CHATHAM COUNTY, NC - WILLS - Moses Booth, 30 Jan 1814 --------------¤¤¤¤¤¤-------------- Moses Booth Will - 30 Jan. 1814 - Feb. Sessions 1810 Chatham Co., NC Will Bk. A, pg. 320a - 310 (written) NCSA Film # 022.80002 In the name of God amen, I Moses Booth of the State of North Carolina and County of Chatham being sick but in sound memory calling unto mind the mortality of my body knowing that it is appointed unto all men once to die and after death the Judgement and as for the worldly goods wherewith it hath pleased God to bless with in this life I give and dispose of the same in the following manner and form (to wit) 1st. I give to my dearly beloved Wife Elizabeth all my property accepting (excepting?) one Bed ^feather^ & furniture, one cow and calf, the property consisting of Three head of Horses four head of cattle, one head of hogs, one Feather Bed & furniture together with all the Households goods & Kitchen furniture plantation utensils and moveable affects to her & her heirs forever. 2. I give to my grand daughter Dolly Booth one feather Bed & furniture, one Cow & Calf, my desire is that my beloved wife Elizabeth keep in her hands the property which I give to Dolly Booth until she is grown up to be a woman and that some good person take care of it for her, to her heirs forever. 3rdly. And lastly I constitute and appoint my beloved Wife, Elizabeth Executrix of this my last will and testament. In witness whereof I have set my hand and seal the 30th January A.D. 1814. Signed Published and Pronounced to be my last will and testament in presents of us. Jesse Thomas??? (cannot tell for sure) Robert Connel John Ellis Codicil: 4. I give to my Daughter's Polly Branton, one Dollar to her and her heirs forever. 5.. I give to my Daughter Elizabeth Burns?? one Dollar to her & her heirs forever. In witness whereof I have set my hand and seal this day and date above written. Moses (his X mark) Booth Witness Jesse Thomas? Robert Connel John Ellis proved February Session 1819 by Robert Conneal Moses (his X mark) Booth {Seal} ___________________________________________________________________ Copyright. All rights reserved. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Sue Ashby ___________________________________________________________________