Brunswick County NcArchives Wills.....Potter, Jr., Miles August 6, 1827 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Jean Mayo Hirsch April 3, 2006, 10:52 pm Source: County Clerk Office, Bolivia, Brunswick County, South Carolina Written: August 6, 1827 Recorded: August 1827 August 1827: Will of Miles Potter Book B. Pg 48,49, & 50 IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN! I Miles Potter Snr. of the State of North Carolina and the County of Brunswick, being of sound and perfect mind & memory - blessed be God - do this 6th day of August in the year of Our Lord one thousand, eight hundred and twenty seven, make and publish this my last will and testament, in manner following, that is to say, first, I give and bequeath to my beloved son, Miles Potter my negro man Larry. and one large Mahoua table, and to my son Nathaniel Potter's, two daughters, Susan Jane and Elizabeth Lord. I give instead of giving to him my negro girl Mary, and one note which I hold against said Nath'l for Sixty five Dollars and fifty dollars due by the estate of Thomas Leonard or his lawful representatives, it being due me in Swap for lands; and to my son Samuel L. Potter I give my negro man Will; and to my daughter Sarah Jane Caison I give and bequeath all that piece or parcel of land whereon she now lives, together with all houses, orchards, & appurtances there unto, for which Isaac Caison has a deed previously given in consideration of his wife's part of my estate, together with the following property. viz; one sorrel Mare previously given, one round Mahogany table, four windsor chairs, my looking glass, etc; and to my daughter Rebecca Evans I give and bequeath my negro woman Mimbo and Ninety acres of land joining John Evans, & one note already received by said Rebecca & John Evans for Sixty six dollars and Sixty- six cents & sundry other articles already received by them; and to my daughter Ann Eliza Potter I give my negro girl Kitty & one note for Sixty five dollars on Richard Sullivan given to me in the year 1825, one spinning wheel, one feather bed cord and hide etc. I do hereby nominate & fully authorize my son Miles as a lawful Trustee for my daughter Eliza until she shall marry if ever; if said Eliza should die leaving no lawful issue I wish her property to be equally divided among her surviving brothers and sisters etc.; the aforesaid girl Kitty is entailed to said Eliza & her lawful heirs. I wish the remainder of my property & all notes & accounts due me to go to the paying of my just and lawful Debts- viz four head of hogs, one x cut saw, one large iron pot, one demijohn, one dutch oven, one spinning wheel, one kettle, three and a half yards good cloth, and all other property of mine that can be found which is not already named in the precceding part of this Will, etc. And I hereby make and ordain my loving sons Miles and Nathaniel Potter, Executors to this my last Will and Testament, In witness whereof I Miles Potter Snr., have to this my last will and testament set my hand and seal the day and year above written. Signed, sealed and acknowledged / In presence of James W. Murrell Miles Potter, Sr. {Seal} T. A. Smith & John Willetts. August Term 1827.-- The due execution of the written last Will & testament of Miles Potter Snr., dec' was proved in open Court by the oath of John Willetts one of the subscribing witnesses thereto & was ordered to be registered. Nath'l. Potter, Clk State of North Carolina The within Will is recorded in Brunswick County Book B. Pg. 48, 49, & 50 Nath'l. Potter Clk. Recorded agreeably to Act of Genl. Assembly, Special Session, 1908 Ratified Feb'y. 1st 1908 - Copied from Old Records Book B.(1). pg. 49, 50. Additional Comments: Miles Potter August 1827 named as son in the 1798 Will of his father Miles Potter File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 4.4 Kb