ROUSE CEMETERY Columbus County, NC Submitted by Dave High, June 1998 North Carolina, Columbus County, NC All rights reserved, 1998. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ To Search: Ctrl + F This cemetery is located next to the woods in the field beside Royce Ray's house, 3858 Red Hill Road. The cemetery is delineated by a partial fence on the corners of the small plot. Some markers are broken, and some may be missing. It was free of brush but in need of mowing. It was surveyed by David B. High on May 20, 1998. 01 Charles D. Parker, 6/14/1907-7/29/1982 02 Ira Baldwin, 11/23/1885-5/20/1950 03 Mother, Lucy B. [Baldwin], 7.14.1886-9/15/1959 04 Smithy Jane Rouse Baldwin, 9/30/1852-10/15/1923 Daughter of J. W. Rouse, who was head of household of the only Rouse family in Columbus County in the 1860 Census. She was 5th of 7 children listed in the census, and was 8 years old at the time of the census. Smithy had 3 sisters and three brothers still at home when the census was taken.. 05 William H Baldwin, NC Heavy Artillery, CSA, no dates 06 Henry Clay Baldwin, NC Pvt, Evac Hospital, WW I, 3/6/1896-9/1/1952 07 Infant son of Bertha M & Henry C. Baldwin, 6/18/1932 08 Bertha Estell Baldwin, 12/3/1922-11/10/1936 09 Robert E. Eason, 1910-1949 10 Mae Eason Creech, 1881-1937 11 Peight Eason, 9/18/1867-7/1/1915 12 Mary E. [Rouse] wife of Dr. C. G. Wyche, 1840-1921 Another daughter of J. W. Rouse, apparently already married at the time of the 1860 Census. 13 Dr. Cyril G. Wyche, 1825-1910 Was asked to stay in Whiteville rather than going into the CSA during the Civil War, because of the shortage of physicians. 14 Walter Green Hayes, NC Pvt 56th Depot Brigade, WW I, 10/30/1890-2/22/1962 15 Andrew N. Hayes, 1/27/1888-3/15/1949 16 Thomas C. Hayes, 8/19/1883-2/17/1952 17 Retha H. Letha, 5/27/1920- 18 J. Elwood Hayes, 6/27/1910-2/20/1983, husband of #17 ©1998 Jerome Smith, Columbus County Coordinator Columbus County, North Carolina, USA All rights reserved. ====================================== USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free genealogy information on the Internet, data may be freely used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by other organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than as stated above, must contact the submitter or the listed USGenWeb archivist.