Cherokee County NcArchives Marriages.....Jenkins, Sarah J. - Dockery, Ben October 25, 1891 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Lynn Cunningham February 1, 2007, 8:45 pm Cherokee Scout, Murphey, N.C., Tuesday, November 10, 1891 Items From Hanging Dog On Sunday, Oct 25th, there was a double wedding at this place, the contracting parties beong Ben Dockery and Miss Sarah J. Jenkins, Clemy Davis and Miss Sarah Nickelson, Squire Lovinggood, Officiating, The ceremony occurred at Mrs. Sarah Nickelson's house, and was witnessed by a large crowd of friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Dockery had a reception Sunday afternoon at Mr. Eli Palmer's residence. A delightful meal was served to the guests, who vied with each other in wishing the bride and groom a long and prosperous life. Mr. and Mrs. Clemy Davis' reception occurred on Monday at Rev. W.H. Davis's residence. The table was loaded with good things, and the large crowd present were lavish in their wishes that time would deal gently with them and that they would finally, hand in hand, safely enter the pearly gates. [Transcribed 2/1/2007 Lynn Cunningham] File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 1.6 Kb