BERTIE CO, NC WILL LASSITER, Frederick -1787 File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Lorene Rambo Bertie County Original Wills, 1749-1897, CR.010.801.9 Lassiter, Frederick, 1787 Archives and Records Section, 109 E. Jones Street, Raleigh, North Carolina In The Name of God Amen August 30th 1779 I Frederick Lassiter of Bertie County and State of No Carolina Calling to Mind the Mortallity of My Body Once to Die do Make and Ordain this My last will and Testament - First and principally I Recommend My Soul into the hands of Almighty God that Gave it and My Body to the Earth From Whence it was Taken to be Decently Interd at the Discretion of My Executors hereafter Named, and for What Worldly Estate it hath pleased God to Bless me with in this Life I do give Devise and Dispose off in Manner and form following that is to Say, Imprimise I will that all my Just Debts May be discharged by My Executors herafter Named --- Item: I Give and Bequeath to My beloved Wife Sarah Lassiter - two Negros Slaves Namely One Negro Man Named Meanger One Female Named Cherry They and their Increse I Say to her and Her heirs forever I likewise Give to My Said beloved Wife One Horse one Side Sadle and Bridle five Cows and Yearlings with all My houshold Goods and Chattles of Whatsoever Kind I Say to her and her Heirs forever - - - Item: I give and bequeath to my Eldest Son Jethro Lassiter one Negro Female Child Named Rachel She and her incres I Say to him and his Heirs forever Item: I Give and Bequeath to My Son Frederick Lassiter one Negro Boy Named Dave I Say to him and his heirs for Ever Item: I Give and Bequeath to My Son William Lassiter one Negro Boy Named Abraham I Say to him and his heirs forever Item: I Give and Bequeath to My Daughter Polly Lassiter one Negro Garl Named Bershabe She and her Increse I Say to her and her heirs forever - - - Item: I Give and Bequeath to My Daughter Nansey Lassiter one Negro Garl Named Judath She and her Increse I say to her and her Heirs forever - - - Item: My will and Desire is That My Plantation Tract and parsel of Land Lying in Cypruss Swamp My Negro Garl Mourning and My Man Should be Sold at the Disckresion of My Executors herafter Mentioned and the Use of the Said money and the Money that I have to be put to the Use to Buy a plantation Tract Or persel of Land for the Use of My Said Beloved Wife Sarah Lasseter her Lifetime and then the Said Land to belong to My two Sons - Frederick Lasseter and William Lassiter I Say to them and Their Heirs forever --- Item: My Will and Desire is that the Rest of My Stock of Cattle and Hogs Should be Left for the Use and Seport of My famely Lastly I do Nominate and apoint My Brother Timothy Lassiter and My Brothrer in Law Timothy Walton to be My Executors of this My last Will and Testament and do Renounce Revoke and Disannul all former Wills and this and no Other to be My last will and Testament. Signed Seald and Deliverd by the Testator as his last will and Testament in Presence of us: Rich. Tayloe Davie Tayloe Tim J. Walton Signed: Frederick Lassiter State of No Carolina, Bertie County, Feby Term 1787 The Last Will and Testament of Frederick Lassiter was proved in due form of Law by the Oath of Richard Tayloe one of the subscribing Witnesses and ordered to be recorded. Signed: Stevens Gray ======================== USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be freely used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages cannot be reproduced in any format for profit or other presentation.