Craven County, NC – COURT - STRINGER – EJECTMENT ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Source: New Bern District Superior Court. Ejectments, 1798-1802. D.S.C.R.206.403.3 (Stamped in a circle in the corner of the first page of this document is: ONE HALF PENNY) Arthur Jacob Macan Esqr. Sovereign and Portrieve of the Ancient City and Borough of Armagh in the Kingdom of Ireland To the Judges for the Superior Court of Law And Equity in the District of Newburne North Carolina in the United States of America, That in Pursuance of the order of your Court Made and done at Newberne the Nineteenth day of March in the year of our Lord one Thousand Seven Hundred and Ninety five and hereunto Annexed And in like Manner in Pursuance of My Authority as Sovereign and Portrieve of the Borough of Armagh I have this day Proceeded on the Examination of Mary Russell widow aged Sixty years and upwards and John McFadden Gentleman Farmer aged Seventy years and upwards both of the City and Vicinity of Armagh & in said order Named of and Concerning the right Birth and Kindred of Francis Stringer Now of our Said City of Armagh Esqr. one of the Partys Named in a Certain Cause depending before you in your Court for Judgment Who upon their Several and respective oath by them Made and Taken on the holy Evangelists Jointly and Severally Say ~~~~~~~~ They Knew and was well acquainted with Ralph Stringer Long Since of the City of Armagh aforesaid who afterwards Lived and resided at or Near Newburne in North Carolina aforesaid who as Deponts believe is Long Since Deceased. That Thomas Stringer of the City of Armagh now also Deceased was his Natural and Lawfull Son and Legal Representative (William his Brother having died without any Lawful Issue). That Francis Stringer Esqr the Party in Said Cause is Now the only Son, heir at Law and Legal representative of his father the said Thomas Stringer~~~~~~~Thomas William and Ralph his Brothers being all Dead Intestate and without any Issue Lawfully begotten wherefore these Deponts Say from their Long Knowledg of the family of the said Francis Stringer there is No Issue Male Living and Lawfully Begotten of his family in these Kingdoms in anywise Entitled to the Property in Question Save and Except the Said Francis to the Knowledge hearsay or belief of these Deponents. Mary Russell John Macan Sworn before me at Armagh in the County of Armagh aforesaid the Second Day of May 1796 and I Know the Deponts to be persons of Veracity Credibility and Truth in Testimony whereof I have Hereunto Set my hand and affixed the Seal of My Said Borough A J Macan Signed & Acknowledged and Sworn in the Presence of us James Wilson } James Wilson W Kean District, of Newbern To Arthur Jacob Macan - Esquire, Greetings KNOW YE, That We, in confidence of your prudence and fidelity have appointed you, and by these presents do give unto you full power and authority, in pursuance of an order of our Superior Court of Law for the District aforesaid, made in a cause wherein Doe on the demise of Fras. Stringer is Plaintiff against Thomas Philips Defendent, at such time and place as you shall think fit; to take upon the holy Evangelist of Almighty God, the deposition of John McFadden & Mary Russell touching and concerning what they may know in and about the said controversy: And that you take such deposition in writing, and return the same, closed up under your hand and seals, to our court, to be held for the District aforesaid, on the nineteenth day of September next, at the Court-House in Newbern together with this writ, WITNESS Silas Cooke Clerk of the said Court, at Newbern the 19th day of March A. D. 1795. Silas Cooke Original spelling retained. __________________________________________________________________ Copyright. All rights reserved. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Grace Williamson Turner ___________________________________________________________________