? mare and her future increase and one feather bed and furniture, for his use, and also for the use of his children (if ever he should have any) during his own life and all his children's natural lives; also my will and desire is that my said son Jesse Bryan HARRELL shall be supported during his natural life with provisions for himself out of my estate. Secondly I give and bequeath equally to be divided between my two sons Josiah HARRELL and Elisha HARRELL all my land and plantation my part of the mill formerly owned between my brother Josiah HARRELL and myself, and one acre of land adjoining to the said mill, also all my negroes, viz. Ambrose, Jim, Luke, Davey and Amey, also all the remainder of my estate real and personal (except my desk and chairs which I give and bequeath to my son Josiah HARRELL) and my will and desire is that there shall be no division of my property till my son Elisha HARRELL arrives at lawful age and then that my, two sons Josiah HARRELL and Elisha HARRELL may divide the property I gave them equally themselves. Thirdly My will and desire is that my son Elisha HARRELL, live with his brother Josiah HARRELL till he arrives at lawful age, except he goes into some Store? Fourthly My will and desire is that my son Josiah HARRELL shall not make any charge of any kind whatever against my son Elisha HARRELL, if my son Elisha HARRELL should live with him and also that my son Elisha HARRELL shall not make any charge of any kind whatever against my son Josiah HARRELL for any part of his property till he my said son Elisha HARRELL arrives at lawful age but that the said property of my said son Elisha HARRELL shall remain to assist in raising him and paying my debts till the time before mentioned, that is, when my son Elisha HARRELL arrives at lawful age. Lastly I constitute make and ordain my son Josiah HARRELL and my friend John RUFFIN, executors to this my last will and testament and I do hereby utterly disallow, revoke and disannul all former wills, legacies, and by me before made willed and bequeathed, ratifying and confirming this and no other to be my last will and testament; In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this twenty sixth day of June in the year of our LORD one thousand eight hundred and ten. Interlined before signed, Signed, sealed and acknowledged by the said Joshua HARRELL, as his last will and testament in the presence of us, Joshua HARRELL mark seal James Sw. GROVER Sen. Wm. HOLLOWELL x mark Elizabeth HOLLOWELL NOTES: Joshua HARRELL was husband to my Sarah BRYAN. As you will read, she is not included, so she must have proceeded him in death. Joshua mentioned his son Jesse Bryan HARRELL, this really leads me to believe Sarah was his wife. Is there anyone that knows more about Joshua, his wife and more about the son above Jesse Bryan HARRELL? Thanks, Cathy Also, to many of the people I am researching have died in this time frame. Where can I look for records of epidemics in certain states or counties?