Chatham County NcArchives Court.....Hudgins - Indictment, John 1773 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Connie Ardrey n/a September 19, 2009, 10:37 pm Source: Colonial Records Of North Carolina Written: 1773 Indictment by the Chatham County Court of Oyer and Terminer against John Hudgins North Carolina. Court of Oyer and Terminer (Chatham County) July 19, 1773 Volume 09, Page 673 [From MS. Records in Office of Secretary of State.] North Carolina Chatham County } Ss. At a court of Oyer and Terminer and General Gaol Delivery begun and held in and for the County of Chatham at the Court House of the said County on the nineteenth Day of July in the thirteenth Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the third now King of Great Britain and so forth, before the Honourable Richard Caswell Esquire one of the Judges and Justices of the Courts of Oyer and Terminer and General Gaol Delivery, in the Province of North Carolina by Letters patent of our said Lord the King under the great Seal of the said province, To the Honourable Martin Howard Esquire Chief Justice of the same, Maurice Moore and the said Richard Caswell Esquires, or either of them, made and directed to inquire more fully the Truth by the Oaths of Good and lawful Men of each and every County in the said Province and by other Ways and Means, by which the Truth of the Matter may be better known and inquired into of all Treasons, Murders, Homicides, Rebellions and Insurrections, Riots and unlawful Assemblings, Rapes, Burglaries, Larcenies and all Felonies, Contempts open Frauds and Deceits, and all Crimes and Offences whether capital or not capital, and Misdemeanors whatsoever perpetrated, committed or done within any or either of the said Counties and the same for this Time to hear and determine after the due Form of Law. The Jurors for our Lord the King upon their Oath present that John Hudgins late of Saint Bartholemew Parish in the County of Chatham Labourer on the thirtieth Day of April in the thirteenth Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the third now King of Great Britain and so forth with force and arms at the Parish aforesaid in the County aforesaid one Curry-Comb of the Value of Sixpence Sterling Money of Great Britain, of the Goods and Chattles of John Fyke then and there being found feloniously did steal, take and carry away against the peace of our said Lord the King his Crown and Dignity. ALEX. MARTIN, Atto pro D. R. The King vs. John Hudgins. Indt pet. Larceny. Chatham Court of Oyer & Terminer &c, July 19th 1773. Evid. John Fyke, John Watts. Sworn and Sent. Rhd Kennor, C. C. A True Bill. Robt Rutherford, Foreman. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.0 Kb