CRAVEN COUNTY, NC - COURT - New Bern District Court Records Dobbs Co. and others, part25, 1805 ----¤¤¤---- New Bern District Court Records DSCR 206.326.5 Folder: 1805 Information: State vs. Aligood WOOLARD & others. Witness charge by Thomas PILLEY. Includes 107 miles travel. Refers to January term, 1805 Date: 25 Jany 1805 Date of: Charge made County: Not given Folder: 1805 Information: State vs. Aligood WOOLARD & others. Witness charge by William PILLEY. Includes 107 miles travel. Refers to July term, 1804 Date: 25 Jany 1805 Date of: Charge made County: Not given Folder: 1805 Information: State vs. Aligood WOOLARD & others. Witness charge by William PILLEY. Includes 107 miles travel. Refers to January term, 1805 Date: 25 Jany 1805 Date of: Charge made County: Not given Folder: 1805 Information: State vs. Aligood WOOLARD & others. Witness charge by Major HAWKINS. Includes 107 miles travel. Refers to January term, 1805 Date: 25 Jany 1805 Date of: Charge made County: Not given Folder: 1805 Information: Appearance bond for Alligood WOOLARD, Jasper WOOLARD, Winfield WATERS, Henry SMAW, and Olderson ELLISON to appear and answer charges against them for a riott. Date: 28 December 1802 Date of: Bond County: Beaufort Folder: 1805 Information: Arrest warrant for Alligood WOOLARD, Jasper WOOLARD, & Winfield WATERS to appear and answer a charge of riot. Date: 29 Jul 180_ Date of: Warrant County: Beaufort Folder: 1805 Information: Summons for Alligood WOLLARD, Jasper WOLLARD, and Winfield WATERS, with their bondsmen Henry SMAW and Alderson ELLISON to appear to forfeit bond for failing to appear in court. (Back: SMAW and Alligood WOLLARD not found). Date: 15 Jan 1805 Date of: Summons County: Beaufort Folder: 1805 Information: Calculation of cost of court in State vs. Aligood WOOLARD, Jasper WOOLARD, Winfield WATERS Date: Not given Date of: County: Not given Folder: 1805 Information: Indictment of Alligood WOOLLARD, Jasper WOOLLARD, & Winfield WATTERS for riotously assembling and beating William PILLY. Date: 8 Jan 1804/July term 1804 Date of: Event/Indictment County: Beaufort Folder: 1805 Information: Indictment of Lewis WILSON for assault with intent to kill Henry POWELL, using a penknife. Date: 4 Sept 1804/Jan term 1805 Date of: Event/Indictment County: Johnston Folder: 1805 Information: State vs. Jesse JOLLY & Sampson ODOM. Witness charge by William NEWMAN. Includes 72 mi. travel. Refers to Jan term, 1805 Date: 25 Jan 1806 Date of: Charge made County: Not given Folder: 1805 Information: State vs. Jesse JOLLY & Sampson ODOM. Witness charge by William NEWMAN. Includes 72 mi. travel. Refers to July term, 1805 Date: 25 Jan 1806 Date of: Charge made County: Not given Folder: 1805 Information: State vs. Jesse JOLLY & Sampson ODOM. Witness charge by William NEWMAN. Includes 72 mi. travel. Refers to Jan term, 1806 Date: 25 Jan 1806 Date of: Charge made County: Not given Folder: 1805 Information: Calculation of court costs in case State vs. Jesse JOLLY & Sampson ODOM. Date: Not given Date of: County: Not given Folder: 1805 Information: Summons for Thomas STAFFORD to appear and testify against Jesse JOLLY & Sampson ODOM. Date: 15 Jul 1805 Date of: Summons County: Beaufort Folder: 1805 Information: Summons for Thomas STAFFORD to appear and testify against Jesse JOLLY & Sampson ODOM. Date: 15 Jan 1805 Date of: Summons County: Beaufort Folder: 1805 Information: Summons for Alexander LATHAM to appear and testify on behalf of Jesse JOLLY & others Date: 10 Jan 1805 Date of: Summons County: Beaufort Folder: 1805 Information: Arrest warrant for Sampson ODOM for burning the jail of Beaufort Co. Date: 1 Dec 1805 Date of: Warrant County: Beaufort Folder: 1805 Information: Indictment of Jesse JOLLY, laborer and Sampson ODOM, laborer for setting fire to and burning the jail of Beaufort Co. Date: 10 PM, 4 Jan 1805./Jan. term, 1805 Date of: Event/Indictment County: Beaufort Folder: 1805 Information: Order to arrest Jesse JOLLY, Jas. OWDEN, & Sampson OWDEN based on oath by Jas. HOYT that they have behaved in a disorderly manner in the house of Lew JOHN and also in the street. Date: 4 Jan 1805. Date of: Order County: Beaufort Folder: 1805 Information: Indictment of Jesse JOLLY, card player, James ODOM, laborer, & Sampson ODOM for riotously assembling and beating Lewe JOHN. (Back: James HOYT, witness and pros., Wm. LANIER, Matthew DELANY, witnesses. Micajah PIGOTT, foreman). Date: 4 Jan 1805/Jan. term 1805 Date of: Event/Indictment County: Beaufort Folder: 1805 Information: Indictment of John MASTIN [?MARTIN-sbg] for selling spirituous liquors by the small measure to the good citizens of the county, and that he has done so on other occasions. (Back: John RIGGS, prosecutor). Date: 15 Apr 1805/Dec term 1805 Date of: Event/Indictment County: Craven Folder: 1805 Information: Summons for Charles WILLIAMS to appear and testify against Thomas HALL on a charge of perjury. Date: 16 Jul 1805 Date of: Summons County: Craven Folder: 1805 Information: Summons for William GATLIN & John MARCHMONT to appear and testify against Thomas HALL. Date: 16 Jul 1805 Date of: Summons County: Craven Folder: 1805 Information: Top front: ³No goods nor lands belonging to the Defendents to found. William GATLIN, Constable.² Bottom front: ³Levy this precept on the body of the Defendant & him keep in the jail of New Bern untill the within Judgment and all costs are paid or him discharged by law.² Back: ³Received 13 pounds and 13 shillings as principal & costs on the with judgement of Mr. Nathan DAW. Stephen FOWLER.² Date: 10 Jan 1805/6 Jul 1805 Date of: Front/back County: Craven Folder: 1805 Information: Summons for Thomas HALL to appear and answer a charge of debt by Stephen FOWLER. Written on side: ³You are hereby commanded to Execute as much of the Defendant & Security Goods & Chattels Lands and tenements as will Satisfy the judgement & cost.² (Back: ³Prays stay of execution and gives Thomas HALL as security.²). Date: 28 Jun 1804/3 Feb 1805 Date of: Summons/Order written along the side. County: Craven Folder: 1805 Information: Indictment of Thomas HALL, planter, for perjury. HALL was confined in prison due to judgement against him in a suit for debt brought by Stephen FOWLER. HALL swore on oath in the county court that he did not have the value of the amount of the judgement. Since HALL was later found to have this amount available to him, his oath was an attempt to defraud FOWLER of money rightly owed him. (Back: list of witnesses: John SEARS, John LATHAM, Wm. GATLIN, John MARCHMONT, Charles WILLIAMS. Spyers SINGLETON, foreman) Date: 17 Apr 1805/July term 1805 Date of: Event (oath in court)/Indictment County: Craven Folder: 1805 Information: List of articles sold of Thos. HALL¹s Date: 31 May 1805 Date of: Sale County: Not given Folder: 1805 Information: Another copy of the indictment above of Thomas HALL. Date: Same as above Date of: Same as above County: Craven Folder: 1805 Information: 1) Appearance bond for Stephen FOWLER with William TRIPPE & William LOCKERT bondsmen to appear and testify against Thomas HALL, charged with perjury. 2) Appearance bond for John MARCHMONT with Stephen FOWLER & William GATLIN bondsmen to appear and testify against Thomas HALL on a charge of perjury. Date: 15 June 1805 Date of: Bonds County: Craven Folder: 1805 Information: Arrest warrant for Jacob COOK to appear and answer a charge of trespass brought by William PUNNETT. Date: 19 June 1805 Date of: Warrant County: Craven Folder: 1805 Information: State vs. Ezekiel SLOCUMB: Witness charge by Ludowick ALFORD. Includes 140 miles travel. Refers to July term, 1805 Date: 20 July 1806 Date of: Charge made County: Not given Folder: 1805 Information: Indictment of Ezekiel SLOCUMB for assault on Ludowick ALFORD. [From Wayne Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions-sbg] Date: 13 Nov 29th year of independence (1804)/Feb term 1805 Date of: Event/Indictment County: Wayne Folder: 1805 Information: [Attached to above]: 1) From Wayne County Court: Chart showing case outcome­Indt. A & B [Assault & Battery-sbg], ³A True Bill,² ³Defendant comes into Court and is fined Six pence & Costs.² 2) Statement that defendant was granted appeal. Appearance bond paid by ³prosecutor² [ALFORD-sbg] and by SLOCUMB with bondsmen John GARLAND and Jacob BOYD. 3) Calculation of court costs in case by James SASSER, Clerk of Wayne Co. Court. Date: February term, 1805 Date of: Appeal, bonds, and calculation of costs. County: Wayne Folder: 1805 Information: Arrest warrant for Thomas SPENCER on a charge of trespass brought by Benjamin FOREMAN. Date: 27 Feb 1805 Date of: Warrant County: Hyde Folder: 1805 Information: Indictment of Samuel STREET, laborer, for perjury by swearing that he appeared as a witness in a case brought by William Martin HERRITAGE on behalf of Furnifold G. HERRITAGE, infant. STREET charged HERRITAGE with witness fees for his appearance, but in fact he was not summoned in the case and did not appear. Date: July term 1802/January term 1805 Date of: Term STREET claimed to appear in/Indictment County: Craven Folder: 1805 Information: [Folded together with above-sbg]: State vs. Samuel STREET: \ Witness charge by George LANE. Includes 50 miles travel. Refers to September term, 1804. Date: Dec. term 1804 Date of: Charge made County: Not given Folder: 1805 Information: [Folded in with above documents-sbg]: State vs. Samuel STREET: Witness Charge by Spyers HEATH. Includes 50 miles travel. Refers to September term, 1804. Date: 13 Dec 1804 Date of: Charge made. County: Not given Folder: 1805 Information: Order to Daniel WEST, constable, to summon Samuel LAMBETH and to appear himself to testify on behalf of Samuel STREET in a case in which Spires HEATH has charged STREET with striking and abusing him. Date: 8 Sept 1804 Date of: Order County: Not given Folder: 1805 Information: [Folded together with above documents-sbg]: Order to Daniel WEST, constable, to summon John SMITH Samuel LAMBETH to appear and testify on behalf of Samuel STREET. Date: 8 September 1804 Date of: Order County: Not given Folder: 1805 Information: [Folded together with above documents-sbg]: Arrest warrant for Samuel STREET on a charge of beating Spires HEATH with a club at his own plantation. Back: Appearance bond for Samuel STREET with Mallichi RUSSEL, bondsman. Date: 25 June 1804 Date of: Event, warrant, and bond County: Craven Folder: 1805 Information: [Folded together with above documents-sbg]: Order to ³gailor² to accept body of Samuel STREET charged with beating and ³wooning² Spires HEATH. Date: 25 June 1804 Date of: Order County: Craven Folder: 1805 Information: [Folded together with above documents-sbg]: Order by George LANE, justice, that based on oath of Spires HEATH that he is afraid that Samuel STREET will do him some injury, that STREET be summoned to pay an appearance bond for his attendance at the next session of court, and in the meantime to keep the peace toward the good people of the state, especially HEATH. If STREET refuses to appear, he is to be kept in the gaol. Back: Appearance bond by Samuel STREET with Mallichi RUSSELL to attend the next session of court and meanwhile keep the peace, especially toward Spires HEATH. [Note: this bond is in addition to the one in the previous document-sbg]. Date: 25 June 1804 Date of: Order and bond County: Craven Folder: 1805 Information: Appearance bond by Thomas SPENCER with bondsman Samuel GIBBSON to appear and answer a charge of trespass with force brought by Benjamin FOREMAN. Witness: John [X] SADLER Sen Date: 22 March 1805 Date of: Bond County: Hyde Folder: 1805 Information: Summons for Isaac SASSER and Thomas TURNER to appear and testify against John ROACH. Date: 25 July 1805 Date of: Summons County: Craven Folder: 1805 Information: Summons for Sarah BLINN to appear and testify against John ROACH Date: 26 Jul 1804 Date of: Summons County: Craven Folder: 1805 Information: Indictment of John ROACH, labourer, for passing a counterfeit Spanish milled dollar to Isaac TAYLOR. Date: _____ ______ 1803/January term, 1804 Date of: Event/Indictment County: Craven Folder: 1805 Information: Appearance bond for John ROACH with Charles ROACH and Edmond HATCH, bondsmen, to appear and answer charge against him. Date: 20 Jul 1806 Date of: Bond County: Craven Folder: 1805 Information: Summons for Joseph WIGGINS and Sarah BLINN to appear and testify against John ROACH. Date: 25 Jul 1804 Date of: Summons County: Craven Folder: 1805 Information: Summons for John LATHAM and John HYNES to appear and testify against John ROACH. Date: Not given Date of: County: Craven Folder: 1805 Information: Summons for Joseph WIGGINS to appear and testify against John ROACH. Date: 15 Jan 1805 Date of: Summons County: Craven Folder: 1805 Information: Summons ³immediately² for Lucas F BENNERS, Esq. to appear and testify on behalf of John ROACH. Date: 25 Jan 1805 Date of: Summons County: Craven Folder: 1805 Information: Summons for William GATLIN and William GEORGE to appear and testify against John ROACH. Date: _____ _____ 1805 Date of: Summons County: Craven Folder: 1805 Information: Indictment of Nathaniel NELSON, George NELSON, William MORRIS, St. Clair LANCASTER, Nancy LANCASTER, and Lavinah WARREN for riotously assembling and assaulting an infant child named Mary NELSON, in the care and possession of Elizabeth EDWARDS and unlawfully removing and carrying away the child. Date: 5 May 1805/July term 1805 Date of: Event/Indictment County: Craven Folder: 1805 Information: Arrest warrant for Nathaniel NELSON, George NELSON, William MORRIS, St Clair LANCASTER, Nancy LANCASTER, and Lavinia WARREN for a riot. Date: 1 Dec 1805 Date of: Warrant County: Craven Folder: 1805 Information: Arrest warrant for Henry CHERRY on a charge of perjury Date: 1 Dec 1805 Date of: Warrant County: Beaufort Folder: 1805 Information: Summons for Penny MEDLIN & Markus CARY to appear and testify against Henry CHERRY. Date: 15 Jul 1805 Date of: Summons County: Martin Folder: 1805 Information: Summons for Martin CAREY, James LEE, Thomas WOOLARD, Nancy WOOLARD, & William WOOLARD to appear and testify against Henry CHERRY. Date: 15 Jul 1805 Date of: Summons County: Beaufort Folder: 1805 Information: State vs. Henry CHERRY: Oath by Samuel WOOLARD, prosecutor of this case, that William WOOLARD is a material witness of the case. W. WOOLARD was summoned and came part of the way to court, but was taken sick. He obtained a seat with W. ?HANNAHAN who was returning. The state cannot come to tryal without his testimony. Date: Not given Date of: County: Not given Folder: 1805 Information: Summons for Wallis HANNAHAN, George LANGLEY, and James LEE to appear and testify against Henry CHERRY. Date: 15 Jan 1805 Date of: Summons County: Beaufort Folder: 1805 Information: Summons for Jesse GRIFFIN to appear and testify against Henry CHERRY. Date: 15 July 1805 Date of: Summons County: Pitt Folder: 1805 Information: Indictment of Henry CHERRY, planter, for perjury. Indictment states that CHERRY was a prisoner on a charge of debt brought by Nancy WOOLLARD, and that he took the oath of an insolvent debtor to allow his release from jail and from the debt. In his oath he stated that he did not have assets above 40 pounds, not including his wearing apparel, working tools, and arms for muster. In fact, he had debts owed to him of greater than 40 pounds (for example, James LEE owed him 20 pounds), which could have been applied to his debt to WOOLLARD and others. Date: 31 Mar 1803/January term 1805 Date of: Event (oath of insolvent debtor)/Indictment County: Beaufort Folder: 1805 Information: Summons for Isaac BURK, James CRUMER, Matthew NELSON, Jesse SHINN, James JONES, William TETTERTON, and John BRUCE to appear and testify on behalf of Stephen BENNETT Date: ___ Jan 1805 Date of: Summons County: Beaufort Folder: 1805 Information: Appearance bond for Stephen BENNET, labourer, by John C. BRYAN, Benjamin WOODS, and William BLACKLEDGE, bondsman to appear and answer a charge of felonious homicide of Jacob TAYLOR. Date: 19 ____ 1805 Date of: Bond County: Beaufort Folder: 1805 Information: Indictment of Stephen BENNETT, labourer, for killing Jacob TAYLOR in the back of the head with an ax, resulting in a wound of 3 inches breadth and 2 inches depth, of which wound TAYLOR instantly died. Back: Witnesses were Israel HARDING, Saml. TAYLOR, Thomas RICHARDS Date: 2 Feb 1805/July term 1805 Date of: Event/Indictment County: Beaufort Folder: 1805 Information: Order to levy 75 pounds, 7 shillings, and ten pence against Sherrod BARROW. This sum was adjudged and taxed for the costs of a suit brought by Burwell MORING against John STANTON & others; BARROW was partially responsible for the costs of rendering judgement. Order is to auction a mare belonging to BARROW. (This was attempted previously, but there were no bidders). Date: 15 Jul 1804 Date of: Order County: Greene Folder: 1805 Information: Summons for Clarissa DAVIS Ann DAVIS the daughter of Thos.(?) DAVIS and Redman PAUL to appear and testify against Jno. F. ASPRAY. Date: 27 Jan 1805 Date of: Summons County: Hyde Folder: 1805 Information: Summons for Gray JURKINS, Benjn BRADY, Thos. ELLISON, & Thos. BOWEN to appear and testify on behalf of Samson ADAM. Date: 15 Jany 1805 Date of: Summons County: Beaufort Folder: 1805 Information: Nathan FISH vs. John & William FISH: Witness charge by Joseph ALLEN. Includes 66 miles travel. Refers to July term, 1804. Date: 26 Jany 1805 Date of: Charge made County: Not given Folder: 1805 Information: Nathan FISH vs. John & William FISH: Witness charge by Joseph ALLEN. Includes 66 miles travel. Refers to January term, 1805. Date: 26 Jany 1805 Date of: Charge made County: Not given Folder: 1805 Information: Appearance bond for Wherrot RICHARDS to appear and testify on behalf of the state concerning the death of Jacob TAYLOR. Date: 3 Feb 1804 Date of: Bond County: Beaufort Folder: 1805 Information: Summons for John TILGHMAN to appear and testify on behalf of John STEPHENS. Date: 15 Jan 1805 Date of: Summons County: Lenoir Folder: 1805 Information: Summons for William FALKNER, George DARNEL, Francis POTTS, and William LOFTIN to appear and testify on behalf of John STEVENS. Date: 15 Jul 1805 Date of: Summons County: Lenoir Folder: 1805 Information: Summons for Daniel WEST to appear ³immediately² and testify against John STEPHENS. Date: 24 Jany 1805 Date of: Summons County: Craven Folder: 1805 Information: Summons for William CROOM, Francis CASWELL, and Charles SPENCE to appear and testify on behalf of John STEVENS Date: 15 Jul 1805 Date of: Summons County: Lenoir Folder: 1805 Information: Arrest warrant for John STEPHENS on a charge of ³maim² Date: Not given Date of: County: Lenoir Folder: 1805 Information: Appearance bond for John STEVENS with John WASHINGTON, Ambose JONES, John COX, and Jno. GATLIN, bondsmen, to appear and answer an indictment against him. Date: 4 Jul 1805 Date of: Bond County: Lenoir Folder: 1805 Information: Indictment of John STEPHENS, labourer, for striking Joseph KING with his right fist and putting out KING¹s left eye; the indictment says he did this with the intention of maiming KING. Date: 10 Feb 1804/January term 1805 Date of: Event/Indictment County: Lenoir Folder: 1805 Information: Slip of paper: ³James MCKINLAY vs. Lemuel HOLMES: Jno. & B. CAIL say that they gave Lemuel HOLMES a Note of hand sometime past for one hundred and twenty two dollars & 25/100 which said note is due them to the holder.² Date: 22 Jan 1805 Date of: Note sworn to County: Not given Folder: 1805 Information: ³Answer to J. MCKINLAYS Attachment: I have in my hands [? looks like Brig Christian Tackle & Appanl-sbg] of which Lemuel HOLMES is joint owner. One scow­L. HOLMS own property. Owing to Lemuel HOLMS by J & B VAIL debt Ellias GASKIN­­ John BROWNS Estate. s/Edwd BLACK² Date: Jan term 1809 Date of: Note sworn to County: Not given Folder: 1805 Information: ³James MCKINLAY vs. Leml. HOLMS: I have no property in my hands belonging to Leml. HOLMES, except a note put into my hand by Mrs.HOLMES since he went to New York, to collect of John & Benners VAIL for $1222.21cts,. I heard Mr. HOLMES say that John BROWN Decd. died in his debt but to what amount I don¹t know. s/F. LOWTRORP.² Date: 18 Jan 1805 Date of: Note sworn to County: Not given Folder: 1805 Information: Oath by James MCKINLAY that Lemuel HOLMES, who owes him 724 pounds, 1 shilling, has removed himself from the county, so that ordinary process of law cannot be served on him. Appearance bond by MCKINLAY to appear to prosecute his suit against HOLMES. Date: 12 Dec 1804 Date of: Oath and bond County: Not given Folder: 1805 Information: Arrest warrant for Thomas SEABROOK to the coroner, on a plea that SEABROOK render to the state 50 pounds which he owes and unjustly detains. [Note: the fact that this warrant was addressed to the coroner rather than the sheriff indicates that SEABROOK probably was the sheriff-sbg]. Date: 29 Jan 1805 Date of: Warrant County: Hyde ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright. All rights reserved. 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