Craven County NcArchives Court.....Benners, John 1836 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Jo Huettl November 10, 2009, 10:15 am Source: State Archives, Raleigh Box Cr-028-508.9 Written: 1836 John Benners Estate Record State of North Carolina, Craven County to wit 1836 The deposition of Elizabeth B Jones aged about _ years stated that she is acquainted with Richard Buck and Polly Buck they are man and wife and reside at this time in Onslow County North Carolina about forty five miles from Newbern. Buck is a shoemaker by trade, come from New England about twenty five or thirty years ago, and afterwards say about 1809 or 1810 married the aforesaid Polly, whose maiden name is also Cannon. Richard Buck and his wife lived, after this marriage, which took place in Newbern, several years in that town, wherein they moved to Onslow County where they now and ever since have stayed. Richard Buck, this deponent supposed to be about 55 years old is of dark complexion and hair, Polly Buck, his wife is about forty eight or nine years old of low station thick and has remarkably no hair. The deponent further says the herself is the daughter of a certain Isaac Patridge who emigrated from Black Water River in Dorchester County State of Maryland, about the year 1771 or 1772 to this town of Newbern, North Carolina, where he married and settled. That the said Isaac Patridge had a sister whose maiden name was Mary Patridge that the said Mary married a man in Maryland by the name of Gustavius Copper by whom she had while living in that state three children, Samuel, Morris & Cyrus Copper. This despondent further states that her father Isaac Patridge about the year 1780 went to Dorchester Co Maryland on a visit to his parents, and while he was there his father died. That when he returned home, he brought with him Capt Copper his wife Mary and their family who settled in the town of Newbern. She further states that Capt Copper shortly after his removal to North Carolina (say about a year) was lost a sea leaving his wife and three children two of whom, the youngest, Morris and Cyrus died soon after Samuel Cooper, the only surviving child was bound to a painter bought up to and afterwards followed that trade and after was as died in Newbern never having married. This despondent further states that after the death of Capt Copper about 1781, his widow Mary Copper lived in the Town of Newbern, a widow until about the year 1786 when she married a certain Capt Jepe Cannon, by whom she had one child only by the name of Polly Cannon. She further states that Capt Jess Cannon and his wife Mary resided in Newbern several years (say four or five), thence removed to a place called Beaufort as despondent thinks & afterwards to a place called Pungo, when he died about the year 1792. His widow then returned to Newbern where she resided a few years and died, leaving but the two children Samuel Copper by the 1st marriage and Polly Cannon by the second marriage. Polly Cannon then a minor, continued to reside in Newbern until she grew up, and afterwards when she married a certain Richard Buck, a shoemaker as before stated. Said Richard Buck & Polly Buck formerly Polly Cannon an now in full life, this despondent believes and lives in Onslow County, as before stated. Capt Jepe Cannon, the father of the said Polly Buck is well remembered by the deponent. He was a low thickset man with a blond complexion and no hair over which he wore a wig behind. From his general appearance, most people would take him to be an Irish man, but she has an orator and believes that he was related to some way perhaps a cousin to his wife, and that he came from Dorchester County Maryland and the same neighborhood that she did. Further this deponent sayeth not. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 4.2 Kb