Chatham County NcArchives Wills.....Brantley, Elizabeth 1827 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Edward L. Strother December 15, 2007, 10:18 pm Source: Nc Archives Written: 1827 Elizabeth Brantley will – made 3 November 1827– Probated November 1829 Department of Cultural Resources, Division of Archives and History, Raleigh, North Carolina (Family History Library microfilm 0,018,448). In the name of God, Amen. I, Elizabeth Brantly of North Carolina, Chatham county, being of sound and perfect mind and memory, blessed be God, do this 3rd day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty seven (1827) make and publish this my last will and testament in manner following, that is to say. First, I give and bequeath to my beloved son James Brantley my mill and all the appurtanances with an acre of land beginning at the lower end of the old field where the mill path crosses and running up the river tom a walnut tree above the dam, including the same said land and mill which came down the river to the first station. Secondly, I give and bequeath to my son Edward Brantly, James Brantly, and my daughter Hannah Burns, Polly Burns, Patsy Brantly heirs of Georgia, Elizabeth Brantly heirs of Georgia, Nancy Justice of the State of Tennessee, Barbara Durham of Alabama and Celia Harrington all the balance of my property not practicular herein mentioned to be sold on credit of twelve months my lands together with all not hereafter mentioned and to be equally divided, share and share alike. And I hereby make and ordain my worthy son James Brantly executor of this my last will and testament. In witness whereof, I the said Elizabeth Brantly have to this my last will and testament set my hand and seal, the year and day herein written. Signed, sealed and published here and declared by the said Elizabeth Brantly, the testator, as her last will and testament in the person of those who were present at the time of signing, sealing thereof. Elizabeth (her mark) Brantly Test.: ___________ ___________ Amor Bridly. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.5 Kb