Craven County, NC - New Bern District Court Civil Actions Copyright. All rights reserved. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Sue Guptill - New Bern District Court Civil Action papers DSCR.206.325.1 Folder: No date Information: ELLIS vs. CLARKSON: Complaint by James ELLIS stating that he had been a merchant in Newbern for a long time, and has carried out his business so as to support himself and his family. On the ____ day of ____, 17__, Richard CLARKSON maliciously and deliberately made the statement that “he [ELLIS] was bankrupt.” Later in the day he repeated this statement to others, and adding that if ELLIS was not bankrupt at this time, he [CLARKSON] would soon make him so. This statement damaged ELLIS’s reputation and business. Date: Not given Date of: County: Craven Folder: No date Information: Lydia CUTTING vs. Nathan TISDALE: Appeal by plaintiff to District court in a debt case. Appeal based on jury not allowing the whole amount as the debt. Refers to plaintiff’s testator, but does not name that person. Date: Not given Date of: County: Not given Folder: No date Information: Pieces of a document: Appears to be a summons for Adam LANY. Date: Not present on pieces Date of: County: Hyde Folder: No date Information: Only a few scattered words. Appears to refer to an estate, and to have genealogical information. Date: ?15 Sept 1796 Date of: County: Not readable Folder: No date Information: Judgement on a suit by RUMSEY and WILSON for debt against William TATE. Samuel CORNELL, Esq.; Richard ELLIS, Esqr. Edmond WRENDFORD, & Richard BLACKLEDGE were guarantors of TATE. They appeared and testified as to the personal property that they had that was attached to the debt. TATE was called and did not appear. A jury consisting of Timothy CLEAR, John FONVIELLE Junr., Bernard PARKINSON, [torn] TURNER Edward FRANK, William BRYAN, William DENNIS, Elijah [torn], Joseph CAMPIN, John ROBINSON, John WARWICK, William [torn] found that TATE owed a debt and damages to the plaintiffs, and the property attached should be sold to pay the debt. Date: Not given Date of: County: Craven Folder: No date Information: 1) Richard HAZLEWOOD vs. Jacob BARDON: Statement of Lazarus CRAWFORD: Plaintiff was a carpenter hired to build a house for defendant. CRAWFORD never heard deft. find fault with the work. Benj. CRAWFORD: Shows estimate of costs. 2) Jno. WEAVOR vs. Jno. PEACOCK: Statement by Mr. ELLIS: Appears to concern a dispute about payment for driving a sow and hogs to Virginia. 3) Jno.. PARKINSON vs. Francis MACKELWAINE & his wife: 6.4.0 for goods sold to Mary wife to sd. Jno. 6.4.0 money lent. 4) Wm. WILTON Wm. RUMSEY vs. Jno. & Jas. JOHNSTON: List of goods to be delivered to Wm. BONNERS landing. 5) Robt. SALTER Admr. of Isaac HARDY vs. Jno. HARDY: Handwriting in this hard to read, but it appears that Isaac HARDY was the son of Jno. HARDY. Isaac attempted to buy a Negro man at auction, but was outbid by Mr. SIMPSON. Later Jno. gave Isaac the money to purchase the Negro, and a bill of sale was made out to Isaac. There was an agreement between Jno. and SIMPSON that the Negro would belong to SIMPSON after Isaac’s death. At some point, Jno. gave the bill of sale to SIMPSON, but SIMPSON returned it. Witnesses in this case were Mr. BONNER, sheriff, Mr. SIMPSON, Mr. SALTER. Decision was that Jno. HARDY was entitled to half ownership in Negro. Date: Dec. 1759 or 1760 Date of: Death of Isaac County: Not given Folder: No date Information: 1) Jno. MOORE vs. Geo. HAYS: First issue found for plaintiff. 2nd issue found for deft. Deft. does not pay cost his first plea being falsified. 2) Hardy’s Adminr. vs.. Jno. HARDY: Motion of new tryal. 3) Jno. WEAVER vs. Jno. PEACOCK: Motion for arrest of judgement 4) HANDCOCK vs. Jas. HANDCOCK 5) The King ags. Hartop CALE Sheriff of Leicescesshire an attachmt. of contempt having issued agt. deft. for not returning a writ. Apparently a mistake on the writ. 6) RAWLINS, Gent. PULLEN & wife Vouchees: This is a dispute about the wording of a deed. No names listed. Handwriting difficult to read. Date: Not given. Date of: County: Not given. Folder: No date Information: Agreement by plaintiff that defendant had satisfied terms of debt. No names given. Date: No date Date of: County: Not given Folder: Supreme Court of Justice 1755-1758 Information: Thos. FOY vs. Roger CANNON: FOY sues CANNON (“Innholder”) for “trespass” [debt-sbg], stating that CANNON promised to pay him 25 pounds, and that FOY has applied to CANNON numerous times for that amount, and that CANNON has not paid. FOY brought suit, and CANNON did not respond or give reason why it should not be heard, therefore a jury of Nathl. SCARBOROUGH, Jas. FARMER, Saml. WHITEHURST, Thos. MOORE, Wm. CARRAWAY, Senr., John FONVILLE, John TURNER, Joel MASTIN, John WALLIS, Benjn. HODGES, Jos. RHODES, & Jas. WILLIAMS found in favor of plaintiff, and the sheriff was ordered to bring CANNON to court. Date: 2 Feb 1755/September term 1755 Date of: Debt incurred/court case County: Craven Folder: Supreme Court of Justice 1755-1758 Information: Order that guardians of orphans whose estates or effects are in Craven Co. be summoned to give an account of their guardianship. Date: February term, 1756 Date of: Order County: Craven Folder: Supreme Court of Justice 1755-1758 Information: Bond from Arthur MURPHY with Moody KIRBY, bondsman to Wm. TAYLOR and Miles CARY, Exor for Richd. TAYLOR, decd. Condition is that MURPHY will pay TAYLOR and CARY 35 shillings on 13 June 1757 Date: 13 Dec 1755 Date of: Bond County: Not given Folder: Supreme Court of Justice 1755-1758 Information: George CAMPBELL ag. Joseph CARRUTHERS: CAMPBELL charges that Elias LEGARDERE delivered the following slaves, belonging to CAMPBELL to CARRUTHERS: Woman, Priscilla; Girl, Rachel; Boy, Charles; Boy, Ben. These slaves were to be delivered to CAMPBELL by CARRUTHERS when requested, but CARRUTHERS did not do so. CARRUTHERS stated that he did not have the slaves in his possession. Jury of David DUNN, Newman DUNN, Josiah RIDGWAY, Henry INSE, Edward GATLIN, Junr., Moses HOUSTON, James GREEN, Junr., Levin LANE, Joseph LETCHWORTH Senr., William WILLIAMS, James LEARY found that CARRUTHERS did not detain the Negroes. Date: 14 Mar 1756/March term 1757/March term 1758 Date of: Slaves allegedly delivered/Suit brought/Suit heard County: Craven Folder: 1760-1763 Information: Summons for John CLEAVES, ship carpenter to answer a charge by Robert WINFIELD of trespass and damages Date: 3 June 1760 Date of: Summons County: Hyde Folder: 1760-1763 Information: 1) Charge by Andrew MILLER that John STAFFORD owes him 2 pounds, 12 shillings, 10 pence [2.12.10] and refuses to pay. 2) Summons for John STAFFORD, planter, to appear and answer a petition against him by Andrew MILLER. Date: January term [Inferior court] 1761/22 Oct 1760 Date of: Charge brought to court/Summons County: Perquimmons Folder: 1760-1763 Information: “Present His Majesty Justices. Ordered that Abraham TISON, John TISON, and John HARDEE Esqrs. be Recommended to his Excellency the Govrn. for his appr[torn] a[torn] appointment of one of them to Execute the office of Sheriff for this County.” Date: May Court 1761 Date of: Order County: Pitt Folder: 1760-1763 Information: Summons for Matthew PAWSON to appear and answer a charge of trespass and damages brought by John WRIGHT. Date: 2 June 1761 Date of: Summons County: Hyde Folder: 1760-1763 Information: Oath of Robert HARRIS “of lawful age” that he obtained a warrant of Larkin JOHNSON Esqr. against Robert HICKS for debt and delivered the warrant to Brisey PARISH to Execute and return. Soon after, information was made to him that Thomas LOWE Esqr. had demanded, received, and detained the warrant from PARISH. HARRIS demanded that the warrant be returned to him, but LOWE did not comply, and therefore no further action has been taken on it. Date: 2 Sept 1760/20 Apr 1761 Date of: Warrant received by HARRIS/Oath County: Not given Folder: 1760-1763 Information: Order to sheriff to take of the property of Francis TRIPP, mariner, 4 pounds, 4 shillings, previously awarded to Sarah MOORE for her debt and damages. Date: 2 Sept 1761 Date of: Order County: Torn away. Thos. BARROW was sheriff Folder: 1760-1763 Information: Benja. MARTIN vs. Johnathn. FUTRELL: List of fees and costs associated with case. Date: Not given Date of: County: Not given Folder: 1760-1763 Information: [Torn]wallis vs. Willm. WOOTON: List of fees and costs associated with case Date: Not given Date of: Not given County: Not given Folder: 1760-1763 Information: [Torn] vs. [Torn] WOOTEN: List of fees and costs associated with case. Date: Not given Date of: County: Not given Folder: 1760-1763 Information: [Torn] vs. Willm. WOOTEN: List of fees and costs associated with case. Date: Not given Date of: County: Not given Folder: 1760-1763 Information: Jams. HALL vs. Ezek. CARTWRIGHT: List of fees and costs associated with case. Date: Not given Date of: County: Not given Folder: 1760-1763 Information: Summons for Jonathan KITRELL to appear in next session of court to pay debts and damages awarded to Benjamin MARTIN. Date: 4 Dec 1761 Date of: Warrant County: Hyde Folder: 1760-1763 Information: Summons for William WEBSTER and John ABRAMS, securities for Jonathan KITRELL, who was judged to be in debt to Benjamin MARTIN to appear and pay the debt and costs, as KITRELL has failed to do so. Date: 4 Dec 1761 Date of: Summons County: Hyde Folder: 1760-1763 Information: Arrest warrant for John WRIGHT, trader, to appear in next session of court and pay debt awarded to William VINES. [Back: “Nothing to be found”]. Date: 5 Mar 1762 Date of: Warrant County: Hyde Folder: 1760-1763 Information: Arrest warrant for John SMITH, planter to appear in the county court of pleas and quarter sessions to pay debt owed to James SMITH & Benja. WOOLARD. [Back: “Not to be found”]. Date: 14 Sept 1762 Date of: Warrant County: Hyde Folder: 1760-1763 Information: Summons for Luke FORTESCUE, planter, to appear in county court to answer the petition of William SIMON. Date: 9 Sept 1762 Date of: Summons County: Hyde Folder: 1760-1763 Information: Order to sheriff to take of the property of John WRIGHT, trader, 14 pounds, six shillings, 1 pence awarded to Stephen DENNING for his debt and damages. (Back: Nothing to be found in my bailiwick) Date: 2 Sept [year torn off] (2nd year of reign of George III) [Appears to be 1762-sbg] Date of: Order County: Hyde Folder: 1760-1763 Information: John WEBSTER vs. Luke FORTESCUE: List of fees and charges associated with case. Attached is order to sheriff to confiscate property of FORTESCUE and sell at public auction for the purpose of recovering debt owed to WEBSTER. Date: 5 Mar 1762 Date of: Order County: Hyde Folder: 1760-1763 Information: Warrant for Joseph AMAREY to appear at the next county court to answer John WEBSTER on a charge of “trespass upon the case.” [This is a debt charge-sbg] Date: 4 Nov 1762 Date of: Warrant County: Hyde Folder: 1760-1763 Information: Order to sheriff to confiscate property of Ezekiel CARTWRIGHT, planter, and sell at auction to pay damages awarded to James HALL. Date: 9 Sept 1762 Date of: Order County: Hyde Folder: 1760-1763 Information: Arrest warrant for James W. GEE to appear in county court and answer charge of trespass upon the case made by Thomas HOW. Date: 3 June 1762 Date of: Warrant County: Hyde Folder: 1760-1763 Information: Order to sheriff to attach the estate of John MORRIS, planter, to the value of 40 pounds owed to Henry GIBBS. Date: 3 Sept 1762 Date of: Order County: Hyde Folder: 1760-1763 Information: Stephen DENNING vs. John WRIGHT: List of fees and charges in the case. Date: June court 1762 Date of: List presented County: Not given; however, Stephen DENNING is Clerk of Court for Hyde Co. Folder: 1760-1763 Information: Petition of William SIMON showing that Luke FORTESCUE is indebted to him for 2 pounds, 10 shillings, and prays for judgement in regard to this. Date: December of Inferior Court, 1762 Date of: Petition County: Hyde Folder: 1760-1763 Information: [Large section of document torn and missing-sbg]: “Captn. Matthew [torn] ty Hyde: To the rent of [torn] house, from the 7th day of Octob[torn] 1757 to the 2d day of March 1762 being 54 months @ 5/4} £14..8..0. Errors excepted” s/Stepn DENNING Date: 2 Mar 1762 Date of: Last day listed for rent on house County: Hyde Folder: 1760-1763 Information: [Back identifies this case as Thos. SPENCER vs. Richard BRINN-sbg]: [Right side of document is torn away. Appears to be 1-2 words missing at the end of each line-sbg]: Order to sheriff to take the property of Richard BRINN to pay debts and damages owed to Thos. [torn]. “As also the sum of sixteen shillings & three pence office fees, and one pound [torn] shilling & eight pence, like money sheriffs fees, in an ac[torn] wherein the said Thomas SPENCER was plaintiff and Ann [torn] Deft. whereof they became liable to pay…” [It looks like this was one case, and that Ann’s debts were part of the obligation of Richard BRINN to Thomas SPENCER-sbg]. Date: 9 Sept 1762 Date of: Order County: Hyde Folder: 1760-1763 Information: Order to sheriff to confiscate property of John STUCKBURY Thomas SPENCER & Stephen EMRY, planters, to pay damages to Wally ?CHAMPSEY “whereas the said planters were convicted as to us of record appears.” Date: 9 Sept 1762 Date of: Order County: Hyde Folder: 1760-1763 Information: Order to sheriff to take property of William WOOTEN of Woodstock, taylor, to pay debt owed to William WILLIS and to pay fine against WOOTEN for record appears. Date: 9 Sept 1762 Date of: Order County: Hyde Folder: 1760-1763 Information: Walley CHAUNCEY vs. John STUCKBERRY, Thomas SPENCER, & Stephen EMRY: Calculation of court costs Date: Not given Date of: County: Not given Folder: 1760-1763 Information: Order to sheriff to attach property of John CLEEVES to pay debt owed to William DAVIS Date: 4 Mar 1762 Date of: Order County: Hyde Folder: 1760-1763 Information: Order to sheriff to attach property of William MORRIS to pay debt to Henry GIBBS Date: 3 [month torn away] [year torn away, “2nd year of reign of George III,” i.e., 1762] Date of: Order County: Hyde Folder: 1760-1763 Information: Order to William ALLEN and Alexander STIDWORTH of Philadelphia, province of Pennsylvania to examine Thomas BOND, Cadwallader EVENS, and George GLINTSWORTH as to their knowledge regarding the case of John MCGRAW vs. Andrew SCOTT, Doctor of Physick, now pending in New Bern District Court Date: 8 May 1762 Date of: Order County: Not given Folder: 1760-1763 Information: [2nd page of document; 1st page is missing-sbg]: Refers to a case to be appealed to the Supreme Court. No names involved in case; Wm. HERRING and Samuel CORNELL, Esquires, are mentioned in the first sentence; it appears that they were responsible for the first judgement. Date: 18 Jan 1763 Date of: Document signed County: Not given Folder: 1760-1763 Information: Oath of William FORT “of about 40 years of age a person of known probity and good character” that in about the year 1755 or 1756 he was in the company of Colo. James COMER, decd. and heard him say that he had surveyed the land of William DAVIS, decd., and that he had made due returns of the same and that there was a Patent for any person that would apply for it. FORT also says that he was in the company of John WEAVER when he surveyed the same land called DAVIS’s Land and that he and John GLOINTON were “possessioners” [i.e., “processioners”-sbg] of the said land. Date: 25 Mar 1763 Date of: Oath County: Dobbs Folder: 1765-1767 Information: Robert PALMER (by his attorney, Samuel JOHNSTON) has claimed that William RITCHIE owes him a debt, which PALMER has tried to collect and RITCHIE has refused to pay. PALMER brought suit in New Bern District Court, and RITCHIE did not appear, and did not make any defense. The court determined, therefore, that PALMER was entitled to damages from RITCHIE, but the amount is not known. A jury consisting of Constantine WHITFIELD, Frederick BECTON, John GARRARD, Thos. YIELDING, Joshua PEARCE, Danl. SIMMONS, Wm. DAVIS, Wm. WILTON, William FORT, John FRANKS, Benj.(?) COWPER, & John TYLLIMAN is appointed to determine the damages owed to PALMER, and award him 316 pounds, 19 shillings, & 9 pence. Date: May term 1765 Date of: Court record County: Craven Folder: 1765-1767 Information: Order to Martin CASWELL, Clerk of Dobbs Co., to appear and produce all records remaining concerning a settlement formerly made by Gilbert KERR with the Justices of Dobbs County formerly called Johnston. Date: 9 May 1766 Date of: Order County: Dobbs Folder: 1765-1767 Information: Appearance bond for Thomas SITGREAVES with bondsmen John GREEN and John Counsell BRYAN to appear and answer a charge by William GREEN of trespass on the case of 120 pounds Date: 20 Apr 1767 Date of: Bond County: Not given Folder: 1765-1767 Information: Appearance bond for Thomas WEBBER with William LOWE, bondsman to James BONBANOUS. WEBBER has asked for and received an attachment to the estate of BONBANOUS for the sum of 133 pounds to be returned to the next term of court; bond is for WEBBER to appear and proceed with the suit against BONBANOUS. Date: 22 June 1767 Date of: Bond County: Craven Folder: 1765-1767 Information: 1) Introduction describes suit brought by William RUMSEY and William WILSON, merrchants, by their atty. Richd. CASWELL against William TATE for debt. 2) Record of case as presented in Inferior Court: William TATE is merchant of Jamaica, and owes RUMSEY and WILSON a debt of approx. 300 pounds. TATE conceals himself from the normal process of law. Sheriff is ordered to attach the property of TATE in security for the debt, and to summon TATE to appear at the next Superior Court to make answer. 3) Sheriff appeared before the next term of Inferior Court, and stated that he had attached the property of TATE, and that it is held by garnishees Saml. CORNELL, Esq., Richd. ELLIS, Esq., Edmond WRINDFORD, & Richard BLACKLEDGE. Each of these men then appeared to describe the property that they held. The plaintiffs appeared with their attorney and gave time until May term for TATE to appear and answer the charge against him. At the May term, TATE did not appear, and RUMSEY and WILSON were allowed the debt, and 12 jurors were appointed to determine the exact amount. Jurors were: Timothy CLEAR, John FONVIELLE, Junr., Bernd. PARKINSON, John TURNER, Edward FRANKS, Wm. BRYAN, Wm. DENNIS, Elijah PIGOTT, Joseph CAMPEN, John ROBINSON, John WARWICK, William WEBSTER; they determined the amount to be 265.87.87 pounds plus costs. Date: Nov. term 1767/May term, 1768 Date of: Inferior court proceedings/Superior court proceedings County: Craven Folder: 1765-1767 Information: Appearance bond for RUMSEY & WILSON with bondsmen William GREEN and Thomas SITGREAVES to William TATE. RUMSEY & WILSON have obtained an attachment of the estate of TATE; bond is for their appearance at the next term of court to prosecute the case. Date: 4 May 1767 Date of: Bond County: Craven Folder: 1765-1767 Information: Duplicate of summary above of the case of RUMSEY and WILSON against William TATE through the attachment of the property of TATE. 2nd side of this document is a summons for Edmond WRENDFORD to appear and produce the property that he holds belonging to TATE and present it to RUMSEY and WILSON in satisfaction of the debt. RUMSEY and WILSON appeared and announced that they were now satisfied with the recovery. Date: November term 1767 Date of: Original Inferior court date County: Craven Folder: 1765-1767 Information: Order to _________ to take the deposition of Abraham PAGE concerning information he has regarding a suit in which William HERRITAGE is plaintiff and Reuben ROBERTS is defendant. Date: 13 May 1767 Date of: Order County: Not given Folder: 1768 Information: 1) Petition of Robert NICHOLS by his attorney Patrick GORDON against Benjamin PICKAMILL by his attorney Richard CASWELL: NICHOLS states that PICKAMILL, merchant, owes him 38 pounds for the freight of 24 Hogsheads and 28 Tirces or half hogsheads of molasses and 6 pounds for the passage of PICKAMILL from Hispanola to New Bern on Board a vessel of which NICHOLS was the master. PICKAMILL denied the claim. 2) Jury of Edward FRANK, Francis FONVILLE, George Phenny LOVICK, Simon BEXLEY, Cason BRINSON, Emanuel SIMMONS, William RUPELL, John HATCH, Richard ODEON, Benjamin PEARCE, Nathan ARCHDALE, James HAMILTON was called to hear the case, but neither the plaintiff or his attorney appeared. The defendant was therefore “non-suited,” and the case dismissed. Date: 9 Feb 1768/11 May 1769 Date of: Debt alledgedly incurred/court date County: Craven (home of PICKAMILL) Folder: 1768 Information: Summary of above case Robert NICHOLS vs. Benjamin PICKAMILL, and order to sheriff to summon a jury. Date: 9 Feb 1768/11 May 1769 Date of: Debt alledgedly incurred/court date County: Craven Folder: 1768 Information: Barthm. ROOKE vs. Francis BROWN: Charge of debt. Jury (unnamed) found in favor of plaintiff. Date: May term 1768 Date of: Court County: Not given, but an area marked out mentions Chowan Folder: 1768 Information: Summons for Bernard PARKINSON, merchant, to appear and answer a charge of trespass (debt) brought by Hugh PRINGLE. Date: 22 Nov 1768 Date of: Summons County: Craven Folder: 1768 Information: Note addressed to Richd. CASWELL, Esq.: “Sir Please to Dismiss the action me against Solomon White DAVIS the Defendant to pay Costs it being the Terms on Which we have Settled at. s/Sarah GREENAWAY” Date: 14 Noc 1768 Date of: Note County: Not given Folder: 1768 Information: 1) Bartholomew ROOK by his attorney Alexander ELMSLY vs. Francis BROWN by his attorney William CUMMINGS. ROOK states that he and BROWN entered into an agreement by which BROWN would deliver a supply of lumber to him at a landing on Perquimmans R., and that ROOK would pay for this within 1 month. They also entered into an agreement by which BROWN would supply ROOK with more lumber as payment for a debt that BROWN owed ROOK, and that BROWN would also purchase from ROOK a certain Negro female with more lumber. ROOK alledges that BROWN never delivered on his promise of lumber in exchange for debts. BROWN denies the obligation. 2) The following jury was summoned: Timothy CLEAR, John FONVIELLE, Junr., Bernd. PARKINSON, [torn], [torn] FRANKS, Furnifold GREEN, Wm. DENNIS, Elijah PIGOTT, John ROBINSON, [torn] WARWICK, Isreal WILKINSON, and John PEACOCK, who found in favor of the plaintiff. Date: 8 Nov 1765-18 Jul 1766/May term 1769 Date of: Various transactions and agreements/Final court date County: Craven Folder: 1769-1771 Information: Top of page: Note: “Sir having an opportunity by the Barror Mr. HARRIS to I herby Require you to Send the Execution at my Suit agt. Edward McSWAIN for my attorneys fees and the four Certifect one for Wm. ORMAND one for Stephin DENNING also for Cornilious GRAY and Wm. DAVIS you Cant be at a Laws for the Sum as you have thim in your hands [torn] Should not have Trobled you if I could have [torn] my money without your Complian will much oblig you Humble Sevt. Isral WILKINSON.” Bottom of page: Added note that begins: “The fees is much grater than what you acquainted me they would be when I paid you the 6 dollars at the house.” Goes on to describe all fees paid. Ends with “I shall Take it as a [torn] if you will send me a Bill of all the fees you put in the Execution against me Except your one fees as i am sure you charged me more than your Just Due have Sent money by the Barr to pay you for your Troble as I have Lain a great while out of my money….” Date: 20 July 1769 Date of: Note County: Hyde Folder: 1769-1771 Information: Appearance bond for John TOMLE with bondsmen Drewry? REIVES and James HINES to appear and respond to a charge by Thos. EDMONDSON of trespass on the case [debt-sbg] Date: 15 Dec 1769 Date of: Bond County: Dobbs Folder: 1769-1771 Information: p. 1: Order to sheriff to attach the lands of William TYER, based on a complaint by Abraham SHEPARD, junr. that TYER owes him money. It is believed that TYER has absconded from the county in order to avoid answering the complaint. Bottom of page replies that the sheriff made a return to the October 1767 court that he had attached the lands in the hands of Jesse SANFORD Admr. of Lazrus CHELTON Decd., John GARLAND, and Richard BARFIELD. p. 2: Order to sheriff to take the lands in the hands of Richard BARFIELD, garnishee of Will W. TYER and sell them to settle the debt to SHEPARD. Bottom of page is calculation of court fees. p. 3: Return by sheriff that he had sold the lands as ordered. Order by clerk of court (Martin CASWELL) to give account of funds from sale to James GLASGOW. Date: 22 Aug “7th year of reign” of George III” [1767]/3 Apr 1769 Date of: 1st order to attach lands/order to sell land County: Dobbs Folder: 1769-1771 Information: Bond by Joseph ADAMS with Joseph CAMPEN & Stephen DEMING, bondsmen. James ADAMS was defendant in a suit for debt brought by Benjamin BARNEY, and a Negro boy named Dick was attached, and is repleved by Joseph ADAMS. If James ADAMS appears and pays all damages and costs, then the above obligation is void. [This means that James ADAMS has been found to be in debt to BARNEY. A slave boy who is his property has been attached as collateral, and is being held by Joseph ADAMS pending James ADAMS paying the debt. Otherwise, Dick will be sold to pay the debt. Joseph ADAMS is giving bond for his responsibilities in this regard.-sbg] Date: 16 May 1770 Date of: Bond County: Beaufort Folder: 1769-1771 Information: Summons for Richd. BLACKLEDGE, Esq. to appear and testify on behalf of the plaintiff in a suit in which James GIBSON and James LINDSAY, Exors. of John DICKSON, Decd. are plaintiffs and Richd. COGDELL is defendant. (Back: “The witness forwith mentioned is not in this province.”). Date: 21 May 1770 Date of: Summons County: Craven Folder: 1769-1771 Information: Summons for Joseph LEECH, Esq. to appear and testify on behalf of Benjamin ROOK in a case in ROOK is plaintiff and Mourning BLISS is defendant. Date: 22 May 1771 Date of: Summons County: Craven Folder: 1769-1771 Information: Summons for Thomas SITGRAVES, Esq. to testify on behalf of William BOURKE in a case in which BOURKE is plaintiff and Thomas CAMPEN is defendant. Date: 22 May 1771 Date of: Summons County: Craven Folder: 1769-1771 Information: Summons for John WEBSTER & Stephen DEMMING to appear and testify on behalf of Sam SMITH in a case in which Henry LOCKEY is plaintiff and SMITH is defendant. Date: 21 November 1771 Date of: Summons County: Craven Folder: 1772 Information: Receipt from P. GORDON att at law from Mr. Willson PENDER 50 shillings “being the contents of HANDCOCKS note to me & 20 shillings due by Mrs. HANDCOCK now Mrs. PENDER”. Represents final payment in full. Date: 30 Sept 1772 Date of: Receipt County: Not given Folder: 1772 Information: “The Deposition of Richard GRAVES Deposeth and Saith…on or about Wednesday the 17th Instant this Dept. saw Solo. VICKERS Deliver to Saml. SMITH two Plows at the sd. GRAVES plantation which he assisted Mr. SMITH to carry to his lande…” Deposition given to James DAVIS and R. COGDELL Date: 31 Mar 1772 Date of: Deposition County: Not given. Folder: 1772 Information: Deposition of William SIMMONS of the age of 17 that on Tues. 17 March he was at the Plantation when Solomon VICKERS rented a cow from Doct. HASLINE along with Thomas VICKERS when he saw Mr. Samuel SMITH at the end of the house take up 2 plows and go toward the landing, about 40- 50 yards. SIMMONS did not know who the plows belonged to, but that they were plows that were usually worked on the plantation. s/William [X] SIMMONS. Deposition given to James DAVIS and R. COGDELL Date: 31 Mar 1772 Date of: Deposition County: Not given Folder: 1772 Information: Deposition of Solomon VICKERS that on or about the 18th of March he and Mr. SMITH went together from Graves landing to Doct. HASLINES and stayed about an hour, and he believes returned together. He did not see SMITH carry any plows from Dr. HASLINE’s plantation. Some time before he let SMITH have one or two of the plows from Mr. GRAVE’s plantation. He does not remember ever seeing SMITH on Dr. HASLINE’s plantation before. Deposition given to James DAVIS and R. COGDELL. Date: 31 Mar 1772 Date of: Deposition County: Not given Folder: 1772 Information: Thomas HASLIN Esq. vs. Samuel SMITH: SMITH comes to court and says that HASLIN should not continue the action against him, because HASLIN did not provide SMITH with a copy of the declaration against him 5 days prior to the action, as required, nor has he provided it since. Date: Nov term 1772 Date of: Petition by SMITH County: Not given Folder: 1772 Information: Summons for Samuel SMITH, planter, to appear and answer a charge of trespass on the damage of Thomas HASLIN Date: 19 May 1772 Date of: Summons County: Craven Folder: 1772 Information: Thomas HASLIN vs. Samuel SMITH: “Samuel SMITH … maketh oath and saith that he … was not served with a copy of the Declaration five days before the Commencement of the above mentioned Term nor at any time since as Directed by and Act of Assembly…” Date: 13 Nov 1772 Date of: Oath County: Not given Folder: 1772 Information: Oath given by John HAY that Deborah SMITH had occasion to warrant Hugh GAVIN. The cause was tried by Richard COGDELL, Esq., who rendered a judgement of 20 shillings in favor of SMITH. HAY went to COGDELL at the request of SMITH to obtain an execution on the warrant. COGDELL told HAY that he understood by the Governour that the judgement was wrong and therefore would not give the execution and secured the judgement in his pocket. Date: 18 Nov 1772 Date of: Oath County: Craven Folder: 1772 Information: Arrest warrant for Henry SMITH, laborer, to answer a charge by Richard Nasau STEPHENS of trespass with force, and cutting, carrying away, and destroying trees belonging to STEPHENS. Date: 11 Nov 1772 Date of: Warrant County: Craven Folder: 1774 Information: Arrest warrant for Patty LANE alias FAIL, wife of Thomas LANE alias FAIL, for perjury. Bottom left of page has word “Smms” and list of names, apparently witnesses in the case. Names are: John HANKS, John BRAND, Britton FIELDS, Charles HINES, George MILLER, Jos. HERRING, John GARLAND Date: 6 July 1774 Date of: Warrant County: Dobbs Folder: 1774 Information: Order that George MILLER, Simon BRIGHT Esquires and James BRIGHT serve at the next Court of Oyer and Terminer for the District of New Bern and that Thos. WILLIAMS, Joseph GREEN, and Spyers SINGLETON be appointed Petit jurors to serve at the same court. Date: April Inferior Court 1774 Date of: Order County: Dobbs Folder: 1774 Information: John HULL agst. Joseph SMITH: Summary of court actions leading to appeal to District court: A warrant was issued for Joseph SMITH, schoolmaster, to answer a charge of trespass and damage to John HULL to the amount of 20 pounds. HULL appeared in court with John COOKE his attorney. SMITH posted bail with Richard CASWELL and Samuel CASWELL his bondsmen. SMITH appeared in court with his attorney Thomas GRAY and pled that the declaration in the petition was not sufficient to answer the charge. The matter was postponed twice, then a jury consisting of Benjamin SHEPPARD, William DAWSON, George BELL, James JORDAN, Richard SMITH, Thomas BURK, Benjamin SCARBOROUGH, Lewis GRIFFIN, William FOOT, Jesse JONES, Michael PICKET, & Francis HODGES decided for HULL to the amount of 5 pounds plus 6 pence costs. SMITH objected to the decision, and it was postponed again. The judgement was confirmed, and SMITH appealed. He entered into bond with James GLASGOW and Thomas GRAY, bondsmen. Date: October term 1772/July term 1774/October term 1774 Date of: First court appearance/first judgement rendered/appeal made County: Dobbs Folder: 1778, 1779 Information: Summons for Henry WHITE, John EASTON, Isaac BARTHOLOMEW, & James PARNELL to appear and testify on behalf of Joseph BELL in a matter in which John KNOX is plaintiff and BELL is defendant. Date: 15 May 1779 Date of: Summons County: Carteret Folder: 1778, 1779 Information: Warrant for Gilbert STRAHAN to answer a charge brought by James SPILLER, Esq. of trespass on the case. Date: 18 Nov 1778 Date of: Warrant County: Orange Folder: 1778, 1779 Information: Summons for Joseph LEECH, John GREEN, merchant, Daniel HOLLAND and his wife, Richard ELLIS to give testimony on behalf of Alexander GASTON in an appeal between GASTON and James DAVIS. Date: 15 Nov 1778 Date of: Summons County: Craven Folder: 1778, 1779 Information: Summons for Thomas TORRANS, Dessee JONES, William FERRIL & Elizabeth his wife to appear and give testimony on behalf of Felix KENAN in a matter against him on behalf of the state of NC. Date: 7 April 1778 Date of: Summons County: Dobbs Folder: 1778, 1779 Information: Appearance bond for Felix KENAN with James KENAN, Abraham MOLTEN, Herald BLACKMORE, and James LOVE, bondsmen to appear and answer a charge brought by the state against him. Date: 11 Sept 1778 Date of: Bond County: Not given Folder: 1778, 1779 Information: Summary of proceedings leading to appeal: Nathan FULLER by his attorney Alexander GRAY complains that James WRIGHT owes him 40 pounds that FULLER had advanced to WRIGHT, and in addition that WRIGHT owed him for work done. WRIGHT promised to pay FULLER, but has not done so. WRIGHT, by his attorney John COOK states he made no such promise to pay. The matter was continued, and a jury of Benjamin HANCOCK, David RUSSELL, John OGLESBY, John SHEPARD, Reuben BENTHALL, John MOYE, John PACQUENET,, Amos JOHNSON, and John FULFORD found in favor of the plaintiff and awarded him 20 pounds. WRIGHT appealed, and entered an appearance bond with James PARROTT and John COOK, bondsmen. Date: 10 May 1778/21 June 1778/September term 1778 Date of: “Promise to pay”/1st court appearance/2nd court appearance and appeal County: Carteret Folder: 1778, 1779 Information: William TISDALE prays judgement on a writ that he not be compelled to answer because Richard ELLIS and James ELLIS, plaintiffs did not file their declaration before the 2nd day of the present term, and he has not been served with 5 days notice. Prays that the writ by quashed. Date: November term 1778 Date of: Petition County: Not given Folder: 1778, 1779 Information: Summons for Thomas CHADWICK to appear and give evidence in the case between Thomas GOULDING and John FULLER. Date: 15 May 1779 Date of: Summons County: Carteret Folder: 1778, 1779 Information: Summons for Ebene. WHARTON & Samll. GARDNER to appear and testify on behalf of Nathan FULLER on an appeal between James WRIGHT and FULLER. Date: 15 Nov 1778 Date of: Summons County: Carteret Folder: 1778, 1779 Information: Appearance bond for William TISDALE with Alexr. GASTON and William PASTEUR, bondsmen, to appear and answer a charge of trespass of the case brought by Richard and James ELLIS. Date: 10 Nov 1778. Date of: Bond County: Craven Folder: 1778, 1779 Information: Complaint by Alexander SAUNDERS by Wrightskill AVERY his attorney that George KERR & Co. (now in custody of sheriff) owes him 30,000 pounds. SAUNDERS sold 1/8 of the schooner Sukay, along with freight and cargo, to KERR in St. Croix, and KERR & Co. promised to pay SAUNDERS when requested, but has not done so. Date: 9 Oct 1779/November term 1779 Date of: Debt incurred/complaint made County: Craven Folder: 1778, 1779 Information: Appearance bond by George KERR with Michl. GORMAN & Alexander GRAY to appear and answer a charge of trespass on the case brought by Alexander SAUNDERS. [Note: Bond is for “George KERR & Co., merchants” to appear-sbg]. Date: 19 Oct 1779 Date of: Bond County: Not given Folder: 1778, 1779 Information: Warrant for George KERR & Co. merchants to answer a charge by Alexander SAUNDERS of trespass on the case. Date: 15 May 1779 [Note: this date appears to be before the event]. Date of: Warrant County: Craven Folder: 1778, 1779 Information: Summons for Lewis WILLIAMS, Emanuell JONES, Joseph LILLEBRIDGE to appear and testify on behalf of George MITCHELL in a case in which MITCHELL is plaintiff and John STARKEY is defendant. Date: 15 May 1779 Date of: Summons County: Onslow Folder: 1778, 1779 Information: “These are to certify that on the Dockets of the County Court of Dobbs, among other things is contained as follows to wit––” Then follows a chart regarding the case of Peter BALLARD a. William ALFORD. January Court 1779, No. 9 Parties: Peter BALLARD a. William ALFORD Cause of Action: Caveat No. 488 Sheriff’s returns: In Dobbs County for 200 Acres on both sides of the New joining Daniel TOFLEYS-Peter BALLARD’s New Survey and his own lines, Entered the 16th Novm 1778. Judgements & orders of court: Jury to be sumd. The jury appeared on the premisses and did not agree on their verdict, Contd. April Court: Same information. Jury to be summoned. Contd. July court: Same information. Jury to be Sumd. A New Venire [summons-sbg] for a Jury to issue. Contd. October court: Same information January Court, 1780: Same information April Court: Same information. A venire to Wayne Co. July Court: Same information. Citation to the Sheriff of Wayne October Court: Same information. A new Venire to Wayne. Verdict returned: General in favor of Peter BALLARD order of survey to issue for BALLARD. Date: See above Date of: Court dates County: Dobbs/Wayne Folder: 1778, 1779 Information: “These are to certify that on the Minutes and Dockets of the County Court of Dobbs among other things is contained as follows, to wit:” 1775 January Court appearance docket Parties Names: William REDDICK a. Joseph HENBY Cause of Action: Trespass Sheriff’s return: Not to be found Judgements & Orders of Court: Alias April Court appearance docket: Same. Alias executed. Deft. appeared by A. GRAY his attorney pleads not guilty with leave &c. July Court tryal docket: Same. Continued. October Court tryal docket: Same. 1778 January Court tryal docket: Same April Court tryal docket: Same July Court tryal docket: Same. Continued S fa [summons-sbg] for Thomas HARRINGTON October court tryal docket: Same. Jury Sworn could not agree on their Virdict on Motion. New tryal granted. January Court 1779 tryal dockets: Same. Continued. April Court tryal docket: Same. Beside the chart is written: Jury impanelled and sworn to wit, William ALFORD, William TYNER, Bryant LINCH, James RHODES, John POPE, Jesse CROOM, Moses STANDLEY, Henry TAYLOR, Elisha UZZELL, Isaac WOODWARD, John PARKER, & Reuben HAYS who find the defendants guilty and assess 10 pounds damages. Defendant prays an appeal, granted to May term of New Bern District Court. On the next page is a calculation of court costs. Date: See above Date of: Court dates County: Dobbs Folder: 1778, 1779 Information: “These are to Certify that on the Minutes & Dockets of the County of Dobbs among other things is Contained as follows, to wit––” 1778 January Court appearance docket: John STANSILL a. William BENTLEY Cause of Action: Originally Attachmt. Bonds filed 100 pounds Sheriffs Returns: Executed on Goods & Chattles ? and security. Judgements & Orders of County: Judgement default and inquiry April Court tryal docket: Same. Judgmt. by Default (waved) Genl. issue with leave &c. Stat Lims off Sel. Spd. Jno. COOK Esq. Clk of Newbern District with the records in a Suit formerly there between the parties epr Deft. Cont. July Court tryal docket: Same. Continued by consent the parties. October Court tryal docket: Same. Somo. to take the Depo. of Jno. HORNE on part the defendant. Continued. January Court 1779 tryal docket: Same. Continued. April Court tryal docket: Same. Beside chart is written: Jury impanelled and sworn to Wit, Wm. DAWSON, Jesse BARNES, Jno. B. BRAND, Reuben HAYS, Thos. BURKE, Luke PIPKIN, Elisha UZZELL, Moses STANDLEY, Hardy CRAWFORD, Daniel HEDGEPETH, Simon TOTEVINE, & Jacob ELLIS, who find the defendant guilty. The defendant appealed to the next Superior Court. Inside of document contains calculation of court costs. Date: See above Date of: Court dates County: Dobbs Folder: 1778, 1779 Information: Summons for His Excellency Richard CASWELL, Esqr., Constantine WHITFIELD, & Benjamine ?OXAM Esq. to appear and testify on behalf of John PINKHAM and others in a suit against Richard COGDELL. Date: 15 May 1779 Date of: Summons County: Dobbs Folder: 1778, 1779 Information: Summons for John HARKEY, Robert SNEAD, Edward HARKEY to appear and testify on behalf of John PINKHAM and others in a suit against Richard COGDELL Date: 15 May 1779 Date of: Summons County: Onslow Folder: 1778, 1779 Information: Summons for John WARWICK, John FAULLON, Martin WOLLARD, & James POYNER, & Benjamin HAWKINS to appear and testify on behalf of Henry BONNER against Thos. RESPESS, Junr. Date: 15 Nov 1778 Date of: Summons County: Beaufort Folder: 1778, 1779 Information: Summons for Parker QUINCE, Cornelius HARNETT to appear and testify on behalf of John PINKHAM in a suit against Richard COGDELL. Date: 15 May 1779 Date of: Summons County: New Hanover Folder: 1778, 1779 Information: Warrant for Culpepper PIGOTT Farmer to answer David FROST on a charge of trespass with force and damage of 2000 pounds Date: 15 May 1779 Date of: Warrant County: Carteret Folder: 1778, 1779 Information: Summons for Robert WHITFIELD, Joshua SMITH, John SATCHWELL, & Ruffias LATHAM to give testimony in behalf of Major CLARK in a suit in which CLARK is plaintiff and John SMITH is defendant Date: 15 Nov 1778 Date of: Summons County: Hyde Folder: 1778, 1779 Information: Summons for William CLARKE, Thomas COLLIER, John TURNER, Simon BEXLEY, Capt. HARGETT, Isaac PARTRIDGE to appear and give testimony on behalf of John PINKHAM and others against Richard COGDELL. Date: 15 May 1779 Date of: Summons County: Craven Folder: 1778, 1779 Information: Summons for James LATHAM to appear and testify on behalf of Henry BONNER in a suit in which Thomas RESPESS is plaintiff and BONNER is defendant. Date: 15 May 1779 Date of: Summons County: Pitt Folder: 1778, 1779 Information: Summons for Thomas BONNER to appear and testify on behalf of Henry BONNER in a suit in which Thomas RESPESS is plaintiff and H. BONNER is defendant. Date: 15 May 1779 Date of: Summons County: Beaufort Folder: 1778, 1779 Information: Summons for Aquilla SUGG to appear and testify on behalf of Samuel HOLLIDAY & John BLOUNT in their appeal carried up to District Court against Malichi MAUND Date: 15 May 1779 Date of: Summons County: Edgecomb (residence of SUGG)/Dobbs (County where suit originally heard) Folder: 1778, 1779 Information: Summons for Martin WOOLARD to appear and testify on behalf of defendent in a suit in which Thomas RESPESS is plaintiff and Hennery BONNER is defendant Date: 15 Nov 1778 Date of: Summons County: Beaufort Folder: 1778, 1779 Information: Summons for Robert SIMS and John SUGGS to appear and testify on behalf of Samuel HOLLIDAY and John BLOUNT in their appeal against Malichi MONND. Date: 15 May 1779 Date of: Summons County: Dobbs Folder: 1778, 1779 Information: Summons for Toms ?PINNER to appear and testify on behalf of the defendant in a suit in which Thomas RESPESS is plaintiff and Hennery BONNER defendant Date: 15 Nov 1778 Date of: Summons County: Beaufort Folder: 1778, 1779 Information: Summons for Lewis SMITH to appear and give testimony on behalf of Joseph HENBY Defendant and William REDDICK plaintiff Date: 15 May 1775 Date of: Summons County: Dobbs Folder: 1778, 1779 Information: Summons for William BARFIED, William MARES and Daniel MCGEE to appear and testify on behalf of Malichiah MOUND in a suit in which Samuel HOLLYDAY and John BLOUNT is appellant and MOUND is appelled. Date: 15 May 1779 Date of: Summons County: Dobbs Folder: 1778, 1779 Information: Summons for John JONES and James TURNAGE to appear and testify on behalf of Malichiah MOUND in a matter in which Malichiah MOUND is appellant and Samuel HOLLYDAY and John BLOUNT appelled. Date: 15 May 1779 Date of: Summons County: Dobbs Folder: 1778, 1779 Information: Appearance bond for John HERRITAGE with Armwell NIVON, bondsman to appear and prosecute a suit against Anders WHILE (later says WHITE) for stealing a gelding from HERRITAGE. Date: 25 Sept “4th year of Independence” (Back says 1779) Date of: Bond County: Dobbs Folder: 1778, 1779 Information: Appearance bond for Culpeper PIGOTT with Enoch WARD and Isaiah CHADWICK, bondsmen, to appear and answer a charge brought by David FOOT for trespass with force and damage of 2000 pounds Date: 1779 (Month and day are blank) Date of: Bond County: Carteret Folder: 1778, 1779 Information: “I promise to pay unto Levi FULSHER … the sum of six pounds for valle Recied s/Richard FLANNAGIN” (Back: Levi FULCHER vs. Richard FLANAKIN, Note £6 Craven) Date: 10 Jan 1779 Date of: Note County: Craven Folder: 1778, 1779 Information: Order to sheriff to take of the property of Thomas & William LIGHTFOOT 200 pounds which John COLLIER recently recovered against them in this court. Sheriff to render it to COLLIER at the next court. Date: 15 Nov 1778 Date of: Order County: Jones Folder: 1780 Information: Summons for Eden JONES Mariner to appear and give testimony in a suit brought by Richard & Jas. ELLIS against James HARPER. Date: 15 Nov 1780 Date of: Summons County: Carteret Folder: 1780 Information: Summons for Bryan CALLIHAN to appear and give testimony on behalf of Charles STEVENSON in which STEVENSON is appellee and George CLARKE appellant Date: 15 Nov 1779 Date of: Summons County: Craven Folder: 1780 Information: Summons for John MOORE of Wilmington, Jonathan ROBESON, James SPILLAN, John WALKES, esquire, _____ LUROSON, Daniel BERNARD, James IVERSON, Richard BRADLEY, & Owen KENAN to appear and give testimony in a suit brought by Richard and James ELLIS against James HARPER Date: 15 Nov 1779 Date of: Summons County: New Hanover Folder: 1780 Information: Warrant for John LOVETT taylor and Stephen DUDLEY planter to appear and answer John STEVENS on a charge of trespass with force. Date: 15 May 1780 Date of: Summons County: Carteret Folder: 1780 Information: Summons for George HOOPER, gentleman to appear and testify on behalf of Richard & James ELLIS in a suit in which they are plaintiff and James HARPER is defendant. (Back: Following notes written, with no other explanation. Left side: “men ashore in Long Boy & put in put her in.––Every Court of itself is sufficient to try every fact. ––No Judgment can be made up unless these facts. Right side: “whether the cannon &c. left at Long Boy & afterwards landed at New Bern & were same Cannon–– Capt. & crew of Privateer Rhodes will not be benefitted as they are sold to [smeared]”) Date: 15 May 1780 Date of: Summons County: New Hanover Folder: 1780 Information: Complaint by John STEVONS by Waightskill AVERY his attorney that John LOVETT and Stephen DUDLEY, now in the custody of the sheriff assaulted and beat him and stole a black mare worth 30,000 pounds. STEVONS brings suit to recover this value. Date: 7 June 1780/November term 1780 Date of: Event/Suit brought County: Jones Folder: 1780 Information: Appearance bond for Stephen DUDLEY with Abraham DUDLEY and Thos. DUDLEY, bondsmen to appear and answer John STEVENS on a plea of trespass with force and damages. Date: 31 Oct 1780 Date of: Bond County: Carteret Folder: 1780 Information: Summons for Joseph SPEED to appear and testify on behalf of William SAVAGE in a case in which SAVAGE is plaintiff and John ASHE is defendant. Date: 15 Nov 1779 Date of: Summons County: Craven Folder: 1780 Information: Summons for Joseph SPEED, gentleman, to appear and testify on behalf of William SAVAGE in a case in which SAVAGE is plaintiff and John ASHE is defendant. Date: 15 Nov 1779 Date of: Summons County: Craven Folder: 1780 Information: Appearance bond for Henry TOOMER with Caleb GRANGER, bondsman, to appear and answer a charge by William SAVAGE of trespass on the case, damage of 40,000 pounds Date: 25 Apr 1780 Date of: Bond County: New Hanover Folder: 1780 Information: “Newbern Jany 29th 84 Recvd.. of Mr Wm. GRANGER Two Casks Porter at thirty Dollars. per Cask for which I Promise to pay him for or Return it when Caled for. s/N. SMITH.” Stamped “Judgement” below written text. (Back: N. SMITHs Note for 2 Casks Porter or 60 dollars). Date: 29 Jan 1784 Date of: Note County: Craven Folder: 1780 Information: Warrant for Thomas LEE, planter, on a charge by William GIBSON of trespass with force, damage 1,000 pounds Date: 15 Nov 1779 Date of: Warrant County: Jones Folder: 1780 Information: Appearance bond for Thos. LEE with Joseph SANDERSON & Jesse SANDERSON to appear and answer a charge by William GIBSON of trespass with force and damages of 1,000 pounds Date: 16 May 1780 Date of: Bond County: Jones Folder: 1780 Information: Summons for Frederick TISON, Israel JOINER, & William MOORE to appear and testify on behalf of Jesse JORDAN in a case in which John TISON is plaintiff and JORDAN is defendant. Date: 12 May 1780 Date of: Summons County: Pitt Folder: 1780 Information: Arrest warrant for William SAVAGE, merchant, to answer a charge by John MCCROHON “that he render to him his reasonable account during the Time he was Bailiff & Receiving of the said John &c Damage &c. five hundred thousand pounds currency.” Date: 15 May 1780 Date of: Warrant County: Not given Folder: 1780 Information: Appearance bond for William SAVAGE with William BROWN and William BOYD to appear and answer John MCCROHON “of a plea that he render to him his reasonable account during the Time he was Bailiff & Receives of the said John &c. Damage &c. five hundred thousand pounds Currency of the said state.” Date: 12 Oct 1780 Date of: Bond County: Beaufort Folder: 1780 Information: Summons for James WELCH, Mary MITCHEL, & Agnes HORSEENDS to testify on behalf of Archibald LEWIS in a case in which LEWIS is plaintiff and Susana CUMMINS is defendant. Date: 15 Nov 1780 Date of: Summons County: Craven Folder: 1780 Information: 1) Order of court, with consent of both parties, that all suits between John KNOX and Joseph BELL, Esquire, be referred to Col. John BRYAN, and that his award by a rule of court. 2) Decision by BRYAN that BELL pay KNOX 1,000 pounds for damages, court costs, and witness fees for David HALL, witness for KNOX; BELL pay KNOX for whatever articles are missing or [replace with] articles of the same kind which can be proved at the time of BELLs taking possession of the house without KNOXes consent; BELL and KNOX pass mutual consents between them. Date: 15 May 1780/19 May 1780 Date of: Order/Decision by BRYAN County: Not given Folder: 1780 Information: Deposition by Isaiah CHADWICK, sheriff, stating that he attended a jury who were summoned to determine a controversy between Joseph BELL and John KNOX concerning a lease which BELL had given KNOX for a house in Beaufort. When they arrived at the house, they found Thomas TURNER in possession, and demanded that he open the door. TURNER hesitated, saying he did not know what to do, and at that time Martin FERNS came up and entered into discourse with the Justices. “A warm debate” ensued, then FERNS asked pardon and went to the shore with TURNER. TURNER soon returned to the house, and the Justices again demanded that the door be open, or “they should be under the disagreeable necessity” of using force. TURNER said he had sent the key to KNOX. The Justices ordered CHADWICK, as sheriff to open the door, which he did. They found a fire and other signs of habitation. The Justices finally decided in favor of BELL, and issued a warrant to give BELL possession of the house. In the course of executing the warrant, CHADWICK found goods which he took an inventory of and stored in a suitable place under lock and key, and wrote a letter (and one only) to KNOX informing him of this, and where he might find his goods. CHADWICK also saw some things in different parts of the house––furniture, tobacco, etc., some of which was later claimed by TURNER and some by FERNS. Date: 19 Mar 1780 Date of: Deposition County: Carteret Folder: 1780 Information: Summons for Bazil SMITH to appear and testify on behalf of Joseph BELL in a case in which John KNOX is plaintiff and BELL is defendant Date: 27 May 1778 Date of: Summons County: Craven Folder: 1780 Information: Summons for James PARROTT & Rossiter SIMPSON to appear and testify on behalf of Joseph BELL in a case in which John KNOX is plaintiff and BELL is defendant Date: 27 May 1778 Date of: Summons County: Carteret Folder: 1780 Information: Warrant for Joseph BELL to answer a charge by John KNOX of trespass and damage on the case. Date: 19 March 1778 Date of: Warrant County: Carteret Folder: 1780 Information: Summons for John WEST, Thomas TURNER, David HALL, and Robert WALPOLE to appear and testify on behalf of John KNOX in a case in which KNOX is plaintiff and Joseph BELL is defendant. Date: 27 May 1778 Date of: Summons County: Not given Folder: 1780 Information: Summons for Rob. READ to testify on behalf of Joseph BELL in a matter in which John KNOX is plaintiff and BELL is defendant. Date: 27 May 1778 Date of: Summons County: Carteret Folder: 1780 Information: Summons for David HALL and James LANE to appear and testify in a case between Walter FULLER and James RIGTAL. (Back says Jno KNOX vs. Jos. BELL). Date: 1778 Date of: Summons County: Carteret Folder: 1780 Information: Summons for Thomas TEMPLE to testify on behalf of John KNOX in a case in which KNOX is plaintiff and Joseph BELL is defendant. Date: 15 Nov 1780 Date of: Summons County: Carteret Folder: 1780 Information: “To Mr. John KNOX, I hereby give you notice that …Isaac BARTHOLEM, Isaah CHADWICK, & Henry WHITE are to give their Testimony upon oath concerning and respecting the suits now depending between Joseph BELL and John KNOX on the 28th day of March AD 1780 at Beaufort for James PARRATT Esquire–Joseph BELL” Date: 23 Mar 1780 Date of: Notice County: Not given Folder: 1780 Information: Deposition of Isaac BARTHOLOMEW that about the time of John KNOX leaving the house of Joesph BELL, in conversation in New Bern, that KNOX offered to rent the house in dispute to BARTHOLOMEW at the same rent until the lease expired (at 25 pounds per year). BARTHOLOMEW was to send KNOX an answer, but he (BARTHOLOMEW) bought a house soon after, which prevented further application. Date: 28 Mar 1780 Date of: Deposition County: Carteret Folder: 1780 Information: Deposition by Isaiah CHADWICK, sheriff, stating that he attended a jury who were summoned to determine a controversy between Joseph BELL and John KNOX concerning a lease which BELL had given KNOX for a house in Beaufort. When they arrived at the house, they found Thomas TURNER in possession, and demanded that he open the door. TURNER hesitated, saying he did not know what to do, and at that time Martin FERNS came up and entered into discourse with the Justices. “A warm debate” ensued, then FERNS asked pardon and went to the shore with TURNER. TURNER soon returned to the house, and the Justices again demanded that the door be open, or “they should be under the disagreeable necessity” of using force. TURNER said he had sent the key to KNOX. The Justices ordered CHADWICK, as sheriff to open the door, which he did. They found a fire and other signs of habitation. The Justices finally decided in favor of BELL, and issued a warrant to give BELL possession of the house. In the course of executing the warrant, CHADWICK found goods which he took an inventory of and stored in a suitable place under lock and key, and wrote a letter (and one only) to KNOX informing him of this, and where he might find his goods. CHADWICK also saw some things in different parts of the house––furniture, tobacco, etc., some of which was later claimed by TURNER and some by FERNS. [Note: this was an identical deposition to an earlier document; this one was much more legible-sbg] Date: 28 Mar 1780 Date of: Deposition County: Carteret Folder: 1780 Information: Deposition of Isaac BARTHOLOMEW that about the time of John KNOX leaving the house of Joesph BELL, in conversation in New Bern, that KNOX offered to rent the house in dispute to BARTHOLOMEW at the same rent until the lease expired (at 25 pounds per year). BARTHOLOMEW was to send KNOX an answer, but he (BARTHOLOMEW) bought a house soon after, which prevented further application. [Note: this is identical to an earlier document-sbg]. Date: 28 Mar 1780 Date of: Deposition County: Carteret Folder: 1780 Information: Oath of John KNOX that he leased a house and lot (#7) in Beaufort from Joseph BELL for 5 years beginning 5 Apr 1775. After about 3 years, KNOX was called from home (December 1777) on business, and while he was gone, in February, 1778, BELL prevailed upon John EASTON, Justice of the Peace, by suggesting that KNOX had forcibly entered the property, to summon a jury consisting of Lawrence BONE & Robert WALPOLE and others. The jury held an inquisition upon the premises & found the defendant (KNOX) guilty of forcible entry and allowed BELL to take possession of the house and of the property of KNOX, which was of great value. BELL threw property out in the weather, allowing it to be damaged or destroyed. No one was in the house to oppose this action. KNOX also states that one or more of the jurymen were not freeholders in Carteret Co. Last, he states that David HALE & others of the jury have frequently stated that they made a mistake in signing the order to allow BELL’s entry into the house, and that they wish that they could atone for the injury done to KNOX. Requests that John EASON be ordered to show cause in District court why a proceeding should not occur to review the entire proceedings Date: 1 May 1778 Date of: Oath County: Carteret Folder: 1780 Information: Order to James PARROTT, Esq. to examine Isaac BARTHOLOMEW, Henry WHITE, and Isaiah CHADWICK regarding their knowledge of the case wherein John KNOX is plaintiff and Joseph BELL is defendant. Date: 22 Mar 1780 Date of: Order County: Not given Folder: 1780 Information: Order to John EASTON & James PARROTT to produce for the District court all records of a proceeding between the State and John KNOX regarding an Inquisition of Forcible Entry and Detainer. Date: 15 Nov 1779 Date of: Order County: Carterett Folder: 1780 Information: Summons for Joshua COLLINS and his wife and Robert GRIMES to appear and testify in behalf of William WOOD in a matter in which WOOD is plaintiff and William ORME is defendant. Date: 15 May 1780 Date of: Summons County: Jones Folder: 1780 Information: Summons for Robert WINFIELD, Joshua SMITH, and John SATEHWELL to appear and testify on behalf of Major CLARK in a suit brought by him against John SMITH. Date: 15 Nov 1779 Date of: Summons County: Not given Folder: 1780 Information: Warrant for William ORME to answer William WOOD on a charge of trespass, assault, & battery, damages 10,000 pounds. Date: 15 Nov 1779 Date of: Warrant County: Craven Folder: 1780 Information: Summons for Stephen SMYTH, Jermin[smeared] FILING, and Robert WINFIELD to appear and testify on behalf of John SMITH in a case in which Major CLARK is plaintiff and SMITH is defendant. Date: 15 May 1780 Date of: Summons County: Hyde Folder: 1780 Information: Summons (forthwith) for John TURNER to appear and testify in a case between John COOKE and Josiah HOLT. Date: 23 Nov 1780 Date of: Summons County: Craven Folder: 1780 Information: Summons for Furnifold GREEN, John DAWLEY, William BRYAN, Mary STEVENSON, Sarah FONVILLE wife of Frank, William GWALTY, Michael SWANN, John LAMBETH, & Benjamin LAMBETH to appear and testify on behalf of Mary CLEMENT in a case in which CLEMENT is plaintiff and Silas STEVENSON is defendant. Date: 15 May 1780 Date of: Summons County: Not given Folder: 1780 Information: Appearance bond for Benjamin AMERSON, with William ROBERSON, and James AMERSON bondsmen, to appear and answer a charge of trespass and damage of 5,000 pounds brought by Delijah DANNIEL. Witness: Bythal BELL Date: 24 Aug 1780 Date of: Bond County: Edgecombe Folder: 1780 Information: [Ink has bled through on this document, making it illegible in parts-sbg]: Summary of the case brought by George CLARK by Waightsill AVERY his attorney against Charles STEVENSON, alleging that he (CLARK) owned a certain gelding, and that on 24 Jul 1779 it came into the possession of STEVENSON by finding and that even though it was well known that the gelding belonged to him, STEVENSON did not return it. STEVENSON claimed that the gelding belongs to him. [The next paragraph is unreadable]. John BRYAN, Fredk HARGET, and Cillerat MANDINS, Justices, appointed the following jurors: Saml. HILL, Jerh. WATSON, Daniel YATES, Richard SELBY, Daniel KOONCE, Chrsr. KOONCE, Philip PATE, Simon EDWARDS, Bottet GILSTRAP, Daniel MALLARD, Joshua COLLINS, and Thos. ANGUS, who found no cause for the suit. MASON appealed and entered into bond with William LAVENDER and Martin FRANCK, bondsmen, for his appeal. Date: 24 Jul 1779/September term 1779 Date of: Gelding found by STEVENSON/Case heard in county court County: Jones Folder: 1780 Information: On petition of Waightstill AVERY on behalf of John GARLAND, order to James GLASGOW, Justice, to produce all records of proceedings regarding an inquisition of Forcible Entry & Detainer against GARLAND brought by Benjamin SHEPPERD. GLASGOW is to produce the records or show cause why he should not. Date: 15 Nov 1780 Date of: Order County: Dobbs _____________________