CRAVEN COUNTY, NC - COURT - New Bern District Court Records Dobbs Co. and others, part15, 1795 ============================================================================ USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or for presentation by other persons or organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than stated above must obtain the written consent of the file contributor. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. This file was contributed for use in the North Carolina USGenWeb Archives by: Sue Guptill ============================================================================ New Bern District Court Records DSCR 206.326.4 Folder: State vs. Henry LOCKEY 1795 Information: Summons for Charles D. CRAWFORD, Robert HUDNELL, Hanah BENNETT to testify in case against Henry LOCKEY Date: 19 Mar 1794 Date of: Summons County: Beaufort Folder: State vs. Henry LOCKEY 1795 Information: Summons for Richard RESPESS to testify in case against Henry LOCKEY Date: Not given (Court to be held 19 Sept.) Date of: Summons County: Craven Folder: State vs. Henry LOCKEY 1795 Information: From Richard Dobbs SPAIGHT Govern, Captain and Commander in chief in and over the said State: "Whereas a certain Henry LOCKEY was tried and convicted of Manslaughter at the Superior Court held for the District of New Bern in September last, and whereas the Judge who set on on his trial has recommended him as a person deserving of clemancy, I do therefore Špardon, acquit & disscharge the said Henry LOCKEY from the sentence assessed by law to the crime of which he stands convicted" Date: 24 March 1795 Date of: Pardon County: Not given Folder: State vs. Latham 1795 Information: Order to Thomas ALDERSON Esquire, Justice of the Peace of the County of Beaufort in regard to the "certain proceeding," and inquisition of forcible entry, and detainer taken against Charles LATHAM and an award of restitution made against LATHAM in favor of Patrick MAHON. Ordered to send certified all records of the above proceeding to the Judge of the Superior Court for the district of New Bern. Date: 19 Mar 1795 Date of: Order County: Beaufort Folder: State vs. Latham 1795 Information: Order to the sheriff from Thomas ALDERSON regarding the house where Charles LATHAM now lives known as the Bryant MCMAHON plantation. On oath by Dennis CONCRY, Jno. BRADY, John BARROW, Robt. STEWART Moses WINDLY, Wyatt OSMOND Peter ELLIOTT Wm. J. MARTIN, Aaron WINDLY, Moses CUTER, Aaron CUTTER, Jno. WHITTY, it was found that LATHAM did hold the plantation with force. Sheriff ordered to enter it and return it to Patrick MCMAHON, the rightful owner. Date: 21 Feb 1795 Date of: Inquisition and order County: Beaufort Folder: State vs. Latham 1795 Information: Order [probably to sheriff, but not stated-sbg] to cause 24 good men of the county to come before Thomas ALDERSON at the plantation whereon Doctor MCMAHON formerly held and now Charles LATHAM lives to inquire upon the oaths related to the case. Date: 7 Feb 1795 Date of: Order County: Beaufort Folder: State vs. Latham 1795 Information: Inquisition held at the house where Charles LATHAM now lives and where Doct. McMAHON formerly lived. By oaths of Denis CONDRY John BRADY John BARROW Robert STEWARD Moses WINDLY Wyatt ORMAND Peter ELLIOTT Wm. T. MARTIN Aaron WINDLY Moses CUTTER Aaron CUTTER John WHITLEY who state that MCMAHON was lawfully living in his house called the Bryant MCMAHON decd. plantation. On Jany 1 1795 LATHAM entered with force and arms (clubs swords and pistols) and with force expelled MCMAHON. [Note: all signed this statement. Robert STEWART and Robert Thompson MARTIN signed with X]. Date: 21 Feb 1795 Date of: Inquisition County: Beaufort Folder: State vs. Latham 1795 Information: Order to Thomas ALDERSON and the sheriff from New Bern District Court to suspend all further action in the above case. Date: 19 Mar 1795 Date of: Order County: Beaufort Folder: State vs. Latham 1795 Information: Oath of Samuel WILLIS stating that in the year 1794 Charles LATHAM entered a tract of land on Bathtown Creek and obtained a warrant survey. He then sold the land to WILLIS. Up until the time of entry, the land was wholly vacant and not contained in any other patent. WILLIS states that he understands that the land had been supposed to be included in the Joel MARTIN patent, and some of it had been partly cleared and a dwelling house built upon it, and LATHAM had lived on the land more than 3 years. On the 21st of Feby some person wishing to disposses him of the land made a complaint and charged LATHAM with forcible entry. Thomas ALDERSON issued a warrant for a jury, and even though there was no evidence of force or violence, and LATHAM had been living in the house for 3 years, the jury "being ignorant of the laws in such cases, was persuaded to findŠthat the said Charles had forcibly entered said landsŠ." There was no other proceedings against him. LATHAM was put out of the land, but it is WILLIS¹s belief that MCMAHON should now be removed from the house. Date: 30 Mar 1795 Date of: Oath County: Beaufort Folder: 1795 Information: Summons for William WILLIAMS to appear and show cause why he should not forfeit his bond for failing to appear. [Note: there is another copy of this summons later in folder-sbg]. Date:19 Sept 1794 Date of: Summons County: Glasgow Folder: 1795 Information: Summons for John HOLIDAY to appear and show cause why he should not forfeit his bond for the failure of William WILLIAMS to appear. Date: 19 Sept 1794 Date of: Summons County: Glasgow Folder: 1795 Information: Order to sheriff to be made of the personal property of William WILLIAMS £50 plus costs of court for failing to appear in court. Sheriff had previously attempted sale of 2 Negro boys to meet this debt, but they were not sold for lack of bidders. Sheriff ordered to expose these 2 slaves to public sale to satisfy the fine against WILLIAMS. [2 copies of this in folder-sbg]. Date: 19 Sept 1794 Date of: Order County: Glasgow Folder: 1795 Information: Arrest warrant for William WILLIAMS and John PONSONBY. (Back: Not found.). Date: 19 Mar 1795 Date of: Warrant County: Glasgow Folder: 1795 Information: Summons for Joseph BRIDGES, Elizabeth STRICKLAND, Robert GURLEY, Britton PATTERSON, Nathan POWELL, and Ralph MASSEY to appear and testify against William WORLEY. Date: 19 Mar 1795 Date of: Summons County: Johnston Folder: 1795 Information: Arrest warrant for William WORLEY on charge of murder. Date: 19 Mar 1795 Date of: Warrant County: Johnston Folder: 1795 Information: Summons for Joseph BRIDGES, Elizabeth STRICKLAND, Robert GURLY, Britton PATTERSON, Nathan POWELL, and Ralph MASSEY to appear and testify against William WORLEY. Date: 19 Sept 1794 Date of: Summons County: Johnston Folder: 1795 Information: 1. Indictment of Benjamin BUCK, constable, who held an execution against William TAYLOR at the suit of John TAYLOR (4 Feb "last" , 1795). BUCK secretly and fraudulently levied and took a slave named Bob from John HADDOCK, and sold him at an "unreasonable" time and place (8:00 in the forenoon) and bid him off at £20, although he was worth £120. He did this without advertising the sale. 2. Arrest warrant for BUCK. 3. Summary of appearance record: BUCK appeared 4th Mon July 1795, pled not guilty, and entered an appearance bond with William EASTWOOD and Thomas TISON, to appear at Oct. 1795 term. John HADDOCK also paid an appearance bond. BUCK appeared in Oct., and was given a continuance until Jan 1796. He appeared in Jan., paid another bond with Shadrack PERRY & Abraham ADAMS, and case was continued until Apr. Case was again continued until July 1796. At that time, a jury consisting of George SUGG, Jacob TEEL, Benjamin EANS, George GREEN, Oliver SMITH, Pettit ALLEN, Daniel BALLARD, David SMITH, Emanuel TEEL, Underhill ELLIS, Tubman WOOLFORD, and Grove WRIGHT was impanelled but withdrew, and there was another continuance until Oct. In Oct., he obtained a continuance, and paid bond with Absalom DISON & William EASTWOOD. In Jan., he obtained another continuance, with William BUCK security on bond. In April, the indictment was quashed on motion of his attorney William KENNEDY. This was appealed by County Attorney, and the case was rescheduled for October. BUCK paid bond with Jolland JOHNSON and Arthur FORBES. HADDOCK also paid bond with Thomas ARMSTRONG & Willis WILSON. Anne WILKINSON also paid an appearance bond. Date: 4 Feb 1795 Date of: Event County: Pitt Folder: 1795 Information: Arrest warrant for Thomas SHAW on charge of passing counterfeit silver dollars. Date: 16 Sept 1795 Date of: Warrant County: Craven Folder: 1795 Information: Certification and oath by John SMITH, J.P. that he had committed Cormick HUGGINS to gaol on a charge of Grand Larceny, and that HUGGINS was tried for that crime in March 1794. Oath states that the documents were in the hands of Benj. WOODS, who had lost them. HIGGINS was gaoled on 25 Jan 1793. Date: 7 Nov 1795 Date of: Certification and oath County: Craven Folder: 1795 Information: [Note: several small documents are attached together-sbg]. 1. Claims by John CARTER, William CARTER, and Charles SAUNDERS for expenses incurred in testifying in trial of Thomas SHAW. 2. Certification by W. ARNETT, CSC, that John CARTER, William CARTER, and Charles SAUNDERS testified against Thomas SHAW, who was charged with counterfeiting. SHAW was found guilty, and sentenced to 3 months in prison, and that on the 2nd day of the next term of court that he stand in the pillory two hours, between 12 and four o¹clock and on the third day be carried out of town at the tail of a cart and at the end of 3 months pay jail fees and give security for his good behavior for 12 months. Date: Sept. 1795 Date of: Trial County: Not given Folder: 1795 Information: Order to the jaoler to hold Jonathan DAW, convicted of forging. (Order by Levi DAWSON, JP). Date: 27 June 1795 Date of: Order County: Not given Folder: 1795 Information: Verdict and sentencing against Thomas SHAW for counterfeiting: Verdict guilty; sentenced to 3 months in prison without Bail or Mainprize, 2nd day of next court term to stand in the Pillory 2 hours, between 12 & 4 o¹clock, on 3rd day be carried round the Town at the tail of a cart, and at the end of 3 months pay jail fee and give security for good behavior for next 12 months. Date: Sept term 1795 Date of: Verdict County: Not given Folder: 1795 Information: Summons for Theophilus PEARCE to appear and show cause why he shouldn¹t be fined for failing to appear as a juror. Date: 19 Mar 1795 Date of: Summons County: Johnston Folder: 1795 Information: To coroner: Summons for Joseph EVERETT, former sheriff, to appear and show cause why he should not be fined for failing to make his return in due time (the present term). [Note: this refers to the sheriff¹s accounting of fees and taxes collected-sbg]. Date: 19 Mar 1795 Date of: Summons County: Wayne Folder: 1795 Information: Arrest warrant for James HILL to appear and pay fine of 3 pounds, 18 shillings, 4 pence for a judgement against him. Date: 19 Mar 1795 Date of: Warrant County: Jones Folder: 1795 Information: Summons for James POLLOCK, Thisson CRUTHCHFIELD, wife of Rd.­Mitchell DOWNS, Richd MORRIS, Atkins BRAXTON, Thomas MORRIS, Susannah TAYLOR, wife of Philip to appear and testify against James HILL alias CRUTCHFIELD. Date: 19 Sept 1794 Date of: Summons County: Jones Folder: 1795 Information: Summons for Henry LAWSON to appear and show cause why he should not be fined for failing to appear as juror. Date: Sept term 1795 Date of: Summons County: Lenoir Folder: 1795 (folder 2) Information: Summons for James JASPER to appear and show cause why he should not be fined for failing to appear as a juror. Date: 19 Mar 1795 Date of: Summons County: Hyde Folder: 1795 (folder 2) Information: Summons for John C. PINDAR and Stephen COBB securities for Matthew TURNER to appear and show cause why they should not be fined for the failure of TURNER to appear. Date: 19 Mar 1795 Date of: Summons County: Wayne Folder: 1795 (folder 2) Information: Arrest warrant for John HENBY, indicted for assault. Date: 19 Mar 1795 Date of: Warrant County: Glasgow Folder: 1795 (folder 2) Information: Appearance bond by John HENBY with Benja. SHEPPARD & Zechariah HART, securities. (Assault charge). Date: 25 Sept 1795 Date of: Bond County: Craven Folder: 1795 (folder 2) Information: Indictment of Francis MEEKS, yeoman, for perjury in case against James MEARS and Joel MEARS. James and Joel MEARS were accused of killing a sheep which was the property of Jonas MEEKS. Francis MEEKS testified that the MEARS told him they killed the sheep which had a poplar leaf earmark on the right ear and a swallow fork earmark on the left ear. In fact the sheep killed did not have such marks. (On back: list of witnesses­James MEARS, Jesse MEARS, Joseph TAYLER, Abel DEALS, Jonathan MEARS). Date: 11 Nov 1795 Date of: Trial where perjury occurred County: Glasgow Folder: 1795 (folder 2) Information: Appearance bond for Francis MEEKS Junr. with James AVERY & Thomas DAIL to appear and answer charges against him. Date: 13 Oct 1795 Date of: Bond County: Not given Folder: 1795 (folder 2) Information: Arrest warrant for Francis MEEKS Junior. (Charge not stated). Date: 1 Oct 1795 Date of: Warrant County: Glasgow Folder: 1795 (folder 2) Information: Summons for William Johnson PATILLO and John PAYNE to appear and testify against Littlebury MAY Date: 19 Mar 1795 Date of: Summons County: Wake Folder: 1795 (folder 2) Information: Summons for William SNIPES and Howell GREGORY to appear and testify in the case against Littlebury MAY. Date: 19 Mar 1794 Date of: Summons County: Johnston Folder: 1795 (folder 2) Information: Summons for John KING and Rhoda ATKINS to appear and testify in the case against Littlebury [no last name-sbg]. Date: 19 Mar 1794 Date of: Summons County: Wake Folder: 1795 (folder 2) Information: Summons for William Johnson PATILLO and Needham SNIPES, John PAYNE to appear and testify in the case against Littlebury MAY. (Back­Execd. on Wm. SNIPES, PATILLO and PAINE not to be found). Date: 19 Mar 1795 Date of: Summons County: Johnston Folder: 1795 (folder 2) Information: Arrest warrant for Little Berry MAY of Johnston Co. issued by Wm. LANE, JP of Wake Co., based on complaint by John PAINE that MAY stopped him on the highway and robbed him of a mare (Nancy) and bridle, saddle, saddle bags, and hunting whip. Date: 13 Aug 1794 Date of: Event County: Wake/Johnston Folder: 1795 (folder 2) Information: Oath of John PAINE that William PATILLO is material witness on his behalf, and that the State cannot come safely to trial without his testimony. His absence is not due to the connivance or contrivance of PAINE. Date: Not given Date of: County: Not given Folder: 1795 (folder 2) Information: Oath of Littleberry MAY that he had had William SNIPES and Howell(?) GREGORY subpoenaed on his behalf, and that they are not present. They are material witnesses for him, and he cannot come safely to trial without them. Date: Not given Date of: County: Not given Folder: 1795 (folder 2) Information: 3 separate recognisances [bonds-sbg] for John PAINE , John SNIPES, and William PATILLO to appear and testify in case against Little Berry MAY. Date: Not given Date of: County: Not given Folder: 1795 (folder 2) Information: Indictment of Littlebury MAY for robbing and assault of John PAINE on the public highway in Johnston County. Date: 12 Aug 1794 Date of: Event County: Johnston Folder: 1795 (folder 2) Information: Arrest warrant for William B. FONVIELLE, Fred. LANE, & Horton HOWARD for neglect at overseeing a road. Date: 19 Sept 1795 Date of: Warrant County: Craven Folder: 1795 (folder 2) Information: Indictment of Roger ROBERTS for murder of Josiah GARLAND by holding GARLAND on the right side of the head and giving him one mortal blow 2 inches long and 3 inches deep with a stick. GARLAND instantly died. Date: 14 Aug 1795 [Note: the year in this case is written out (not numbers), and the last word clearly appears to be "five." Summons which follow, however, were issued in Mar 1795, which would be before the event. Since this indictment was issued at the Sept 1795 term of court, it is possible that the date should be 1794, and the document is in error-sbg]. Date of: Event County: Glasgow Folder: 1795 (folder 2) Information: Summons for Adam HEATH, Augustine, WARDEN, Jacob MIMSEY, Thomas TARBER to appear and testify against Roger ROBERTS. Date: 19 Mar 1795 Date of: Summons County: Glasgow Folder: 1795 (folder 2) Information: Arrest warrant for Roger ROBERTS for murder of Josiah GARLAND Date: 19 Mar 1795 Date of: Warrant County: Glasgow Folder: 1795 (folder 2) Information: Summons for Ruffin PRIDGEON, Kinchen GARLAND, Ethel SMITH, Henry BEST to appear and testify against Roger ROBERTS Date: 19 Mar 1795 Date of: Summons County: Glasgow Folder: 1795 (folder 2) Information: Depositions given to Thos. SMITH, JP of Beaufort Co. in arson trial of Shad. PRICE, Wm. DIXON jun., and Jas. DIXON: 1) Wm. DAW junr. says that he heard Shad: Price say that David SMITHWICK nor Edwd. WARREN should never live there (meaning in the neighborhood of Durham¹s Creek). 2) Robt. ROWE said that he heard Shad. PRICE say that there was two men at his house who said that if David SMITHWICK did not make haste back (he being gone at that time to Roanoke) his house should be in ashes and that said SMITHWICK, nor Ed. WARREN should not live there. 3) Thos. TUTEN saith that he heard Shad. PRICE say there was at his house two men the one a midling tall man and the other shorter­the tallest one said he would be D___d if SMITHWICK did not make haste from Roanoke his house should be in ashes before his return. Tuten made reply Œtil Will. DIXON junr. and his Brothers. PRICE made no ans. to the question but said it would be a happy turn if there was a junk of fire in it meaning the house that is since burnt. 4) Absalom TUTEN¹s oath the same as the last. 5) Wm. MOORE says that Shad. PRICE say that there was a person at his house say that he would be dam¹d if his house (meaning SMITHWICKS house) would be in ashes before his return from Roanoake the above conversation happen¹s since the house was burned. 6) Ed. WARREN says that Js. DIXON sen. said there was never above six nails found and them David SMITHWICK junr. picked up­but upon search being made there was seventeen nails found in a chest which Polly DIXON & Ephraim DIXON acknowledge that Ephraim DIXON, Jas. DIXON Sen. and James DIXON junr. each pick¹d up some of said nails after the house was burnt­and that there was a piece of iron found at Shad. PRICES that Ephraim DIXON said his brother Wm. DIXON pickd up as he was going to said PRICES and then left it. Date: Sept term 1795 Date of: Depositions County: Beaufort Folder: 1795 (folder 2) Information: 1) Deposition of Clark CARLILE who said that since the burning of David SMITHWICKS house he heard a conversation between SMITHWICK and James DIXSON who said if SMITHWICK would let himself and son Wm DIXSON out of the prosecution he would build him another house and make full satisfaction for the injury he had sustained. Beg¹d he would carry on the prosecution against Shade PRICE who he said was the ringleader of the mischief. 2) Deposition of John BENNETT who said previous to the burning down of David Smithwick House he lived in the house and was advised by James DIXSON to get a vacant house there was in the neighborhood and put his things in and he should see what a Route he would put the sunsabitches to. Date: 1) 28 July 1795 2)17 Sept 1795 Date of: Depositions County: Not given Folder: 1795 (folder 2) Information: Deposition of Benjamin DIXSON who saith concerning the burning of David SMITHWICK¹s house that he after the house was burnt was in company with Wm DAW who upon hearing that the house was burnt, said he had heard Shade PRICE say he would burn it whenever an opportunity offered and Ben DIXSON said if SMITHWICK would give him something he would tell the man that had done the offence upon which PRICE came to him and desired him to say nothing about the matter that his brother James DIXSON was equally concerned in the offence and that they had made an appointment once before but had been disappointed. In some conversation between Ben DIXSON and his brother James heard him say he expected to pay for SMITHWICK house meaning the house that was burnt. Date: 27 July 1795 Date of: Deposition County: Not given Folder: 1795 (folder 2) Information: Warrant for Groves SHARP to pay fine of £5.11.6 which was fined against him in an indictment. [2 copies of this in folder-sbg] Date: 19 Mar 1795 Date of: Warrant County: Johnston Folder: 1795 (folder 2) Information: Appearance bond for David SMITHWICK with Thos. RESPESS, bondsman to appear to prosecute a case against James DIXSON Senr., Wm. DIXSON Junr., and Shade PRICE. Date: 1 Aug 1795 Date of: Bond County: Beaufort Folder: 1795 (folder 2) Information: Appearance bonds for Ben DIXSON, John BENNET, and Clark CARLILE, planters to appear and testify in the trial against Shade PRICE, James DIXSON Sr. and Wm. DIXSON Jr. Date: 19 Sept 1795 Date of: Bond County: Beaufort Folder: 1795 (folder 2) Information: Indictment of Thomas SHAW of Edgecombe Co. for passing a coin made of base metal, counterfeited to appear to be a foreign silver dollar, to Jenny HAGBURN, wife of Ephraim HAGBURN. Date: 16 September 1795 Date of: Event County: Craven (event)/Edgecombe (residence of SHAW) Folder: 1795 (folder 2) Information: Order to notify Thomas STEPHENS that he has been fined for failing to appear as a juror. Date: 19 March 1795 Date of: Order County: Johnston Folder: 1795 (folder 2) Information: Notice to Benjamin SHEPPERD to appear and show cause why he should not forfeit his recognizance for the appearance of Thomas HENBY who failed to appear. [2 copies of this in folder-sbg]. Date: 19 Sept 1794 Date of: Notice County: Glasgow Folder: 1795 (folder 2) Information: Notice to William S. STEWART that he has been fined for failing to appear as a juror. Date: 19 Mar 1795 Date of: Notice County: Pitt Folder: 1795 (folder 2) Information: Notice to Samuel SPEIGHT, sheriff, to appear and show cause why he should not be fined for failing to appear in court. Date: September term 1795 Date of: Notice County: Glasgow Folder: 1795 (folder 2) Information: Warrant for Samuel SPEIGHT to pay fine £5.15.8 assessed against him in an indictment for which he was convicted. Date: 19 Mar 1795 Date of: Warrant County: Glasgow Folder: 1795 (folder 2) Information: Warrant for Jesse SPEIGHT to pay fine of £5.15.8 assessed against in an indictment for which he was convicted. (Back: "Lives at Raleigh.") Date: 19 Mar 1795 Date of: Warrant County: Glasgow Folder: 1795 (folder 2) Information: Warrant for Samuel SPEIGHT to pay fine of £5.15.8 assessed against him in an indictment for which he was convicted. (Includes attached note that says "prosn call¹d & not appearing defendt discharg¹d condition to pay costs.") Date: 19 Sept 1795 Date of: Warrant County: Glasgow Folder: 1795 (folder 2) Information: Warrant for William SPEIGHT to pay fine of £5.15.8 assessed against in an indictment for which he was convicted. Date: 19 Mar 1795 Date of: Warrant County: Glasgow Folder: 1795 (folder 2) Information: Small slip of paper summarizing fines and costs in case of State vs. Jonathan SPEIGHT and others Date: Not given Date of: County: Not given Folder: 1795 (folder 2) Information: Arrest warrant for William SPEIGHT, Samuel SPEIGHT, and Jesse SPEIGHT on charge of assaulting Joseph SPEIGHT Date: 20 Nov 1790 Date of: Warrant County: Dobbs Folder: 1795 (folder 2) Information: Summons for John COWART to appear and testify against Thomas HENBY and John HENBY. (Back: "Not to be found."). Date: 19 Mar 1795 Date of: Summons County: Glasgow Folder: 1795 (folder 2) Information: Summons for William BRITT, William MATTHEWS and Rebecca BRITT to appear and testify against Thomas HENBY, William WILLIAMS, and John C. PONSONBY. Date: 19 Mar 1795 Date of: Summons County: Glasgow Folder: 1795 (folder 2) Information: Summons for John MUSICK and Sarah MUSICK to appear and testify against Thomas HENBY. Date: 19 Mar 1795 Date of: Summons County: Nash, Lenoir, Glasgow Folder: 1795 (folder 2) Information: Summons for John MUSICK and Sarah MUSICK to appear and testify against John HENBY and Thomas HENBY. Date: 19 Mar 1795 Date of: Summons County: Glasgow Folder: 1795 (folder 2) Information: Appearance bond for Charles SANDERS, William CARTER, and John CARTER to give testimony in case against Thomas SHAW who is charged with knowingly passing a counterfeit silver dollar. Date: 16 Sept 1795 Date of: Bond County: Craven Folder: 1795 (folder 2) Information: Bond by Batson WHITEHURST and Benjamin GARNER for appearance of James DIXON and William DIXON Jr. to answer charge against them of burning the dwelling home of David SMITHWICK. Date: 8 Aug 1795 Date of: Bond County: Beaufort Folder: 1795 (folder 2) Information: Appearance bond for James DIXON Senr. and William DIXON Junr. to appear on a charge against them of burning the house of David SMITHWICK. Date: Aug 1795 Date of: Bond County: Beaufort Folder: 1795 (folder 2) Information: Order to notify Benjamin DAVIS of a fine against him for failing to appear as a juror. Date: 19 Mar 1795 Date of: Order County: Hyde Folder: 1795 (folder 2) Information: Indictment of William DAVIS, constable. Jonathan DAVIS was charged by Jonathan PARKER and Joseph WEST with making a false oath, and an arrest warrant was given to William DAVIS, yeoman and constable to bring Jonathan DAVIS to gaol. William DAVIS was indicted for willingly allowing Jonathan DAVIS to escape and go at large. Date: 27 June 1795 Date of: Event County: Craven Folder: 1795 (folder 2) Information: Order to notify Spencer CALDWELL that he will be fined for failing to appear as a juror. Date: 19 Mar 1795 Date of: Order County: Glasgow Folder: 1795 (folder 2) Information: Order to notify Benjamin BARNEY that he will be fined for failing to appear as a juror. Date: 19 Mar 1795 Date of: Order County: Hyde Folder: 1795 (folder 2) Information: Appearance bond for Roger ROBERTS with John HOLLIDAY and Graves BRIGHT, bondsmen to appear on a charge against him in the death of Josiah GARLAND. Date: 12 Aug 1795? (stained) Date of: Bond County: Glasgow Folder: 1795 (folder 2) Information: [Folded together with above document-sbg]: Deposition of Ruffin PRIDGEN who says that during an outrageous rout & affray he was standing some distance off (not more than 20 yards) where Josiah GARLAND and Willis DIXON were fighting and that he saw Josiah receive a blow on his head given with a stick which things was done by Roger ROBERTS and there were several other people standing around, but he doesn¹t recollect who they were, nor does he remember what ROBERTS was wearing, nor does he know where he got the weapon which struck the blow. Date: 14 Aug 1795 Date of: Event County: Glasgow Folder: 1795 (folder 2) Information: [Folded together with previous 2 documents-sbg]: Appearance bond for Ruffin PRIDGEN with B? Shepperd, bondsmen, to appear and testify against Roger ROBERTS in the death of Josiah GARLAND. Date: 15 Aug 1795 Date of: Bond County: Glasgow Folder: 1795 (folder 2) Information: [Folded with previous 3 documents-sbg]: Coroners inquest into death of Josiah GARNER. Coroner jury consisting of Benj. SHEPPARD, cor. Adam HEATH, Hugh? HARPER, ? SMITH, Lewis DAVIS, Thomas PRIGEN, Samuel WADE, John TINDOL, Benjamin HARRELL, Blanea HARPER, G. BRIGHT, Isaiah M. MUSE, Ruffin PRIGEN find that Roger ROBERTS, using a stick, struck Josiah one mortal wound on the left side of his head of the breadth of two inches. Date: 15 Aug 1795 Date of: Inquest County: Glasgow