CHATHAM COUNTY, NC - WILLS - Henry Lewis Lutterlow - 1791 ============================================================= USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or for presentation by other persons or organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than stated above must obtain the written consent of the file contributor. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Sue Ashby ============================================================== Will of Henry Lewis Lutterlow dated May 8, 1791 pg. 100- Chatham Co., NC Record of Estates Vol. 2 (1795-1799) Archives film # C.002.5001 In the name of God, Amen, I Henry Lewis Lutterlow, In the County of Chatham and State of North Carolina Merchant being in perfect Helth and of sound mind and memory and understanding, that considering the uncertainty of this transitory Life do make publish and Declare this my Last Will and Testament in manner and form following/ Whereas I Know of no person so worthy of my affection and esteem as my dear Wife Elizabeth Gratham/Grutham/Greetham Lutterlow, I do hereby give devise and bequeath unto her, her Heirs Exeter's and administrators all my Estate wheresoever and whatsoever and of what nature Kind and quantity soever the same may be; and I do also appoint my said Dear wife [ink blot] whole and sole executrix of this my Will, Hereby revoking and making void all other and former Will and wills by me at anytime heretofore made, This is only on Conditions as Long my Dear wife Elizabeth Gratham/Grutham/Greetham Lutterlow remains my Widow, if she marries again, it is My Will that my Estate whatsoever or wheresoever both real or personal shall be sold and Equally divided share and share alike amongst my children James Gratham, Charles Lutterlow and Henry Lutterlow for which purpose I appoint in Regard to Her Marrion(sic) again the following gentlemen to be my executors; (viz) John Williams Esquire, Mr. James Newland and Simon White; Sign'd Henry L. Lutterlow pg. 101 To see my Will fullfilled, I leave to my son Charles Lutterlow My gold watch Fold chain & Do.(ditto) seals and Trinkets belonging to the same my Silver Shoe & Knee buckles my silver Hetted (headed?) Sword and my Pistols above his share I leave to my son Henry Lutterlow all my silver & Gold medals my Gold Sleave Buttons and my Gun It is further my Will that no security or Bond to fullfill this my will shall be demanded of my Dear Wife Elizabeth Greetham/Grutham [My note: her last name does not look at Gratham, but I've not seen the name Greetham or Grutham, before] Lutterlow, as I have sufficient Reason to be satisfied that when ever she should be inclined to marrie she will acquaint the before mentioned three Gentlemen with her Intention or should my Dear wife Elizabeth Greetham Lutterlow think proper to sell any of my personal property or Land property or the whole of my property whatsoever or wheresoever and remove into another part of the world she as full power so to do without Controul should she dye before all my sons are of the age of twenty one in that case the Eldest of my sons shall take care of the Plantation till the second son comes of age (of twenty one , blacked out with ink) then the Two Jointly to take care of the Plantation till the youngest comes of age of Twenty one years, then all and every part of my Estate shall be divided share and share alike by my three sons and -- (divide?) them as the(y) ? can best agree amongst themselves; whosoever should, neader (neither?) of my sons be of the age of Twenty one years, when my Dear wife Dies Then my executors, John Williams Esquire, James Newland and Simon White, will take care to have my sons bought up, Rent out the Plantation and negroes or Keep a Overseer whichever the think but, till the Eldest comes of age, then the management will fall to the Eldest son, but at the same time My executr's before mentioned will overlook my eldest son or sons, till the youngest is of the age of Twenty One Inspect their or his acct's and when ever the(y) find him or them intrasagent (intransigent) take the mannagement out of his or their hands and give him or them yearly the Profit of his or their share till the youngest comes of the age of Twenty one years, and it is my particular Desire that my son or sons consult and advise with my executors. (towit) John Williams, esquire James Newlin and simon White as the are my particular friends and I Know them to be very Good Honest and Worthy men, I leave Each of my executors a Gold morning Ring as a token of my Regard for them, Sign'd Seal'd and delivered by me and by my Order and Request this Eight Day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand seven Hundred and Ninety one and in the fifteenth of America's Independence Chatham County State of North Carolina May 8, 1791 signed Henry Lewis Lutterlow In prescence James Baker John Williams John A. Williams In prescence