Bladen County NcArchives Court.....William H. White, McDowell, Adm'r Of Lucy Ann Brown V. 1873 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Connie Ardrey n/a February 12, 2012, 10:16 am Source: N C Reports Written: 1873 Thomas D. McDowell, Adm'r cum test. annexo of Lucy Ann Brown, dec'd v. William H. White A direction in a will to divide an estate real and personal, is not a direction to sell the real estatte for a division: Hence, the words, "The rest and residue of my estate, whether real or personal, I give to be divided between the legatees herein mentioned, in proportion," &c. confer no power on the administrator cum testamento annexo to sell such real estate for the purpose of a division. Case Agreed submitted to Russell, J., at the Spring Term, 1872, of the Superior Court of Bladen County. The case as disclosed by the record sent to this Court, is as follows: Lucy Ann died in the State of Mississippi, having first made and published her last will and testament, which was admitted to probate in the county of Lowndes, in that State, in April, 1871. An exemplification of this will, duly authenticated and certified, was exhibited before the Judge of Probate of Bladen County, NC, in which the testatrix had property, and was filed and recorded as prescribed by law, and the plaintiff appointed administrator with the will annexed. In her said will, the testatrix, after making sundry other bequests, concludes as follows: "The rest and residue of my estate, whether real or personal, I give to be divided between the legatees herein named, in proportion to the sums herein given." The plaintiff, after qualifying as administrator, and upon due notice, sold the real and personal estate of his testatrix, at which sale, the defendant purchased a house and lot in Elizabethtown, is said county, for $1,003. When payment was demanded in accordance with the terms of the sale, he refused to pay his bid, alleging that under the will the plaintiff had no power to sell the real estate of the testatrix and make title to the purchaser. It was submitted, that if his Honor should be of opinion that the will of the said Lucy Ann Brown gave the plaintiff, as her administrator with the will annexed, power to sell her real estate situated in North Carolina, then judgment should be rendered in favor of the plaintiff for the amount of the purchase money and for costs; otherwise, judgment should be given in favor of the defendant. His Honor being of opinion, that under the will, the plaintiff was invested with power to sell the house and lot as he had done, directed the Clerk to enter judgment in his favor, for the amount of the purchase money and for costs. From this judgment, the defendant appealed. No counsel for appellant in this Court Busbee & Busbee contra NC Supreme Court Justice Settle, J. - The question in this case is, did the administrator with the will annexed have the power to sell land? The clause of the will under consideration makes all the persons named as legatees in the former parts of the will, tenants in common, who, if they see proper, can take proceedings and have the land sold for division, and thus convey a perfect title. Judgment reversed, and judgment here that defendant go without day. Per Curiam Judgment reversed Additional Comments: In the NC Supreme Court Jauary Term 1873 File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.7 Kb