CHATHAM COUNTY, NC - WILLS - Stephen Scott, 17 Dec 1850 Probated Feb. term 1851. ----¤¤¤¤---- Will Bk. C, pp. 286, 287, 288 microfilm, C. 022.80001 I Stephen Scott of the County of Chatham and State of North Carolina being of sound mind but knowing the uncertainty of my Earthly existance wishing to dispose of my Earthly substance in manner form following that is to say- Item 1st I will that my body shall be decently buried suitable to the wishes of my relations and friends and my executors hereafter named shall pay all funeral expenses together with all of my just debts whatsoever ot to whomsoever owing. Item 2nd I will and bequest to my beloved wife Martha during her natural life or widowhood one tract of land of one hundred and twenty acres known by the John Harper tract of land as by reference to the deed will fully show also 45 acres off my other tract beginning at a pine the south east corner of the above tract running south fare? enough West corner to the branch will make the complement. Also my sorrel horse Dock and sorrel colt Doll, two cows and calves her choice and one heifer five Ewes and lamb, thirteen fat hogs, her saddle all my ???, one borshear/forshear? plow and one coulter plow, one pare of geat? one bridle and mattock and two hoes, three beds and furniture, one bureau, one large pine chest one side board, one small table on pot and one oven, one cotton wheel, one loom, fifteen dollars in money one axe and a sufficiency of provision for one years support for her family and stock and flax and cotton on hand to be laid off by a committee. Item 3rd I will and devise the balance of my land to my four sons, Ira Scott, Henry B. Scott, James A. Scott and John D. Scott to be an equal division. Item 4th I will and devise the land willed to my wife to my six younger children, Sarah Scott, Gaston? Scott, Susan Scott, Martha Ann Scott, Franklin J. Scott, Miriam Jane Scott, an equal division. Item 5th All the balance of my property not otherwise divised to be sold at public sale and after paying my debts and expenses to be an equal division amongst all my children by my four eldest sons bringing in schedules of all they have heretofore and add it to my Estate before the division. Item 6th I appoint and constitute my two sons Ira Scott and Henry B. Scott, the Executors to this my last will. I hereunto set my hand and seal this the 17th day of December, A.D. 1850. Stephen Scott Signed in presence- John A. Brewer Jeremiah Hughes State of North Carolina Chatham County Feb. Term, 1851 This certifies that the foregoing Last Will and Testament of Stephen Scott was duly proven in open court by the oath of Jeremiah Hughes, one of the subscribing witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded. Whereupon Ira Scott and Henry B. Scott the Executors therein named appeared in open court and were duly qualified as such. Test: Wm. Taylor, C.C.C. ___________________________________________________________________ Copyright. All rights reserved. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Sue Ashby ___________________________________________________________________