Duncan Lamont - 1798 - Bladen Co., NC - Wills Submitted for use in the USGenWeb Project Archives by Cheryl Crowder acrowder@gte.net **************************************** In the name of God "Amen". I, Duncan Lamont, Planter in Bladen County and State of North Carolina, through the abundant mercy of God, yet tho weak in body yet of perfect understanding and memory, blessed be God, do constitute to this my last will and testament as follows. I humbly bequeath my soul to Almighty God, my maker, beseeching his most gracious acceptance of it through the merit of and mediations of my most compassionate Redeemer, Jesus Christ. I order that my lawful debts be paid in the first place. I order one cow for my eldest daughter Marian, David McMillan’s wife. I order one cow and calf for my eldest son Anguish Lamont. I order one two-year old heifer for my daughter Nancy with what she got already. I order one cow and yearling to my daughter Flora. I order the one-half of a two-year old mare to my son Daniel, and the other half for my two youngest daughters, Margaret and Elizabeth. I order the old gray mare, the one-half of her for my eldest son Anguish and the other half for my son Duncan. I order my house and half of my plantation and half of the woods land to my beloved wife Christian Lamont, her life time and then to return to my son Duncan, his heirs and assigns, and the other half of my plantation and woods land to my son Daniel, his heirs and assigns. I order my house and all the plantation tools to my beloved wife Christian Lamont. I order one bed and furniture, one chest, one ____ wheel to my beloved wife Christian Lamont. I order one ewe and lamb to my stepdaughter Christian Mun. I order the one-third part of the rest of my stock of cattle, hogs, and sheep and household furniture to my beloved wife Christian Lamont and the rest to be divided between my four youngest children. I order my body clothes to my son Anguish Lamont. I give full power to Daniel Taylor and Duncan McCall, whole Executors, along with my beloved wife. In witness thereof, I have set my hand and seal this 4th day of November 1798. In presence of these witnesses: Neil McCaulsky Dugald Clark Duncan McCaulsky Duncan Lamont (his mark) *********************************************** Cheryl Crowder acrowder@gte.net ============================================================= USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free genealogy information on the Internet, data may be freely used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by other organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than as stated above, must contact the submitter or the listed USGenWeb archivist.