Craven County, NC - Philip Ambrose to Richard Cogdell, 1765 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Craven County Register of Deeds This Indenture made the sixth day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and sixty five between Philip Ambrose of New Bern in the County of Craven and in the Province of North Carolina Merchant of the one part and Richard Cogdell of the same Town and County Esq'r of the other part witnesseth that the said Philip Ambrose for and in consideration of the sum of four pounds five shillings Proc Money to him in hand paid by the said Rich'd Cogdell at and before the sealing and delivery of these presents the receipt whereof he the said Philip Ambrose doth hereby acknowledge and thereof and of every part thereof exonerate acquit and discharge the said Richard Cogdell his executors bargained sold aliened enfeoffed assigned set over conveyed and confirmed and by these presents doth grant bargain sell enfeoff assign let over convey and confirm unto the said Richard Cogdell his heirs and assigns all that and these a certain lott of ground situate lying and being in the town of NewBern in the County of Craven and Province of North Carolina in the corner of Jones Street otherwise or formerly called St. Johns Street and Front Street and runs west two degrees north six poles and one half along front street thence north two degrees east thirteen poles and one half to Jones Street otherwise St. Johns Street thence down the said street to the first station singular with the front of said lott containing half an acre of land be the same more or less and known in the plan of the said town by the No. (43) forty three and all houses edifices buildings and improvements made and erected thereon and all the rights members appurtenances and appurtenances to the same belonging or any wise appertaining and the reversion and reversions remainder and remainders ___sipences and proffitts of the said premises and every part and parcell thereof and all the right title enterest property clame and demand either in law or equity of them the said Philip Ambrose of in or to the same together with all deeds evidences and writings now in his power or custody enriching or any ways concerning the said lott of ground TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said lott of ground together with the fronts of the said lott and all and singular the appurtenances thereunto belonging to him the said Richard Cogdell his heirs and assigns to the only proper use benefit and behoof of him the said Richard Cogdell his heirs and assigns forever and the said Philip Amborse doth for himself his heirs and assigns covenant and grant to and into the said Richard Cogdell his heirs and assigns that he the said Richard Cogdell his heirs and assigns shall and may from time to time and at all times forever hereafter peaceably and quietly have hold occupy possess and enjoy the said lott of ground and premise hereby granted with the appurtenances without lett seed trouble hindrance or molestation of him the said Philip Ambrose his heirs or assigns as of or from any other person or persons claiming by from or under him them or any of them IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have to these presents interchangeably set their hands and seals the day and year first before written Signed Sealed and Delivered } Phil Ambrose {Seal} in the presence of } Alex'r Gaston } I do hereby acknowledge to have } Rich'd Fenner } received from the above named } Richard Cogdell the sum of four pounds his shillings Proc Money } being the consideration money in the foregoing deed mentioned } as Witness my hand this sixth day of June 1765 } Phil Ambrose ___________________________________________________________________ Copyright. All rights reserved. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Guy Potts ___________________________________________________________________