FRANKLIN-ESTES Cemetery, Caldwell County, North Carolina Located just outside of Colletsville, NC USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, material may be freely used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material, AND permission is obtained from the contributor of the file. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by other organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for non-commercial purposes, MUST obtain the written consent of the contributor, OR the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. Made available to The USGenWeb Archives by by Mary M. Cook ( Old John's River Road (about 7-8 miles from town) Colletsville, Caldwell County, NC ESTES Robert Lankston b. 11/7/1907 d. (still alive) Louise Watson b. 7/6/1914 d. 7/21/1990 HAYES Joseph L. 1881-1946 Daisy L. (Franklin) 1891-1929 BOGER Ray B. 1/5/1910-4/28/1974 Lucy F. (Franklin) 9/4/1909-8/8/1977 Ray Boger US Army World War II FRANKLIN Johnnie Boone 1/29/1902-3/6/1975 Mattie Radar 9/1/1905-5/29/1975 Rosa Pearl (Franklin) wife of Nelson Hackney 6/17/1893-6/13/1925 She is not dead but sleepeth Jay Franklin Son of J.S. & D. Franklin Born 8/28/1897 Died 6/7/1906 Aged 8 y. 9 m. 9d. Asleep with Jesus' blessed sheep John S. Franklin 2/3/1863-7/2/1930 Docia (Boone Estes) Franklin 8/2/1869-8/7/1945 Earl E. Franklin 10/28/1904-10/12/1941 Donald S. Franklin 8/22/1907-7/14/1972 Emma S. (Sudderth) Franklin 3/28/1908-7/31/1978 ESTES Elijah L. Estes 3/12/1845-1/16/1930 Mary Elizabeth (Estes) Estes 8/6/1847-5/29/1935 (Her maiden name was Estes as her husband was a second cousin) William Charles Jones 1903-1967 Elijah J. son of M.C. & R.A. Estes 9/30/1904 died 10/25/1904 Budded on earth to bloom in heaven ESTES Edna Webb 5/31/1887-5/24/1972 Madison Caleb 1/5/1874-2/5/1959 Rosa (Allie Rosanna Moore) Estes wife of M.C. Estes 8/20/1874-8/21/1910 Ruth Estes 12/8/1923-8/14/1956 Gone but not forgotten ESTES Fred Caleb 11/19/1899-1/25/1958 Annie Radar 8/31/1907-still alive MORGAN John R. 9/11/1946-4/2/1994 Karen E. (Estes) 7/21/1945-10/4/1990 SPENCER Walter P. 9/13/1883-3/10/1961 Lela M. (Franklin) 3/8/1887-9/30/1956 Gone but not forgotten Gladys Mae (Franklin) daughter of Mr. & Mrs. W.P. Spencer 9/8/1916-11/9/1926 2 infant sons 1 infant daughter FRANKLIN Roger Donald 11/21/1934-still alive Hattie 10/2/1934-still alive SPENCER Fred 7/21/1912-5/8/1992 Artie 11/18/1912-still alive HALL Allen Luther 11/19/1906-11/23/1989 Daisy (Lee Spencer) 1/15/1909-9/26/1995 Stanley Keys 9/8/1905-1/5/1935 Lloyd Keys 4/2/1908-1/5/1908 Baby Edith Keys Herndon Lee Franklin 11/14/1928-6/12/1989 Emma Jean L. Franklin 8/13/1928-still alive Michael Ray Franklin 4/18/1956-8/19/1956 Reuben Estes died 1877 Aged 70 y. Delphia Estes died 1828 aged 81 years Eliza Estes wife of Galup Estes Born 8/10/1807 Died 3/19/1891 86 y. 7 m. 9 d. D***y G. Estes died 1867 Aged 47 years Mary (Polly Moore) Estes Died Feb. 13 1875 Aged 84 years 3 months Langston Estes Died Nov 25 1851 Aged 62 years 8 months Miry Estes wife of Monroe Estes born 4/22/1832 died 6/28/1913 Aged 8 1years 2 months 6 days W. Sherman Estes Son of Monroe & Miry Estes born 1/26/1865 died 8/13/1865 Aged 6 months 8 days Monroe Estes born 2/7/1829 died 5/27/1897 68 years 3 months 20 days