Craven County, NC - Nancy M. Adams to Thomas L. White ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Nancy M. Adams to Thomas L. White Craven County, NC. Deed Book 81, Pg. 32 This Indenture made on the twenty eight day of April, A.D. 1875, between Nancy M. Adams of the first part and Thomas L. White of the second part, all of Craven County, North Carolina. Witnesseth that the said party if the first part in consideration of the natural love and affection she has for her son, the said party of the second part, hath granted, bargained and conveyed and by this indenture doth give and convey unto the said Thomas L. White his heirs and assigns a certain tract of land in Craven County on the North side of Neuse river, Bounded as follows; Beginning at a small water oak on the N. bank of the river and runs N. 45 E. to the line between the Dudley and White land and runs along said line to the corner, thence along Dudley + Whites line reversed to the river then up the river to the beginning containing two hundred acres more or less. To have and to hold the above described premises with all the improvements, privileges and appurtenances thereto belonging unto the said Thomas L. White his heirs and assigns in fee simple forever. In testimony whereof the said party of the first part hath hereto affixed her hand and seal the day and date above. Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of Stephen A. Hill, C. R. Brewer Nancy M. Adams.(Seal) State of North Carolina, Craven County Office the Superior Court Clerk New Berne, N.C. Mar. 20th, 1879. Then was the due and legal execution of the annexed Deed proven before me, by the oath and examination of C.R. Brewer, a subscribing witness thereto . Let said Deed with this certificate be registered. Witness my hand and official seal S.W. Chadwick, Clerk Presented Mor. 20th, 1879. Recorded Mar. 20th, 1879. FHL film #288210 Transcribed by Marian Ryall, October 28, 2004. ___________________________________________________________________ Copyright. All rights reserved. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Marian Ryall - ___________________________________________________________________