Chowan County NcArchives Court.....Governor's Council, Minutes Of 1742 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Connie Ardrey n/a August 2, 2009, 2:56 pm Source: Colonial Records Of North Carolina Written: 1742 Minutes of the North Carolina Governor's Council North Carolina. Council May 04, 1742 - May 07, 1742 Volume 04, Pages 615-620 [From the MSS. Records of North Carolina Council Journals.] COUNCIL JOURNALS. At a Council held at Newbern the 4th day of May 1742 Present His Excellency the Governor. The Honoble Eleazer Allen Esqr Member of Council The Honoble Edward Moseley Esqr Member of Council The Honoble Mathew Rowan Esqr Member of Council The Honoble Roger Moore Esqr Member of Council The Honourable Eleazer Allen Esqr having produced his Majestys Commission appointing him Receiver General of this province; it was read, and he took and subscribed the several Oaths appointed by Law for his qualification, and the Oath of Office Ordered that he give Bond tomorrow morning in the sum of Pounds, with good and sufficient Securities, for the due and faithfull performance of his said Office Read the petition of Thomas Jonekin, and Sundry other Inhabitants of Meherrin Neck—setting forth that they had been in possession of several small Tracts of Land on the said neck for several years; That they had cultivated the same at great expence, and paid quit rents; That the Indians had lately surveyed the said Lands in order to get a patent for the same, and had Included their Lands in their lines, and threatened to drive them off said Land; and therein prayed relief Delayed till tomorrow afternoon Read the petition of Jonas Shevers to the same effect as the foregoing Referred the Consideration thereof till tomorrow The following persons were admitted to prove their Rights to their taking up of Land Vizt John Slocumb Craven 9 [white], Thos Hall Edgcombe 5 [white] 4 [black], John Creel Craven 9 [white], Jacob Sheets Do 5 [white] 5 [black], David Dunn Craven 3 [white] 2 [black], Edwd Bryan Do 10 [white] 13 [black], Benja Foreman Edgcombe 5 [white] 6 [black], Gabriel Johnston Esq 60 [white.] Read sundry petitions for Warrants for Land Vizt Thos Bonner 300 Beaufort, Robert Boyd 100 Do, Thos Bonner 200 Do, Robt Boyd 250 Do, Richard Barrow 200 Do, John Cooke 100 Tyrrel, Jas Campaigne 100 Beaufort, John Maudnell 150 Hyde, Griffin Floyd 600 Beaufort, John Mills 500 Do, Edmund Pearse 200 Beaufort, James Rigney 200 Craven, Do 200 Beaufort, Lodwick Tanner 200 Edgcombe, John Webster 250 Carteret, Edward Webster 400 Beaufort, Thos Williams 300 Do Granted Read the following petitions for Grants for patents Vizt John and Zachariah Williamson 640 Onslow, Edward Piner 300 Beaufort Granted At a Council held at Newberne the 5th day of May 1742 Present as before Read the Petition of Charles Cavenah setting forth that he had obtained a Patent for 640 Acres of Land which was 240 acres more than was contained in his plat thereunto annexed and was more land than he held by that quantity and prayed his patent may be altered agreeable to the Surveyors return Ordered that his patent be altered as prayed which was accordingly done in Council Read Sundry petitions for Warrants for Land Vizt William Carruthers 200 Beaufort, Alexr Colvin 200 N. Hanover, Robt Dorray 550 Bladen, Thomas Hill 200 Edgcombe, Do 500 Do, Robert Hudnall 150 Do, William Jones 400 Do, Lazarus Kennedy 100 N. Hanover, John Slocum 300 Craven, Richard Lovet 200 Craven, Do 200 Do, Thos Owens 200 Edgcombe, Do 200 Do, Saml Sloane 200 N. Hanover, Col William Wilson 400 Craven, Do 196 Do, William West 100 Do. Granted Read Sundry Petitions for Grants of Land Vizt Thomas Arrington 200 Edgcombe, Do 200 Bertie, Edward Boykin 200 Do, Edward Bryan 200 Craven, Frans & William Brice 187 Do, Nichs Born 200 Bertie, Joseph Cotton 300 Edgcombe, Do 200 Do, Michael Dorman 180 Do, John Dorch 200 Do, Richard Evans 300 Beaufort, James Hasel 640 N. Hanover, Henry Horne 270 Edgcombe, Henry Jones 500 Do, Thos Kearney 300 Do, Stephen Lee 200 Carteret, James Mitchel 640 Edgcombe, Do 300 Do, William Owen 150 Craven, Edmd Pearse 220 Beaufort, George Pace 100 Edgcombe, James Pitman 200 Do, Jacob Pope 300 Do, Math Rowan 640 N. Hanover, William Reeves 128 Edgcombe, Richard Sessums 200 Do. Granted. Read the petition of John Starkey and John Bryan Exors of the last Will and Testament of Ralph Eaves deceased setting forth that the said Ralph Eaves in his Life time obtained a Warrant for three hundred acres of Land in Craven County which was duly surveyed and returned into the Secretary's Office but that no Grant passed for the same in his life time praying a patent for the said Land may issue in their names Granted and Ordered that a patent issue to the petitioners in trust for and to the use of the Legatees in the Will of said Eaves mentioned Resumed the Consideration of Thomas Jernagoon's Petition of Yesterday. It appearing that the Indians therein complained of were intitled by Virtue of an Act of Assembly past in November 1729 to all the Land lying between the mouth of Meherrin River and so up the River to the mouth of horse pasture Creek formerly called Indian Creek then by the said Creek up to the fork of it then by the North Easterly branch thereof to the head thereof then by a straight line across to Chowan River by the upper line of Mulberry old field a Survey of Samuel Powers Land then along the various courses of the River to the first Station so long as they should continue a nation and Inhabit the same Ordered that the said Indians may quietly enjoy the Land with the bounds mentioned by the said Act of Assembly not seated by the petitioners or other white persons, but that the said petitioners and others in possession of Lands within the said bounds may hold the said Lands upon payment to the said Indians a sum not exceeding five pounds pr hundred acres Virginia money, if they shall demand the same, And that such persons who have not taken out Warrants for the Lands by them respectively held shall be Intitled to the same upon payment of the said sum or other agreements with the said Indians properly certified And to the end that Strangers may not be imposed upon by the said Indians by their offering to sale any Lands within the said bounds already patented Ordered that the said Indians do not presume to sell or dispose of any Lands as aforesaid heretofore pretended by the Petitioners or others his Majestys Subjects within this Province At a Council held the 5th day of May 1742 Present as before. Read the petition of Eleoner Russel, setting forth that she was under sentence of death and praying to be reprieved At a Council held at Newbern 6th day of May 1742 Present as before The following Persons proved their Rights in order to their taking up of Land, Vizt John Porter N. Hanover white 8, black 22, Chas Harrison Do [black] 32, Samuel Swann N. Hanover [white] 6, [black] 39, Thos Clark Do [white] 5, [black] 4. Read the petition of the Palatines being Jacob Sheets and others settled on Trent river in North Carolina setting forth their agreement with Christopher de Grafton riedt and Lewis Mitchel Esqr of the one part and Sir John Phillips Baronet and others of the other part, Commissioners and trusty plenipotentiaries, named and appointed by her Majesty Queen Anne of the other part, in relation to their being transported to this province and settled here Also the Copy of Articles of Agreement between them Whereupon it was Ordered That the Attorney General attorney for Mr Pollock, have a Copy of the said petition and Articles in order that Mr Pollock may have notice to attend at the next Court of Claims to answer the Premises His Excellency the Governour in Council was pleased to declare the present Assembly Dissolved and a proclamation was ordered to be drawn up immediately to give notice thereof His Excellency was likewise pleased with the advice of Council to order Writts to be issued for the Election of New Members of Assembly throughout this province to bear left the —— day of —— returnable the first Tuesday in August next at Newberne; and the day of Election to be the third Tuesday in June next Read Sundry petitions for Grants of Lands, Vizt Joseph John Alston 150 Edgcombe, John Bunn 200 Do, Nichs Boon 281 Bertie, Darby Bryan 300 Tyrrel, Richd Brasswell 300 Edgcombe, Francis Boykin 168 Bertie, Do 400 Do, James Cain 640 Edgcombe, William Charlton 600 Bertie, James Connor 640 Tyrrel, Elias Fort 150 Edgcombe, John Fish 150 Do, Elias Fort 200 Do, William Foreman 300 Do, Christoo Green 640 Do, Saml Holliman 400 Do, John Hodges 300 Do, John Harrold 100 Bertie, Do 617 Do, Thos Jordan 170 Do, River Do 150 Do, Henry Jones 400 Do, Hickison King 90 Tyrrel, Marmaduke Kimbro' 510 Edgcombe, Do 640 Do, Thos Kearney 150 Do, William Liniear 200 Beaufort, Patrick Manture 300 Edgcombe, John Magee 300 Do, John Oxley 300 Bertie, Jacob Pope 200 Edgcombe, William Poole 147 Bertie, John Ryal 300 Edgcombe Peter Ram 150 Craven, Evan Ragland 256 Edgcombe, John Shackleford 640 Carteret, Ebenezer Slade 300 Tyrrel, John Taylor 100 Edgcombe, William Wade 640 Bertie, Sam Wheatly 300 Tyrrel, Jos Wall 100 Edgcombe, Colo Wm Wilson 196 Craven, George Williams 100 Bertie Granted Read Sundry petitions for Warrants for Land Vizt Samuel Boutwel 300 Beaufort, Alexr Colvin 300 N. Hanover, James Conner 200 Edgcombe, Lewis Davis 100 Tyrrel, Thos Fisher 100 Craven, Dennis Glison 640 Tyrrel, John Hays 100 Do, John Johnston 300 Do, Thos Lovick 640 Craven, Jos Mercer 300 Tyrrel, William Moore 250 Edgcombe, John Porter 500 N. Hanover, Henry Robinson 400 Tyrrel, Benjamin Saunders 600 Do, John Little 200 Tyrrel Granted At a Council held the 7th day of May 1742. Present as before. The following Persons were admitted to prove their Rights in order to their taking up of Land Vizt Osborne Jeffreys Northampton 2 white 4 black, Thos Lovick Carteret 16 black, Francis Stringer Craven 7 white 10 black, John Faulker Do 2 black. Read the following Petitions for Warrants Vizt William Allen 300 Northampton, Richd Allen 200 Do, David Dunn 50 Craven, Solomon Fuller 300 Northampton, Abraham Green 200 Edgcombe, Theophs Goodwin 600 Do, Isaac Hill 150 Bertie, Thos Jones 400 Northampton, Jno Jones 200 Onslow, Saml James 250 Do, Osborne Jeffries 150 Northampton, Leonard Langston 500 Edgcombe, Do 350 Do, John Moore 400 Do, Wm Moor 400 Do, James Mathews 400 Do, Neil McNeale 200 Bladen, Richard Plair 200 N. Hanover, Do 300 Do, Robt Ruffin 100 Tyrrel, Robt Reeves 300 Bladen, William Roberts 300 Do, Richd Scott 100 N. Hanover, William Roberts 200 Bladen, Bullock Simons 300, Henry Shaddock 300 Bladen, Do, 300 Do, Jacob Taylor 200 Craven, Richard Wall 300 Northampton, Thos Wall 400 Do. Granted. Read sundry Petitions for Grants of Land Vizt Abraham Bussett 300 Craven, Jno Bonbo' 280 Edgcombe, William Cockran 300 Do, Danl Dunbibin 50 N. Hanover, William De Loach 400 Bertie, Robt Evans and Jno Appolus Wynns 300 Do, Nathl Everit 100 Onslow, William Faris 300 Craven, Joseph Ganier 200 Edgcombe, Henry Hill 640 Chowan, Nichl Hunter 200 Carteret, Robt Hilliard 400 Edgcombe, John Howell Junr 159 Bertie, Robt Hill 300 Edgcombe, Osborne Jeffries 640 Tyrrel, Joshua Johnston 250 Craven, Arthur Jordan 130 Bertie, William Kennedy 100 Do, Henry Lucas 400 Beaufort, George Laws 250 Edgcombe, Roger Moor Esqr 600 N. Hanover, Rufus Marsden 200 N. Hanover, William Norwood 600 Bertie, George Norwood 150 Do, Thos Outlaw 640 Do, Thos Owen 200 Edgcombe, Joseph Parker 200 Do, John Perry 600 Do, John Russet 100 Onslow, Edwd Roberts 100 Bertie, Robt Radford 100 Edgcombe, James Turner 300 Do, Frans Veale 257 Bladen, Benja Williams 583 Bertie, John Wynns 200 Do, Math Williams 321 Do, Wm Williams 640 Edgcombe, Anthony Webb (This granted again 1st April 1743 following) 87 Bertie. Granted. Ordered that the Secretary's fees on all Warrants for the future before the return of Warrants be forty shillings currency and no more. On motion made by the Receiver General Ordered That the Clerks of the General Court do Transmit to the Receiver General a true account of all the fines Forfeitures and Amerciaments incurred or imposed since the present Governour entered upon the Administration of the Government. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 12.7 Kb