BLADEN COUNTY, NC - CEMETERIES - Council Cemetery ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright. All rights reserved. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Betty Richardson ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Council Cemetery, Hwy. 211, Council, Bladen Co., NC Council, ? 1/7/1859 7/5/1960 Inf dau of Kinchin Kitchen and Catherine Ann Sikes Council Council, ? d. 11/24/1895 Inf son of K. B. and S. L. Council Council, Archibald Daniel 1822 5/25/1863 18th Regt., CSA, killed at Chancelorville Council, Catherine Katie 1864 8/4/1895 Dau of John Smith and Catherine A. Pate Council Wife of Harry Hines Council, Catherine Ann Sikes 12/30/1823 4/13/1911 Wife of Kinchin K. Council Council, Edgar Marvin 12/2/1874 4/19/1901 Son of J. S. and Catherine Pate Council Council, Olive E. 2/14/1876 5/13/1902 Dau of John Smith and Catherine A. Pate Council Council, John S. 10/5/1830 1/23/1898 Council, Catherine A. 1/29/1840 3/2/1897 Council, Walter Clarendon 1861 8/12/1883 Son of J. S. and C. A. Council Council, Maude Robeson 6/26/1880 8/8/1881 Dau of J. S. and C. A. Council Council, Serena Olive 4/22/1863 10/12/1868 Dau of J. S. and C. A. Council Brinkley, Barnes W. 1/14/1851 11/20/1912 Born in Nansemond Co., VA Council, James 1716 1789 Rev. War Paymaster DAR lists death year as 1804 Council, Sarah 4/12/1774 11/24/1857 Council, David 1752 9/7/1827 Council, Robert 3/29/1814 9/28/1881 Council, Robert Strange 3/1/1854 7/4/1910 Council, David Franklin 2/22/1843 5/11/1855 Son of K. K. and C. A. Council Council, Samuel Luke 3/2/1863 8/18/1863 Son of K. K. and Catherine Ann Council Council, John 1781 3/5/1859 Husband of Marion Robinson Council, Sabra Kea 5/30/1869 5/28/1891 Wife of J. W. Bailey Powell, Eugene Clayton 5/17/1909 8/21/1917 Son of J. A. and S. B. Powell Powell, Susan Alma 1/5/1898 6/7/1899 Council, David James Council 4/12/1817 7/6/1886 Co. D, 73rd. Regt., Senoir Reserves, CSA Vick, Robert E. 1845 1913 Vick, Julia H. 6/29/1895 1/7/1907 Vick, ? d. 1/7/1907 Dau of R. E. and J. H. Vick Bailey, ? d. 7/29/1889 Son of J. W. and S. K. Bailey Council, John Nicholson 4/15/1856 5/4/1891 Council, Euphemia Ann Campbell 2/14/1821 4/12/1899 Hines, ? 1/8/1895 1/8/1895 Son of Harry and Katie Hines Council, Marion Robinson 1790 1861 Clark, ? d. 2/25/1928 Wife of Waits Clark died giving birth to son Edward Neil Clark unmarked Thompson, William R. 12/25/1850 6/15/1916 Council, Lydia M. 7/20/1844 5/27/1916 Dau of R. R. and S. K. Council Council, Caroline E. 2/29/1848 12/11/1921 Dau of R. R. and S. A. K. Council Council, Martha 11/29/1842 1/13/1923 Dau of R. R. and S. K. Council Council, Helen Frances 4/16/1856 12/26/1932 Dau of R. R. and S. K. Council Council, Ellen 11/20/1864 8/13/1933 Dau of R. R. and S. K. Council Council, Lorin Smith 5/7/1870 9/15/1897 Dau of John Smith and Catherine A. Pate Council The five daughters of Robert Ruffin's daughters graves are unmarked. Information from family bible records for R. R. and Sarah Ann King Council.