Bertie County NcArchives Wills.....Williams, John March 13, 1746 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Jean Mayo Hirsch February 1, 2008, 10:12 pm Source: Williams, John 010 1758 Ss 882/77 Ss/arname Written: March 13, 1746 Recorded: January 1758 WILL OF JOHN WILLIAMS Bertie County March 13, 1746 In the name of God Amen: the Thirteenth Day of March 1746 I John Williams of the County of Bertie Planter being Very Sick and weak in Body but of perfect mind and memory thanks be given unto God: Therefore Calling unto mind the mortality of my Body and knowing it is appointed all men once to Dye do Make and ordain this my last will and testament that is to say principally and first of all I give and Recommend my Soul into the hands of God that gave it and my Body I recommend to the Earth to be Buried in desent Christian Burial at the discretion of my Executors nothing doubting but at the General Resurrection I shall Receive the same again by the mighty power of God and as touching Such worldly Estate where with it has pleased God to bless me to this Life I give dismis and dispose of the in the same in the following manner and form Impriovis I give and bequeath to Anne my dearly beloved wife her Choice of my Bed and one Rug and a pair of blankits and a pair of Sheets an six Cows & Calves and four Shears one ___ one two year old one three year old & one four year old ___ Sows & pigs twelve burrows Six two year old and six one year old four Cows and Lambs one iron pot & a frying pan two Puter dishes and one puter bason three puter plates and Six puter spoons Item I give to my well beloved son Theophilus Williams my Negro fellow Jack only reserving his labour to my well beloved wife During her Widerhood then to him and his heirs for ever Item I give to my well beloved Daughter Anne Herring my Negro fellow primus only reserving his labour to my well beloved wife During her widerwhood Item I give To my well beloved son Isaac Williams _____________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ____ Item I give to my well beloved Daughter Sara Castelaw one Common prayer Book Item I give to my well Beloved Daughter Mary Herring one Common prayer Book Item I give to my well beloved Son Arthur Williams his heirs or or asigns my maner plantation with all my other Lands joining there to him his heirs and or asigns only reserving the half of it with timbers and all conveniences fencing & firewood to my well Beloved wife during her during her life and after her deseas to him and his heirs Item I give and bequeath to my well beloved wife two horses Item I give to my well beloved Son Arthur Williams one Negro Wench Jene and all her increase only reserving the use of one Negro wench Named Grace for my well beloved wife During her widerhood Item I give to my son Arthur one Still and one large iron pot Reserving the use of them for her own Nessary use during her widerhood then to my son Arthur, I give all my Books one Cass and bottels and my My Grist Item I give to my well beloved gran Son John Williams one iron pot & one gist that was my fathers Item I give to my well beloved Granchildren Farabe Williams Ezekell Williams Jerusha Williams Barbera Williams twenty five pounds Virgene Currance to be equally divided among the four when they reach the age of eighteen Item I leave one tract of land Lying one the Round pecosen to be Sold to the best advantage at the Discration of my Executors and the money to be Refundin to the Estate and after all my debts being paid and all charges being and ___ ___ I leave all the rest of my household good monies and Chatels to be Equilly Divided amongst my Children I likewise constitute make and order Arthur Williams and Theophilus Williams & Anne Williams my wife my Sole Executors of this my last will and testament, all and Singular and doo here by utterly disallow Revoke and Disannual all and every other former testaments Wills Legacess and Bequests and Executors by me in any wise before Named willed and bequeathed ____ confirming this and none other to be my last Will and Testament in witness where of I have hereunto Set my hand and Seal this Day and Year Above Written. John Williams Signed Sealed published Pronounced & Declared by the said John Williams as his last Will and Testament in the presence of us the Subscribers William Byrd John Moore Thomas Castellaw Jurant Bertie County __ October Court 1757 The before Written Will was Exibited __ by Arthur Williams one of the Exor therefore and Proved by the oath of William Byrd one of the Suscribing Witness's hereto and at the same time the same Exor Quallifyed according to Law which was ordered to be Certifye Test Benj Wyns Clerk of Court Bertie County January Court, 1758. The above Written Will was duly proved in open Court by the oath of Thomas Castellaw and of the Suscribing Witness's Thereto which was ordered to be __ ___. Test Benj Wyns Clerk of Court State of North Carolina Superior Court of Law and Equity District of Edenton November Term 1785 _____ on the Demise of } __________ George Williams William Hinton __________________unto Certify that The Will of John Williams deceased grand-father of Geo. Williams ___ of the plantiff in this Suit which was brought up from the Secretary's Office by Mr Willoughly Williams Deputy Secretary to this Court by a Writ of ____ ____ to be given in Evidence on the part of the Defendant in this cause was at this Term by the __ of the said Court, Ordered to be filled with the other papers of the said Suit in my office until a final determination of the Cause can be had Test Blake Baker CSCLS State of North Carolina Superior Court of Law and Equity District of Edenton ______be Term 1786 These are to Certify that the Will of John Williams Sr. grand father of the Tessor of theIla Name Co. Date Recorded Copy Original Williams, John 010 1758 SS 882/77 SS/AR Hard copy on file Transcribed by Jean Mayo Hirsch from documents located at the North Carolina State Archives in Raleigh, NC. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 7.1 Kb